I wanna join the Black Police Officers association, but I'm not black nor am I a policeman, are my human rights being infringed?
I wanna join the Muslim Council of England, but I'm not a Muslim, are my human rights being infringed?
I wanna join the Womens Institute, but I'm not female, are my human rights being infringed?
I wanna join a youth club, but I'm not a youth, are my human rights being infringed?
I wanna be financially bailed out, but I'm not a bank nor am I a foreign owned business, are my human rights being infringed.
I wanna talk directly to my Prime Minister, but its not an election issue, nor is an election due, are my human rights being infringed?
Political Correctness, the most stupid of expressions, designed by people who had good intentions, but abused by the morons who can use it to make a fast buck.
Human Rights, designed by people with good intentions to help those being abused in Dictatorships, but taken over by bureacracts and changed and abused beyond its original meaning.
Political Party's, no longer the place for those with a conscience or who wish to serve their country, but a refuge for ex-public school people, who see it as a career with power over those who cannot fight back, and at the same time use it to increase their personal wealth at others expense.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
BNP List
Sorry folks not 'The List' just my thoughts on the whole affair, but feel free to read on, these are only thoughts, I'm not a member of BNP nor do I advocate any of its policies, but.......................
It is a legal Political Party; therefore as such, no one should be penalised for being a member, after all you are not penalised for being a member of the Labour Party, Conservative Party UKIP, Liberal Democrats etc so is this not being 'undemocratic?'
I see that a police officer is under investigation for being a member, isn't this double standards? are police officers being investigated for being members of other political parties? Are members of the Black police Officers Association being investigated as you have to be black to join? Is this not a form of racism?
Are our human rights being impinged on?
The indigenous people of England have seen their rights, customs, and culture eroded over the years. Just this year alone we have had more immigrants and that is according to government figures. If you are indigenous it appears you have less rights than an immigrant, you could be bumped off a council house list, because someone has moved to the country and needs a house more than you do because they have claimed 'political asylum'.
How many countries would put up with us as Christians becoming immigrants and demanding, free housing? freedom to build a Church, ring Church bells on a Sunday to call the faithful, allow communion because the symbolic blood of Christ is wine? How many of these countries would allow you to have your own organisation such as the Muslim Council of Britain, or the Black Police Officers Association? Could you imagine Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran or countries like this allowing this to happen, I can't.
This has shown up more flaws in our 'fair' system than anything else that could have been done. How many employers e.g. police, social services or ordinary employers are scouring the list to see if any of their employees are members, this has become a witch hunt for their beliefs, but try to do the same for a Muslim, or someone who is coloured and watch the backlash.
It is a legal Political Party; therefore as such, no one should be penalised for being a member, after all you are not penalised for being a member of the Labour Party, Conservative Party UKIP, Liberal Democrats etc so is this not being 'undemocratic?'
I see that a police officer is under investigation for being a member, isn't this double standards? are police officers being investigated for being members of other political parties? Are members of the Black police Officers Association being investigated as you have to be black to join? Is this not a form of racism?
Are our human rights being impinged on?
The indigenous people of England have seen their rights, customs, and culture eroded over the years. Just this year alone we have had more immigrants and that is according to government figures. If you are indigenous it appears you have less rights than an immigrant, you could be bumped off a council house list, because someone has moved to the country and needs a house more than you do because they have claimed 'political asylum'.
How many countries would put up with us as Christians becoming immigrants and demanding, free housing? freedom to build a Church, ring Church bells on a Sunday to call the faithful, allow communion because the symbolic blood of Christ is wine? How many of these countries would allow you to have your own organisation such as the Muslim Council of Britain, or the Black Police Officers Association? Could you imagine Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran or countries like this allowing this to happen, I can't.
This has shown up more flaws in our 'fair' system than anything else that could have been done. How many employers e.g. police, social services or ordinary employers are scouring the list to see if any of their employees are members, this has become a witch hunt for their beliefs, but try to do the same for a Muslim, or someone who is coloured and watch the backlash.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Dawkins Failure
Once upon a time there was an up jumped little slime bag called Professor Dawkins, who wanted to take away any joy in the world for children and for those who believed in religion.
The children were kept away from the rantings of this nasty unwholesome man, who would ban anything that didn't fit into his ideal world of how things should be, and the huge amounts of money he was making by making children's lives a misery.
The people who wanted to believe in God were also affected as he wanted to prove that there was no God, but how? If he thought there was no God how could he prove it, he was in the same dilemma as those who wanted to prove there was a God, the evidence factor.
Dawkins the dork had a fight on his hands, after all why shouldn't children be allowed to have fantasy tales? Adults have them in the form of science fiction and also have books on wizards and demons, is denying a good read for children nothing more than child abuse?
As for religion surely as people we have the right to either believe or disbelieve, I disbelieve, but that is my right, I do not go out of my way to prove there is no God and I do not expect to be preached to that there is a God.
Why can't this man keep his big nose out and try to stop the endless self publicity? Oh I forgot his own personal God comes into this its called .............................MONEY.
The children were kept away from the rantings of this nasty unwholesome man, who would ban anything that didn't fit into his ideal world of how things should be, and the huge amounts of money he was making by making children's lives a misery.
The people who wanted to believe in God were also affected as he wanted to prove that there was no God, but how? If he thought there was no God how could he prove it, he was in the same dilemma as those who wanted to prove there was a God, the evidence factor.
Dawkins the dork had a fight on his hands, after all why shouldn't children be allowed to have fantasy tales? Adults have them in the form of science fiction and also have books on wizards and demons, is denying a good read for children nothing more than child abuse?
As for religion surely as people we have the right to either believe or disbelieve, I disbelieve, but that is my right, I do not go out of my way to prove there is no God and I do not expect to be preached to that there is a God.
Why can't this man keep his big nose out and try to stop the endless self publicity? Oh I forgot his own personal God comes into this its called .............................MONEY.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saviour or New World Order
Well its happening Gordon Brown will be nationalising some of the big banks. The Telegraph reports that the French see him as reborn as he seems comfortable dealing with and leading Europe through this crisis, I wonder, is it too comfortable?
I have always felt that Nu-Labour had a strange feel about them. They were almost falling over themselves to be seen as the good guys after the devastating 18 years of Tory control, yet within a very short time, we were plunged into a war on a web of deceit, given a Prime Minister we didn't vote for, and denied a vote on the Treaty of Lisbon, even though it was promised as part of an election campaign, because according to Nu-Labour spin it was essentially different even though many of the leaders of Europe were admitting that there was no change apart from thge name. Then we had Tony Blair being seen mixing it with the Bilderbergs, coincidence? You work it out.
I think that this is a bold and decisive move, but I also wonder yet again if the global crisis was engineered, its not beyond reasonable doubt and look what the prize was, almost total control of the countries banking system, how best to control the populous? They will have their own men on the boards, will there be a list that tells them not to lend to various people who do not toe the line? Again this is not beyond the realms of possibility, I for one have never trusted Gordon Brown or the Nu-Labour party as they are the masters of spin and deceit all I can say is beware.
