Saturday, September 27, 2008


Well the financial world is in meltdown, is it good or bad. To me it was bound to happen and our wonderful politicians around the world all had their snouts in the trough in one way or another.

The blame is being firmly laid at the banks door steps and quite rightly after all these so called experts decided it was wise to lend huge amounts of money to people who couldn't afford to keep up payments or afford the repayments in the first place, very clever, or in plain English very fooking stupid.

Now we have banks going to the wall, but the greedy b'stards who help start it all still crawling out of the woodwork with huge sums of money, that Halifax Geezer will get about £2million. Our politicians have also helped produce this as they either sat on their collective fat backsides and allowed the banks to exercise unscrupulously in this market for years. They have consistently ripped off the ordinary punter and everything has been hidden away.

I'm also sure that many of the politicians had a hand in the sub prime market, surely I read somewhere that during his time as Chancellor (or should that be Chancer) Brown was not only involved in destroying our pensions selling our gold reserves, but I seem to remember reading somewhere he had invested some of the country's wealth in the sub prime market, but all of a sudden that news seems to have gone off the radar, I wonder why?

So what do we have to look forward to? One thing is for certain, more claptrap and bullshit from politicians, e.g. look at the most recent Labour Conference and that sickening episode with Browns wife introducing him, then him trying to do a Blair. His spin doctor certainly earned his 30 pieces of silver that day, I hope the b'stard never has a decent nights sleep again. The elderly, the most vulnerable and the poorest are going to suffer the most and the politicians will demand more money or will continue to scam as much as possible from expense accounts and keep reminding us how lucky we are to have such wonderful public servants as themselves.

Time for a revolution yet?

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