A lot of people either think or call dear Gordon Brown a lame duck, me I prefer TWATMAN, but thats beside the point, we know he's a lame duck as a leader, his own party know he's a lame duck as a leader, he must know he's a lame duck as a leader, (unless he believes the sycophants such as Ed Bollocks & Co) and we have another hugely unpopular leader coming to visit who is also seen as a lame duck in his own country, surely having one of our own is enough, without having to import one from the USA and how much is this going to cost the tax payer? Two lame ducks=loads of posh nosh ups, loads of booze available, rich twats wanting to rub shoulders with two of the most unpopular on the planet purely for their own ego's and all at our expense. GREAT!!!!
Have you heard the case about the two Christian preachers quietly distributing Christian leaflets in a mainly Muslim area of Birmingham, no then look at this last time I looked this was essentially a Christian country, and if Jehovahs Witness or Mormons come to my door, I'm either very polite and say no thank or let my wicked sense of humour get the better of me and start a conversation off in a direction that makes them uncomfortable. I do not call the police.
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