I have always felt that Nu-Labour had a strange feel about them. They were almost falling over themselves to be seen as the good guys after the devastating 18 years of Tory control, yet within a very short time, we were plunged into a war on a web of deceit, given a Prime Minister we didn't vote for, and denied a vote on the Treaty of Lisbon, even though it was promised as part of an election campaign, because according to Nu-Labour spin it was essentially different even though many of the leaders of Europe were admitting that there was no change apart from thge name. Then we had Tony Blair being seen mixing it with the Bilderbergs, coincidence? You work it out.
I think that this is a bold and decisive move, but I also wonder yet again if the global crisis was engineered, its not beyond reasonable doubt and look what the prize was, almost total control of the countries banking system, how best to control the populous? They will have their own men on the boards, will there be a list that tells them not to lend to various people who do not toe the line? Again this is not beyond the realms of possibility, I for one have never trusted Gordon Brown or the Nu-Labour party as they are the masters of spin and deceit all I can say is beware.
financial crisis,
New World Order,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Who is Running/Ruining the World?
Before anyone gets into attack mode this is a light hearted piece, that also might get you thinking, as I believe that nothing ever happens without someone being behind it, except for acts of nature, but even then these are called Acts of God, we just don't know which God!!!!
Anyone heard of the Bilderbergs? I found this very good piece about them in the Guardian and its worth having a look at as it brought a smile to my face especially the bit about Mandelson and Rumsfeld so take a look and have a giggle, God knows we need one at the moment.
So what about the Illunimati? I have followed documentaries about these and the New World Order (NWO) for years, fascinating fun and great to muse about, but when something like the credit crunch happens, you do begin to wonder. After all why have a group such as the Bilderbergs who really do exisit, then look at the Illuminati who no one for knows for sure doesn't exist. Look at Wiki.
Does this make you wonder if the Bilderbergs are just another name for the Illuminati? Why do the Bilderbergs have to operate so secretly if they are acting innocently? Surely they are just enhancing their own mystique by being so secretive, and how do we know that the hand or hands of a certain man or men are not behind the global extremes we are seeing at the moment to keep everyone under control.
After all lets look at things. Bush is purported to be part of a secret organisation, and his final term (thank God) is coming to an end. Britain has been unhappy with its government for a very long time, we had 18 years of awful conservative government then Labour who lasted as long as it took for the honeymoon period to end, then we saw the same old Labour party up to its usual tricks for which it has had a reputation over the past few decades. Was Brown 'ordered' to sell our gold reserves, after all its not the prudent thing to do, and what about our pensions again not prudent, but Brown again did something which no normal, intelligent Chancellor who has his finger on the pulse would do.
Great fun this isn't it? The conspiracy theories could go on forever, and we can expand, invent etc as much as we like as here we are in the middle of a crisis which has effectively spiralled out of control, and if there is someones hand behind it, I bet its gone further than they imagined it would ........................OR HAS IT?
Anyone heard of the Bilderbergs? I found this very good piece about them in the Guardian and its worth having a look at as it brought a smile to my face especially the bit about Mandelson and Rumsfeld so take a look and have a giggle, God knows we need one at the moment.
So what about the Illunimati? I have followed documentaries about these and the New World Order (NWO) for years, fascinating fun and great to muse about, but when something like the credit crunch happens, you do begin to wonder. After all why have a group such as the Bilderbergs who really do exisit, then look at the Illuminati who no one for knows for sure doesn't exist. Look at Wiki.
Does this make you wonder if the Bilderbergs are just another name for the Illuminati? Why do the Bilderbergs have to operate so secretly if they are acting innocently? Surely they are just enhancing their own mystique by being so secretive, and how do we know that the hand or hands of a certain man or men are not behind the global extremes we are seeing at the moment to keep everyone under control.
After all lets look at things. Bush is purported to be part of a secret organisation, and his final term (thank God) is coming to an end. Britain has been unhappy with its government for a very long time, we had 18 years of awful conservative government then Labour who lasted as long as it took for the honeymoon period to end, then we saw the same old Labour party up to its usual tricks for which it has had a reputation over the past few decades. Was Brown 'ordered' to sell our gold reserves, after all its not the prudent thing to do, and what about our pensions again not prudent, but Brown again did something which no normal, intelligent Chancellor who has his finger on the pulse would do.
Great fun this isn't it? The conspiracy theories could go on forever, and we can expand, invent etc as much as we like as here we are in the middle of a crisis which has effectively spiralled out of control, and if there is someones hand behind it, I bet its gone further than they imagined it would ........................OR HAS IT?
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Slease Man and Brown Bottler
If you were on the edge of wondering if Gordon Brown had completely lost it or not, surely the news that he has:
a) Made Mandelson a knight
b) Re-employed him in the government
Should have helped you make up your mind.
Who in their right mind would knight someone with both feet firmly placed in Sleaze?
Who in their right mind would re-employ somebody who has TWICE been forced out of government office because of Sleaze allegations?
To me this shows how desperate Brown is, how out of touch Brown is, how stupid and insensitive Brown is.
I really hope that the British public really wake up and get rid of this party for good as the Canadians did with one of their political parties who were blantanly taking the piss.
a) Made Mandelson a knight
b) Re-employed him in the government
Should have helped you make up your mind.
Who in their right mind would knight someone with both feet firmly placed in Sleaze?
Who in their right mind would re-employ somebody who has TWICE been forced out of government office because of Sleaze allegations?
To me this shows how desperate Brown is, how out of touch Brown is, how stupid and insensitive Brown is.
I really hope that the British public really wake up and get rid of this party for good as the Canadians did with one of their political parties who were blantanly taking the piss.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Sarkozy - What a Horrible LITTLE Man
Sarkozy wants the Irish to vote again on the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009. When did this horrible interfering little Frenchman become Irish? Like some small people he seems to be making up for his lack of height by throwing his weight about, who was the last person of infamy who did that..... oh yes Adolf Hitler.
Why doesn't this French twat just go and deal with his country and leave other governments to govern their own countries? I'm sure that if other leaders tried to tell the french what to do he would at the forefront of saying that they have no right to do that, otherwise the french would get rid of him toot sweet. So my message to Sarkozy is clear and simple leave other countries to govern themselves and accept a no vote as NO.
Why doesn't this French twat just go and deal with his country and leave other governments to govern their own countries? I'm sure that if other leaders tried to tell the french what to do he would at the forefront of saying that they have no right to do that, otherwise the french would get rid of him toot sweet. So my message to Sarkozy is clear and simple leave other countries to govern themselves and accept a no vote as NO.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Credit Cruch and Bail Out?
This is really the world going down the plughole and some deserve to loose everything they have, but the majority who don't deserve to loose big time, are eventually going to be the ones who suffer.
The bail out in the USA has stumbled, good or bad I'm not an expert, but in many ways I agree with the populous of the US (makes a change I know), why bail out rich b'stards who have consistently made millions from Wall Street at the little persons expense.
The same is starting to happen over here in good Ole UK. Gordon Brown wants to use our money to bail out Banks, why? If you run Banks badly, with people who are not real bankers in the old sense, if they over extend themselves through greed, if the once Chancellor saw fit to rob our pensions, sell off our gold reserves, why should we bail out these people including Gordon Brown from our taxes.
