Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Credit Cruch and Bail Out?

This is really the world going down the plughole and some deserve to loose everything they have, but the majority who don't deserve to loose big time, are eventually going to be the ones who suffer.

The bail out in the USA has stumbled, good or bad I'm not an expert, but in many ways I agree with the populous of the US (makes a change I know), why bail out rich b'stards who have consistently made millions from Wall Street at the little persons expense.

The same is starting to happen over here in good Ole UK. Gordon Brown wants to use our money to bail out Banks, why? If you run Banks badly, with people who are not real bankers in the old sense, if they over extend themselves through greed, if the once Chancellor saw fit to rob our pensions, sell off our gold reserves, why should we bail out these people including Gordon Brown from our taxes.

Let the people who have made millions at our expense, pay back everything they have taken in extortionate salary's and bonus's for the last 5 years before we the common tax payers are made to pay. What about MP's and their huge expense accounts, pay some back to help the country, why should it always be the small person who has to suffer?

Maybe this credit crunch will help fuel a much needed change in attitude from both government and greedy b'strads who have robbed us blind for years, maybe this is armageddon for them, I hope so.

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