Saturday, September 27, 2008

Zero Timers

I got fed up with Philosophers on Ice, the site was great, but then all of a sudden things started to go sour. God came into almost every blog with baiting of others abounding, by a Christian of all people, it got down right nasty and dirty, but isn't that the same the world over.

So I bit the bullet and started a new site called zero timers, so far a good start I only pop in every now and again as my son and I have taken up archery and every spare moment is taken up with dashing for the archery field to practise our new skills, or to scare the hell out of others depending on which side of the fence you sit.

Zero Timers is an open site as opposed to POI so anyone can join or ask me to join, I just want people to able to share without the nasty aggression that seems to have to take place on some blog sites, after all we are all entitled to our own opinions and we should respect others opinion, something politicians would do well to understand, so Fook Off Brown and Co.

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