Let the people who have made millions at our expense, pay back everything they have taken in extortionate salary's and bonus's for the last 5 years before we the common tax payers are made to pay. What about MP's and their huge expense accounts, pay some back to help the country, why should it always be the small person who has to suffer?
Maybe this credit crunch will help fuel a much needed change in attitude from both government and greedy b'strads who have robbed us blind for years, maybe this is armageddon for them, I hope so.
The bail out in the USA has stumbled, good or bad I'm not an expert, but in many ways I agree with the populous of the US (makes a change I know), why bail out rich b'stards who have consistently made millions from Wall Street at the little persons expense.
The same is starting to happen over here in good Ole UK. Gordon Brown wants to use our money to bail out Banks, why? If you run Banks badly, with people who are not real bankers in the old sense, if they over extend themselves through greed, if the once Chancellor saw fit to rob our pensions, sell off our gold reserves, why should we bail out these people including Gordon Brown from our taxes.
Let the people who have made millions at our expense, pay back everything they have taken in extortionate salary's and bonus's for the last 5 years before we the common tax payers are made to pay. What about MP's and their huge expense accounts, pay some back to help the country, why should it always be the small person who has to suffer?
Maybe this credit crunch will help fuel a much needed change in attitude from both government and greedy b'strads who have robbed us blind for years, maybe this is armageddon for them, I hope so.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The G8 worked then, their lavish meals with discussions about the world economy all panned out in the best interests for the world, their stunning forecasts and intervention all dedicated to make sure that financial meltdown does happen, all the back slapping, greedy 8 course meals, expensive hotels, security that we as a world paid for was extremely helpful.
I mean to say look at the enviable situation we are now in, are the politicians going to suffer? are the worlds richest going to suffer? and bankers who have helped lead us into this situation are going to rake off nice hand outs, after all the bloke who ran the Halifax is reputed to be getting £2 million, all for leading the company to disaster, nice one bloke.
I wonder who will get what pay off for causing world depression and the threat of global war?
I mean to say look at the enviable situation we are now in, are the politicians going to suffer? are the worlds richest going to suffer? and bankers who have helped lead us into this situation are going to rake off nice hand outs, after all the bloke who ran the Halifax is reputed to be getting £2 million, all for leading the company to disaster, nice one bloke.
I wonder who will get what pay off for causing world depression and the threat of global war?
More Good News
More Good News.
Reading the Telegraph this morning was an extremely gloomy affair, nothing much in the way of good news, except for that awful Gordon Brown, who seems to have scraped up the polls, but for us normal mortals things look bleak, bleaker and heading towards bleakest ever.
I want to leave my job where I'm desperately unhappy, under paid for what I do, not recognised for the dogmatic contribution I have made to get this 'charity' back into the real world and the work I have carried out to get what I see as a failing care home at least starting to show some signs of improvement.
Our press needs to realise that always presenting bleak news will ultimately depress the nation and those whole read the papers, a few rays of hope are essential for ordinary people, maybe then we will regain the wartime spirit we had in the past.
Paul Newman passed away, a great film star and a real shining light, but up until this morning I had no idea how much this man had done for the world. It would be nice if the press spent more time pursuing good stories like his contribution and others to the world. The press and the editors need a wake up call.
Reading the Telegraph this morning was an extremely gloomy affair, nothing much in the way of good news, except for that awful Gordon Brown, who seems to have scraped up the polls, but for us normal mortals things look bleak, bleaker and heading towards bleakest ever.
I want to leave my job where I'm desperately unhappy, under paid for what I do, not recognised for the dogmatic contribution I have made to get this 'charity' back into the real world and the work I have carried out to get what I see as a failing care home at least starting to show some signs of improvement.
Our press needs to realise that always presenting bleak news will ultimately depress the nation and those whole read the papers, a few rays of hope are essential for ordinary people, maybe then we will regain the wartime spirit we had in the past.
Paul Newman passed away, a great film star and a real shining light, but up until this morning I had no idea how much this man had done for the world. It would be nice if the press spent more time pursuing good stories like his contribution and others to the world. The press and the editors need a wake up call.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Zero Timers
I got fed up with Philosophers on Ice, the site was great, but then all of a sudden things started to go sour. God came into almost every blog with baiting of others abounding, by a Christian of all people, it got down right nasty and dirty, but isn't that the same the world over.
So I bit the bullet and started a new site called zero timers, so far a good start I only pop in every now and again as my son and I have taken up archery and every spare moment is taken up with dashing for the archery field to practise our new skills, or to scare the hell out of others depending on which side of the fence you sit.
Zero Timers is an open site as opposed to POI so anyone can join or ask me to join, I just want people to able to share without the nasty aggression that seems to have to take place on some blog sites, after all we are all entitled to our own opinions and we should respect others opinion, something politicians would do well to understand, so Fook Off Brown and Co.
So I bit the bullet and started a new site called zero timers, so far a good start I only pop in every now and again as my son and I have taken up archery and every spare moment is taken up with dashing for the archery field to practise our new skills, or to scare the hell out of others depending on which side of the fence you sit.
Zero Timers is an open site as opposed to POI so anyone can join or ask me to join, I just want people to able to share without the nasty aggression that seems to have to take place on some blog sites, after all we are all entitled to our own opinions and we should respect others opinion, something politicians would do well to understand, so Fook Off Brown and Co.
Well the financial world is in meltdown, is it good or bad. To me it was bound to happen and our wonderful politicians around the world all had their snouts in the trough in one way or another.
The blame is being firmly laid at the banks door steps and quite rightly after all these so called experts decided it was wise to lend huge amounts of money to people who couldn't afford to keep up payments or afford the repayments in the first place, very clever, or in plain English very fooking stupid.
Now we have banks going to the wall, but the greedy b'stards who help start it all still crawling out of the woodwork with huge sums of money, that Halifax Geezer will get about £2million. Our politicians have also helped produce this as they either sat on their collective fat backsides and allowed the banks to exercise unscrupulously in this market for years. They have consistently ripped off the ordinary punter and everything has been hidden away.
I'm also sure that many of the politicians had a hand in the sub prime market, surely I read somewhere that during his time as Chancellor (or should that be Chancer) Brown was not only involved in destroying our pensions selling our gold reserves, but I seem to remember reading somewhere he had invested some of the country's wealth in the sub prime market, but all of a sudden that news seems to have gone off the radar, I wonder why?
So what do we have to look forward to? One thing is for certain, more claptrap and bullshit from politicians, e.g. look at the most recent Labour Conference and that sickening episode with Browns wife introducing him, then him trying to do a Blair. His spin doctor certainly earned his 30 pieces of silver that day, I hope the b'stard never has a decent nights sleep again. The elderly, the most vulnerable and the poorest are going to suffer the most and the politicians will demand more money or will continue to scam as much as possible from expense accounts and keep reminding us how lucky we are to have such wonderful public servants as themselves.
Time for a revolution yet?
The blame is being firmly laid at the banks door steps and quite rightly after all these so called experts decided it was wise to lend huge amounts of money to people who couldn't afford to keep up payments or afford the repayments in the first place, very clever, or in plain English very fooking stupid.
