Monday, October 13, 2008

Saviour or New World Order

Well its happening Gordon Brown will be nationalising some of the big banks. The Telegraph reports that the French see him as reborn as he seems comfortable dealing with and leading Europe through this crisis, I wonder, is it too comfortable?

I have always felt that Nu-Labour had a strange feel about them. They were almost falling over themselves to be seen as the good guys after the devastating 18 years of Tory control, yet within a very short time, we were plunged into a war on a web of deceit, given a Prime Minister we didn't vote for, and denied a vote on the Treaty of Lisbon, even though it was promised as part of an election campaign, because according to Nu-Labour spin it was essentially different even though many of the leaders of Europe were admitting that there was no change apart from thge name. Then we had Tony Blair being seen mixing it with the Bilderbergs, coincidence? You work it out.

I think that this is a bold and decisive move, but I also wonder yet again if the global crisis was engineered, its not beyond reasonable doubt and look what the prize was, almost total control of the countries banking system, how best to control the populous? They will have their own men on the boards, will there be a list that tells them not to lend to various people who do not toe the line? Again this is not beyond the realms of possibility, I for one have never trusted Gordon Brown or the Nu-Labour party as they are the masters of spin and deceit all I can say is beware.

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