Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Dawkins Failure

Once upon a time there was an up jumped little slime bag called Professor Dawkins, who wanted to take away any joy in the world for children and for those who believed in religion.

The children were kept away from the rantings of this nasty unwholesome man, who would ban anything that didn't fit into his ideal world of how things should be, and the huge amounts of money he was making by making children's lives a misery.

The people who wanted to believe in God were also affected as he wanted to prove that there was no God, but how? If he thought there was no God how could he prove it, he was in the same dilemma as those who wanted to prove there was a God, the evidence factor.

Dawkins the dork had a fight on his hands, after all why shouldn't children be allowed to have fantasy tales? Adults have them in the form of science fiction and also have books on wizards and demons, is denying a good read for children nothing more than child abuse?

As for religion surely as people we have the right to either believe or disbelieve, I disbelieve, but that is my right, I do not go out of my way to prove there is no God and I do not expect to be preached to that there is a God.

Why can't this man keep his big nose out and try to stop the endless self publicity? Oh I forgot his own personal God comes into this its called .............................MONEY.

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