Now we have banks going to the wall, but the greedy b'stards who help start it all still crawling out of the woodwork with huge sums of money, that Halifax Geezer will get about £2million. Our politicians have also helped produce this as they either sat on their collective fat backsides and allowed the banks to exercise unscrupulously in this market for years. They have consistently ripped off the ordinary punter and everything has been hidden away.
I'm also sure that many of the politicians had a hand in the sub prime market, surely I read somewhere that during his time as Chancellor (or should that be Chancer) Brown was not only involved in destroying our pensions selling our gold reserves, but I seem to remember reading somewhere he had invested some of the country's wealth in the sub prime market, but all of a sudden that news seems to have gone off the radar, I wonder why?
So what do we have to look forward to? One thing is for certain, more claptrap and bullshit from politicians, e.g. look at the most recent Labour Conference and that sickening episode with Browns wife introducing him, then him trying to do a Blair. His spin doctor certainly earned his 30 pieces of silver that day, I hope the b'stard never has a decent nights sleep again. The elderly, the most vulnerable and the poorest are going to suffer the most and the politicians will demand more money or will continue to scam as much as possible from expense accounts and keep reminding us how lucky we are to have such wonderful public servants as themselves.
Time for a revolution yet?
Monday, July 07, 2008
G8 - The Tossers Party
So here we go again the meeting of the G8 (fanfare here please), the meeting of minds of the most financially powerful countries on the planet, or another way to put it another free shindig paid for by the countries they are suppose to represent.
Democracy no longer exists and these great leaders show us that democracy no longer exists after all we have Germany, France, Britain and Italy countries which have all denied their people the right to vote on the EU.
Then you have the least popular President the USA has ever had, and some say the least successful, well he managed to start a war he couldn't finish, that has to say something. Then there is Russia, well what can you say, it appears to be democratic now, but is it in reality autocratic? With the latest Czar being manipulated by the new Ras-Putin ?. Who knows and do we really care?
Have things got so bad under successive poor governments that we have all now become sanitised to the effect of bad management, low morals by the so called leaders? It looks like there will be rumblings about food production, is this before they go into one of their banquets? and is the rumbling from their tummy's in anticipation of the next blow out that they will receive free of charge?
Bio fuel production is likely to be part blamed for the lack of food available to those who are not on a politicians salary, but hang on a second which one of this bunch were pushing for alternative fuels? Take a guess, whoever you pick you will not make a wrong guess, after all if one says something that appears to be 'good' then everyone jumps on the gravy train.
Then there is Zimbabwe, Oh God, why don't they just all turn their backs on this sham of an administartion and walk away, let them print their toy town money, let them play at being God, or do something positive instead of making useless condemnations and protestations, don't go on about the legality of their political voting system, remember Bush and how he got into power the first time, remember Brown and how he slide into power, well there are two of the eight (for those with maths difficulties that equates to 25%) that have suspicious starts and lets be honest neither one of those is even a half decent leader.
So sham takes place again and out of it there will be triumphant leaders returning to their respective countries proclaiming what a success it was, whilst stiffling a burp I wonder?
Democracy no longer exists and these great leaders show us that democracy no longer exists after all we have Germany, France, Britain and Italy countries which have all denied their people the right to vote on the EU.
Then you have the least popular President the USA has ever had, and some say the least successful, well he managed to start a war he couldn't finish, that has to say something. Then there is Russia, well what can you say, it appears to be democratic now, but is it in reality autocratic? With the latest Czar being manipulated by the new Ras-Putin ?. Who knows and do we really care?
Have things got so bad under successive poor governments that we have all now become sanitised to the effect of bad management, low morals by the so called leaders? It looks like there will be rumblings about food production, is this before they go into one of their banquets? and is the rumbling from their tummy's in anticipation of the next blow out that they will receive free of charge?
Bio fuel production is likely to be part blamed for the lack of food available to those who are not on a politicians salary, but hang on a second which one of this bunch were pushing for alternative fuels? Take a guess, whoever you pick you will not make a wrong guess, after all if one says something that appears to be 'good' then everyone jumps on the gravy train.
Then there is Zimbabwe, Oh God, why don't they just all turn their backs on this sham of an administartion and walk away, let them print their toy town money, let them play at being God, or do something positive instead of making useless condemnations and protestations, don't go on about the legality of their political voting system, remember Bush and how he got into power the first time, remember Brown and how he slide into power, well there are two of the eight (for those with maths difficulties that equates to 25%) that have suspicious starts and lets be honest neither one of those is even a half decent leader.
So sham takes place again and out of it there will be triumphant leaders returning to their respective countries proclaiming what a success it was, whilst stiffling a burp I wonder?
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Three In One
I must admit I'm feeling a bit lazy, with so much going on and trying to achieve so much, I have decided to do a three in one blog, so forgive me for being a bit rude or lazy and if you're reading this pick your section.
Those who know me, know that I'm desperately unhappy in my new role as a care home manager for a charity. They are players of games and seem to be more interested in how many sheltered housing units they get in a short space of time, rather that put right what is so obviously wrong with the care side, so my simple request to them, is get out of the care home side of the business.
Since prior to 11th March this year I have been telling our wonderful head office that almost 50% of my staff do not have a contract of employment or require an amendment. Since this date I have also told head office that the Policies and Procedures held by the home I manage are incomplete and also out of date, with one not having been apparently reviewed since 1994.
Deafness seems to be rife in our head office with the Chief Executive having the leading role in this. Policies and Procedures are really important, but not according to our head office staff. I have already had one serious incident in the care home, where the police were involved, Health and Safety Executive had to be informed under Riddor, and the CSCI had to be informed, was there a policy or procedure in place to assist me? DON'T BE SILLY.
I have got so sick of things I have been looking for another job, in the meantime I have started my own web site offering my services, this is called: www.kism.co.uk Kism stands for Keep It Simple Management something my present employers seem unable to do.
Nicholas Sarkozy
Now I don't like politicians in general, there are some, (I think very few) who really still have ideals and morals, but on the whole they are a sad bunch of bastards who only seem to be into politics so they can either legally steal (expenses) or throw their weight about.
Then we have the really, really nasty ones like Mugabe. Sarkozy to me is almost as bad. What a horrible little man, I can't think of anything nice to say about him. He is another budding despot who likes to throw his weight around. Did you read the report about him on the TV channel which is now on youtube?
The comment he has made about Peter Mandelson might well be true, but this is really the pot calling the kettle black. He appears to be almost as unpopular in his country as Brown is in England. How long do you give either of them?
I think the G8 is such a waste of time, preening politicians heavily guarded, because they know they are so unpopular, and that they are a ripe target, almost makes you wish that an earthquake, which Japan has many of, would happen at the most opportune time and wipe these ?people? off the face of the earth.
MP's Expenses
So the greedy bastards voted against having their expense accounts limited or placed under better control, surprise, surprise, after all their expense accounts are far in excess of what a normal person earns, for what is quite possibly, a longer working week.
Have you seen the video on You Tube about MEP's going to collect money armed with their suitcases, before dashing off on a Friday to go on holiday or go home? One dozy cow attempts to run for it seeing the camera crew, and runs straight into the side of the elevator.
MP's of all sorts wonder why the public get angry, why they get bad press, the answer is simple, you are crap at what you do, get paid a huge amount of money for doing it, are crap at what you do and get a huge expense account to fiddle.
Makes you wonder, who are the biggest crooks, the ones in prison, or the ones in the Houses Of Parliament?
Those who know me, know that I'm desperately unhappy in my new role as a care home manager for a charity. They are players of games and seem to be more interested in how many sheltered housing units they get in a short space of time, rather that put right what is so obviously wrong with the care side, so my simple request to them, is get out of the care home side of the business.
Since prior to 11th March this year I have been telling our wonderful head office that almost 50% of my staff do not have a contract of employment or require an amendment. Since this date I have also told head office that the Policies and Procedures held by the home I manage are incomplete and also out of date, with one not having been apparently reviewed since 1994.
Deafness seems to be rife in our head office with the Chief Executive having the leading role in this. Policies and Procedures are really important, but not according to our head office staff. I have already had one serious incident in the care home, where the police were involved, Health and Safety Executive had to be informed under Riddor, and the CSCI had to be informed, was there a policy or procedure in place to assist me? DON'T BE SILLY.
I have got so sick of things I have been looking for another job, in the meantime I have started my own web site offering my services, this is called: www.kism.co.uk Kism stands for Keep It Simple Management something my present employers seem unable to do.
Nicholas Sarkozy
Now I don't like politicians in general, there are some, (I think very few) who really still have ideals and morals, but on the whole they are a sad bunch of bastards who only seem to be into politics so they can either legally steal (expenses) or throw their weight about.
Then we have the really, really nasty ones like Mugabe. Sarkozy to me is almost as bad. What a horrible little man, I can't think of anything nice to say about him. He is another budding despot who likes to throw his weight around. Did you read the report about him on the TV channel which is now on youtube?
The comment he has made about Peter Mandelson might well be true, but this is really the pot calling the kettle black. He appears to be almost as unpopular in his country as Brown is in England. How long do you give either of them?
I think the G8 is such a waste of time, preening politicians heavily guarded, because they know they are so unpopular, and that they are a ripe target, almost makes you wish that an earthquake, which Japan has many of, would happen at the most opportune time and wipe these ?people? off the face of the earth.
MP's Expenses
So the greedy bastards voted against having their expense accounts limited or placed under better control, surprise, surprise, after all their expense accounts are far in excess of what a normal person earns, for what is quite possibly, a longer working week.
They included Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, Andy Burnham, the Culture Secretary, Shaun Woodward, the Northern Ireland Secretary, Paul Murphy, the Welsh Secretary, and Caroline Flint, the Housing Minister.
In addition, both of Gordon Brown's parliamentary aides, Ian Austin and Angela Smith, both rejected the proposals, as did the Prime Minister's close ally Nick Brown and a number of junior ministers.Have you seen the video on You Tube about MEP's going to collect money armed with their suitcases, before dashing off on a Friday to go on holiday or go home? One dozy cow attempts to run for it seeing the camera crew, and runs straight into the side of the elevator.
MP's of all sorts wonder why the public get angry, why they get bad press, the answer is simple, you are crap at what you do, get paid a huge amount of money for doing it, are crap at what you do and get a huge expense account to fiddle.
Makes you wonder, who are the biggest crooks, the ones in prison, or the ones in the Houses Of Parliament?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Give Up Gordon
Time for Gordon Brown to realise that with the Irish vote against the Treaty of Lisbon or as I prefer to call it the Treaty to Dispose of Democracy and now the Czechs saying it should not be ratified, this Treaty has lost its punch, its power and its way and its time to call a halt to this sad sordid affair.
The people of Europe and in particular in the UK do not have trust in this Treaty or in any leader who wants to so openly go against the wishes of the people they are supposed to serve, so my message to all these leaders is learn to lead by listening to the people, that is what Democracy is about, it not about selfish self styled dictators trying to get their own way then sulking when it goes against them.
These leaders are acting like schoolyard bullies if you won't play my way then I shall find another way of pushing this through, WE DON'T WANT YOUR TREATY OF LISBON - SO FUCK OFF
The people of Europe and in particular in the UK do not have trust in this Treaty or in any leader who wants to so openly go against the wishes of the people they are supposed to serve, so my message to all these leaders is learn to lead by listening to the people, that is what Democracy is about, it not about selfish self styled dictators trying to get their own way then sulking when it goes against them.
These leaders are acting like schoolyard bullies if you won't play my way then I shall find another way of pushing this through, WE DON'T WANT YOUR TREATY OF LISBON - SO FUCK OFF
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thank you to the Irish
I think we owe a big vote of thanks to the Irish who have proved that democracy can work, even in these times where politicians are trying to take away our democratic rights and turn this country and all of Europe into a Dictatorship, and these lying two faced bastards who are trying deprive us of democracy have the nerve to call Mugabe a dictator, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Hopefully our lying two faced, most unpopular Prime Minister ever, will listen to the people he is supposed to serve, but rarely listens to, and will now declare this Treaty of Lisbon (or if you prefer, Treaty to Dispose of Democracy) dead and gone and will not join in the attempts to revive it as no doubt those pig headed ignorant people will obviously want to do as it will deny them the power of a Soviet Stalinist type state they so desperately want to achieve.
Hopefully our lying two faced, most unpopular Prime Minister ever, will listen to the people he is supposed to serve, but rarely listens to, and will now declare this Treaty of Lisbon (or if you prefer, Treaty to Dispose of Democracy) dead and gone and will not join in the attempts to revive it as no doubt those pig headed ignorant people will obviously want to do as it will deny them the power of a Soviet Stalinist type state they so desperately want to achieve.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Is The EU The First Stage of Dictatorship?
Reading the Telegraph again I find that the EU is looking at finding a way around a NO vote from the Irish, so that no matter what happens they will forge forward with their plans for a president, new laws and a dismantling of each sovereign state.
Is this the start of Universal Dictatorship? Are our children going to be bound in almost slavery by a few bent MEP's who have proved themselves to be fraudsters and wasters of the highest order? And what in this new European Order will happen to our Royal Family, will they be pensioned off, or killed off, after all I now think anything is possible by the EU.
Here is the story.
Is this the start of Universal Dictatorship? Are our children going to be bound in almost slavery by a few bent MEP's who have proved themselves to be fraudsters and wasters of the highest order? And what in this new European Order will happen to our Royal Family, will they be pensioned off, or killed off, after all I now think anything is possible by the EU.
Here is the story.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Philosophers on Ice
POI has managed to last 6 months even though some people thought that we wouldn't last that long. Well one blog alone today received over 40 comments, far more than the site we left. Many of the blogs on POI easily achieve a higher hit rate than the site we left with far fewer registered users, (although I don't believe the figures given as they may have 20,000 registered users, but only about 40 active users).
So cheers to POI, it has been a great experiment that has won through, with good blogs, great people and fun to be a member of.
So cheers to POI, it has been a great experiment that has won through, with good blogs, great people and fun to be a member of.
Monday, June 02, 2008
More Corruption
Well reading the Daily Telegraph this morning and yet again it reeks of political corruption, and not just from Twatman and his friends, but lets not leave dear old twatman until last, after all he is the leader. It appears that the one eyed twat has been caught diverting funds to the Labour Heartland to try and boost votes. Does he really think that will help or is this a last ditch attempt to hold onto power like that other aging despot Mugabe who has now taken to arresting his opposition, so that when the next stage of the elections come around who will be left to fight him? Watch out Cameron knowing Brown and Labour and the way they don't seem to have a single idea of their own they might adopt this tactic and arrest your party so that the one eyed monster can carry on his daemonic rule in making this the most oppressive country in Europe.
Then of course we have dear old David Camerons bunch of high rollers, well what can one say, if there was ever a good reason for the treaty of Lisbon to be dropped, this must be it. Yet another case of where a politician is getting away with blue murder and no one seems to care, Oh the calls are out for an investigation, will it happen? maybe, but by the time there is an investigation enough time will have been allowed for books to cooked and excuses invented and of course the 'I repent' speach to be written by some spin doctor.
It is now everyday that these so called politicians are reported, as something crooked going on, still they steal and cheat, give us tales of woe as to why they should spend our money on themselves. These politicians are telling us through expensive adverts that we must reduce our 'Carbon Footprint', but these are the same people with second homes, who refuse to use public transport, drive large cars and don't share, and you could really go on and on.
Snouts in the trough is too mild a word for them.
Then of course we have dear old David Camerons bunch of high rollers, well what can one say, if there was ever a good reason for the treaty of Lisbon to be dropped, this must be it. Yet another case of where a politician is getting away with blue murder and no one seems to care, Oh the calls are out for an investigation, will it happen? maybe, but by the time there is an investigation enough time will have been allowed for books to cooked and excuses invented and of course the 'I repent' speach to be written by some spin doctor.
It is now everyday that these so called politicians are reported, as something crooked going on, still they steal and cheat, give us tales of woe as to why they should spend our money on themselves. These politicians are telling us through expensive adverts that we must reduce our 'Carbon Footprint', but these are the same people with second homes, who refuse to use public transport, drive large cars and don't share, and you could really go on and on.
Snouts in the trough is too mild a word for them.
snouts in the trough
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Lame Duck or Wanna Be Stalinist?
To me this country has become one of the most oppressive in the western world. In place of policemen we have either CCTV or plastic police (PCSO's), we are the most taxed, the most over worked, and I think the most stressed out nation around, and this is all down to our politicians, in particular those who are part of the labour party, who to my mind are Stallinist in their approach, OK they haven't killed vast amounts of people, but the tactics are almost identical oppression and keep the population under control, but this time by severe taxation, whilst our politicians live the life of Rilley on our hard earned cash so a message for all the MP's out there, I hate what you are doing to our country and

A lot of people either think or call dear Gordon Brown a lame duck, me I prefer TWATMAN, but thats beside the point, we know he's a lame duck as a leader, his own party know he's a lame duck as a leader, he must know he's a lame duck as a leader, (unless he believes the sycophants such as Ed Bollocks & Co) and we have another hugely unpopular leader coming to visit who is also seen as a lame duck in his own country, surely having one of our own is enough, without having to import one from the USA and how much is this going to cost the tax payer? Two lame ducks=loads of posh nosh ups, loads of booze available, rich twats wanting to rub shoulders with two of the most unpopular on the planet purely for their own ego's and all at our expense. GREAT!!!!
Have you heard the case about the two Christian preachers quietly distributing Christian leaflets in a mainly Muslim area of Birmingham, no then look at this last time I looked this was essentially a Christian country, and if Jehovahs Witness or Mormons come to my door, I'm either very polite and say no thank or let my wicked sense of humour get the better of me and start a conversation off in a direction that makes them uncomfortable. I do not call the police.

A lot of people either think or call dear Gordon Brown a lame duck, me I prefer TWATMAN, but thats beside the point, we know he's a lame duck as a leader, his own party know he's a lame duck as a leader, he must know he's a lame duck as a leader, (unless he believes the sycophants such as Ed Bollocks & Co) and we have another hugely unpopular leader coming to visit who is also seen as a lame duck in his own country, surely having one of our own is enough, without having to import one from the USA and how much is this going to cost the tax payer? Two lame ducks=loads of posh nosh ups, loads of booze available, rich twats wanting to rub shoulders with two of the most unpopular on the planet purely for their own ego's and all at our expense. GREAT!!!!
Have you heard the case about the two Christian preachers quietly distributing Christian leaflets in a mainly Muslim area of Birmingham, no then look at this last time I looked this was essentially a Christian country, and if Jehovahs Witness or Mormons come to my door, I'm either very polite and say no thank or let my wicked sense of humour get the better of me and start a conversation off in a direction that makes them uncomfortable. I do not call the police.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Greedy Scumbag Politicians
It is now reported that our greedy scumbag politicians want to avoid the embarrassment of making expenses claims and it becoming public so now they want a block £23,000 in expenses that they do not want to account for. Is it me being cynical or are the wastes of good oxygen now taking the right royal piss out of this country and the tax payer, this is clearly a case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
We also have the conservative MP Tim Yeo who wants a carbon ration card, I bet you that this crackpot idea, will, if the conservatives come to power, be adopted by Crackpot Cameron, but I also bet you that our carbon guzzling MP's with their 2nd homes, new bathrooms and kitchens, window cleaners, gardeners, Sky TV's, Water Bills (paid late), etc etc etc all at the taxpayers expense will be exempt from this.
Save the planet, get rid of greedy tax guzzling MP's.
We also have the conservative MP Tim Yeo who wants a carbon ration card, I bet you that this crackpot idea, will, if the conservatives come to power, be adopted by Crackpot Cameron, but I also bet you that our carbon guzzling MP's with their 2nd homes, new bathrooms and kitchens, window cleaners, gardeners, Sky TV's, Water Bills (paid late), etc etc etc all at the taxpayers expense will be exempt from this.
Save the planet, get rid of greedy tax guzzling MP's.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How Long Before Our MP's Try This
To show just how rotten MP's are the world over is the Case Silvio Berlusconi, you know the guy Italian PM, who is supposed to have bribed David Mills, Fowl Jowells ex husband who she ditched (we are led to believe) when it became clear it could effect her standing as an MP (a bit late really, Fowl Jowell's standing was already ruined), anyway here is the link, make your own mind up, me, ............................ I'm just not surprised.
As soon as I put up this link, the link disappeared off the front page of the Telegraph, is that coincidence?
As soon as I put up this link, the link disappeared off the front page of the Telegraph, is that coincidence?
Sunday, May 18, 2008
POI was down for maintenance this morning so I took the opportunity to do my normal browse around. Read the Telegraph on line liked the article PM on the Psychologists Couch, although I disagreed with much of it, as sometimes people are just not up to the job or position they crave or they take on e.g. Gordon Brown (Twatman) or one of my new line managers, who hasn't got a clue of how to manage people, if anyone has seen the John Cleese Management videos, you will swiftly get the picture.
I then checked out www.order-order.com Guido Fawkes site to see that I had beaten him to writing about Gordon Brown sending his cabinet to Crewe (I had hoped on a one way ticket), but as usual he was more eloquent than I was. Having exhausted my normal reading areas, it was time to take a peek at My Telegraph, shock, horror, but I still do, especially if I feel a bit down, it always makes me feel better, seeing the petty squabbles that break out, uninformed and useless comments that are made by some of the 'broadsheet' readers, I can't say too much here as some of the readers and bloggers on My Telegraph also frequent POI and are excellent contributors.
As usual there is a mixture of well written, articulate blogs, with a mixture of well written responses, which lead to informed debate. Then there is the dross, the dross in this case coming from someone called Katz. Why this cannot be contained is beyond me, why My Telegraph states that it cannot control those who use their site is beyond me. Squarepeg a lady I respect from the site, was driven to comment how the postings of this person were bringing the site into disrepute.
Sorry squarepeg, I think that this happened ages ago. One constant poster on My Telegraph stated that POI bloggers were sycophants, and suggested another poster join POI, yet this poster, 'a lady' has never visited POI and would never be invited to, but obviously had 'first hand' information of the site. It still gives me a sad feeling that such an excellent concept as My Telegraph has in many instances degenerated into a morass of ugliness, except when Ralph posted his 'We're Alive' blog about his experiences during the China earthquake. For the first time in a long while the site became what it should be and the dross mongers had the good grace to exert some self control so if they had nothing nice to say, they stayed away.
People decided to leave My Telegraph, because of the dross, one poster who it was claimed posted dross, joined POI and has on the whole made some excellent observations and some excellent posts and what he was called when he decided to leave by some of the 'serious' bloggers was far from friendly, but this poster Katz is far worse.
So life goes on and nothing seems to change, POI is still castigated for having invitation only policy, My Telegraph still has a huge amount of dross being posted, and Gordon Brown Twatman) is still the worst and most unpopular PM we have had, ho hum, oh and I read that Oliver Stone has made a film about George W Bush and has reasoned why Tony Blair liked him so much, so expect more crap at the cinema either later on this year or early next year, as I for one will not sit through a film about that man.
I then checked out www.order-order.com Guido Fawkes site to see that I had beaten him to writing about Gordon Brown sending his cabinet to Crewe (I had hoped on a one way ticket), but as usual he was more eloquent than I was. Having exhausted my normal reading areas, it was time to take a peek at My Telegraph, shock, horror, but I still do, especially if I feel a bit down, it always makes me feel better, seeing the petty squabbles that break out, uninformed and useless comments that are made by some of the 'broadsheet' readers, I can't say too much here as some of the readers and bloggers on My Telegraph also frequent POI and are excellent contributors.
As usual there is a mixture of well written, articulate blogs, with a mixture of well written responses, which lead to informed debate. Then there is the dross, the dross in this case coming from someone called Katz. Why this cannot be contained is beyond me, why My Telegraph states that it cannot control those who use their site is beyond me. Squarepeg a lady I respect from the site, was driven to comment how the postings of this person were bringing the site into disrepute.
Sorry squarepeg, I think that this happened ages ago. One constant poster on My Telegraph stated that POI bloggers were sycophants, and suggested another poster join POI, yet this poster, 'a lady' has never visited POI and would never be invited to, but obviously had 'first hand' information of the site. It still gives me a sad feeling that such an excellent concept as My Telegraph has in many instances degenerated into a morass of ugliness, except when Ralph posted his 'We're Alive' blog about his experiences during the China earthquake. For the first time in a long while the site became what it should be and the dross mongers had the good grace to exert some self control so if they had nothing nice to say, they stayed away.
People decided to leave My Telegraph, because of the dross, one poster who it was claimed posted dross, joined POI and has on the whole made some excellent observations and some excellent posts and what he was called when he decided to leave by some of the 'serious' bloggers was far from friendly, but this poster Katz is far worse.
So life goes on and nothing seems to change, POI is still castigated for having invitation only policy, My Telegraph still has a huge amount of dross being posted, and Gordon Brown Twatman) is still the worst and most unpopular PM we have had, ho hum, oh and I read that Oliver Stone has made a film about George W Bush and has reasoned why Tony Blair liked him so much, so expect more crap at the cinema either later on this year or early next year, as I for one will not sit through a film about that man.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Twatman at it Again
It has been reported that Gordon Brown has sent the whole cabinet to Crewe as a surge to get the votes back for labour. How desperate is that? Finally it may be dawning on the man that there is just a teeny weeny possibility that he might not be very popular, and that he is going to get another drubbing. Has someone let the cat out of the bag? because I'm sure he couldn't work this out for himself.
Will this work? sending the cabinet I mean? Don't be daft, its more likely to convince people to vote the other way, after all who wants Harriet Harlot, Tessa Scowel, Ed Ballcocks, Hazel Fears and Company camping on their doorstep, it would be like a '30's horror movie all they are missing is an appearance by Boris Karloff, and I'm sure that if Brown had thought that might have helped he would have got the shovel out himself to dig up the poor old geezer.
My hopes are two fold:
1. This completely backfires for Brown
2. He gave them all one way tickets.
By the way, if the other lot finally get into power, don't think I will stop being scathing about politicians, they are all a bunch of lying two faced crap artists, who will bleed this country dry given half the chance. I shall just have fun watching as the sycophants have a good year or two (after all they couldn't make it much worse immediately!), then start again as they get comfortable and start the whole ball rolling again. Remember the song by the WHO, Won't Get Fooled Again? Pete Townsend had it completely to rights.
Will this work? sending the cabinet I mean? Don't be daft, its more likely to convince people to vote the other way, after all who wants Harriet Harlot, Tessa Scowel, Ed Ballcocks, Hazel Fears and Company camping on their doorstep, it would be like a '30's horror movie all they are missing is an appearance by Boris Karloff, and I'm sure that if Brown had thought that might have helped he would have got the shovel out himself to dig up the poor old geezer.
My hopes are two fold:
1. This completely backfires for Brown
2. He gave them all one way tickets.
By the way, if the other lot finally get into power, don't think I will stop being scathing about politicians, they are all a bunch of lying two faced crap artists, who will bleed this country dry given half the chance. I shall just have fun watching as the sycophants have a good year or two (after all they couldn't make it much worse immediately!), then start again as they get comfortable and start the whole ball rolling again. Remember the song by the WHO, Won't Get Fooled Again? Pete Townsend had it completely to rights.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
You Have Got to Be Kidding and Oink Oink
You Have Got To Be Kidding
Well although I mainly blog elsewhere I have decided that time has come to return, especially as the one eyed one has had such a drubbing in the local elections and by losing control of London, (but was he ever in control of London?).
I'm afraid I lost it again with Gordon, I still have that song running around in my head, 'Gordon is a moron' and it seems more apt than ever now. Gordon says he will listen to the people. A bit late for that one pal, if you'd listened before you went into these elections and acted on what you heard you quite possibly wouldn't be in this position where you may well be fighting for your political career. Its a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Gordon blames himself - yup I go along with that, it is his fault, just because he has a public school and university education doesn't make you intelligent, and in Gordon's case this much is blatantly obvious as he is blithely unaware of what the British public and some Americans think of him (for clarification on this click this link).
Oink Oink
Now for the grand finale. I have constantly complained about MP's and their expenses and about the fact that they appear to be totally out of touch with reality, after all look at their expenses, don't have to submit a receipt for anything under £250. Blair claimed for his TV lisense, Prescott and Campbell claimed almost £4,000 for groceries, Cameron claimed £23,000 for his mortgage (that is more than I earn after tax in one year) and the list goes on. To me this is abuse of the system, after all this is our money they are spending, and I don't know of any business that is that generous with its money especially on what would be deeemed as normal day to day living expenses.
Now it appears they are not happy with snouts in the trough, they want to get their whole heads in. It appears that we are being held to ransom, there is no other word for it. If we let them (well not us, tax payers do not get a look in) have a £15,000 rise they will relinquish the right to set their own salaries, Aaaaw isn't that big of them? The fact that this rise alone possibly is what most of the country struggle to live on is beside the point. It looks like they have all had a case of Greedy Twat Attack.
Well although I mainly blog elsewhere I have decided that time has come to return, especially as the one eyed one has had such a drubbing in the local elections and by losing control of London, (but was he ever in control of London?).
I'm afraid I lost it again with Gordon, I still have that song running around in my head, 'Gordon is a moron' and it seems more apt than ever now. Gordon says he will listen to the people. A bit late for that one pal, if you'd listened before you went into these elections and acted on what you heard you quite possibly wouldn't be in this position where you may well be fighting for your political career. Its a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Gordon blames himself - yup I go along with that, it is his fault, just because he has a public school and university education doesn't make you intelligent, and in Gordon's case this much is blatantly obvious as he is blithely unaware of what the British public and some Americans think of him (for clarification on this click this link).
Oink Oink
Now for the grand finale. I have constantly complained about MP's and their expenses and about the fact that they appear to be totally out of touch with reality, after all look at their expenses, don't have to submit a receipt for anything under £250. Blair claimed for his TV lisense, Prescott and Campbell claimed almost £4,000 for groceries, Cameron claimed £23,000 for his mortgage (that is more than I earn after tax in one year) and the list goes on. To me this is abuse of the system, after all this is our money they are spending, and I don't know of any business that is that generous with its money especially on what would be deeemed as normal day to day living expenses.
Now it appears they are not happy with snouts in the trough, they want to get their whole heads in. It appears that we are being held to ransom, there is no other word for it. If we let them (well not us, tax payers do not get a look in) have a £15,000 rise they will relinquish the right to set their own salaries, Aaaaw isn't that big of them? The fact that this rise alone possibly is what most of the country struggle to live on is beside the point. It looks like they have all had a case of Greedy Twat Attack.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Into The Dragons Den
A new care job, it was a great feeling in January to be starting again, helping another home recover from a traumatic time, things had to be done with care so as not to loose an already shaky staff group or upset stressed elderly residents.
I can honestly say that three and a half months down the line things had visibly improved with staff settled and much happier and more confident, and residents almost glowing, it was almost too good to be true, and it was. Friday came along and so did my new line managers two of them on a job share. One I had met before and liked a lot, another had been recruited from outside the company.
Unfortunately the outside one took the lead, the following words are my description of this line manager: Unprofessional, bully, confrontational. To my mind she took the manual on Man Management and threw it out of the window.
There are several points that were either blatantly missed or not even considered. I had been with this company ( a Charity)for 3.5 months. I hadn't had an induction so was left to sink or swim, I still didn't know or understand their paperwork, but this all went by the by. In fact I can't even remember being asked how I had settled in, what have I achieved, what have been my problems, my highs my lows, to be honest I can't even remember her greeting me or introducing herself, the first words I heard her say to me after I explained that I was in the process of distributing a letter to all my residents about a noise issue were (put an abrupt tone to this) "Why didn't you call a residents immediately?", I was taking the personal approach as I knew that if I held a residents meeting only about a third would attend, it also gave me the chance to talk to any residents who may have got upset by the letter and fear that they might 'get thrown out' This personal touch is important to me and from what I have heard from my residents it is to them as well.
When we settled into my office the scene was set, and it was clear that this was not going to be an introducing sort of visit as explained by the chief exc, but confrontational. It was a very uncomfortable hour and a half with this manager taking the lead, being quite aggressive and what finished it off for me, she was clock watching for the last 15 mins, that was obvious.
I have now decided to look for another position, there is no point in fighting for recognition or for fairness, as I don't believe that is in the forefront of this charities policy. I have decided that I will go in my own time, when I'm ready and I will go with a bang, letting the board of trustees and the friends of my home know exactly why I'm going, it may do some good for the future.
I can honestly say that three and a half months down the line things had visibly improved with staff settled and much happier and more confident, and residents almost glowing, it was almost too good to be true, and it was. Friday came along and so did my new line managers two of them on a job share. One I had met before and liked a lot, another had been recruited from outside the company.
Unfortunately the outside one took the lead, the following words are my description of this line manager: Unprofessional, bully, confrontational. To my mind she took the manual on Man Management and threw it out of the window.
There are several points that were either blatantly missed or not even considered. I had been with this company ( a Charity)for 3.5 months. I hadn't had an induction so was left to sink or swim, I still didn't know or understand their paperwork, but this all went by the by. In fact I can't even remember being asked how I had settled in, what have I achieved, what have been my problems, my highs my lows, to be honest I can't even remember her greeting me or introducing herself, the first words I heard her say to me after I explained that I was in the process of distributing a letter to all my residents about a noise issue were (put an abrupt tone to this) "Why didn't you call a residents immediately?", I was taking the personal approach as I knew that if I held a residents meeting only about a third would attend, it also gave me the chance to talk to any residents who may have got upset by the letter and fear that they might 'get thrown out' This personal touch is important to me and from what I have heard from my residents it is to them as well.
When we settled into my office the scene was set, and it was clear that this was not going to be an introducing sort of visit as explained by the chief exc, but confrontational. It was a very uncomfortable hour and a half with this manager taking the lead, being quite aggressive and what finished it off for me, she was clock watching for the last 15 mins, that was obvious.
I have now decided to look for another position, there is no point in fighting for recognition or for fairness, as I don't believe that is in the forefront of this charities policy. I have decided that I will go in my own time, when I'm ready and I will go with a bang, letting the board of trustees and the friends of my home know exactly why I'm going, it may do some good for the future.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
UK Care Help
For those of you who follow my posts here about POI I have started a new site. This site is open to one and all, but has a completely different purpose.
The site can be found here.
The site is aimed at trying to help people who need to find a care home for an elderly relative or friend, and is designed to offer free help and support. The only place I can advertise it is here, but there are no restrictions and as I said it is there for one and all, even if its only to try and get answers to questions.
As questions are raised I shall try to either give the answers or advise where the answers may be found. The site is not there to promote any particular care home or service.
The site can be found here.
The site is aimed at trying to help people who need to find a care home for an elderly relative or friend, and is designed to offer free help and support. The only place I can advertise it is here, but there are no restrictions and as I said it is there for one and all, even if its only to try and get answers to questions.
As questions are raised I shall try to either give the answers or advise where the answers may be found. The site is not there to promote any particular care home or service.
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