Monday, June 02, 2008

More Corruption

Well reading the Daily Telegraph this morning and yet again it reeks of political corruption, and not just from Twatman and his friends, but lets not leave dear old twatman until last, after all he is the leader. It appears that the one eyed twat has been caught diverting funds to the Labour Heartland to try and boost votes. Does he really think that will help or is this a last ditch attempt to hold onto power like that other aging despot Mugabe who has now taken to arresting his opposition, so that when the next stage of the elections come around who will be left to fight him? Watch out Cameron knowing Brown and Labour and the way they don't seem to have a single idea of their own they might adopt this tactic and arrest your party so that the one eyed monster can carry on his daemonic rule in making this the most oppressive country in Europe.

Then of course we have dear old David Camerons bunch of high rollers, well what can one say, if there was ever a good reason for the treaty of Lisbon to be dropped, this must be it. Yet another case of where a politician is getting away with blue murder and no one seems to care, Oh the calls are out for an investigation, will it happen? maybe, but by the time there is an investigation enough time will have been allowed for books to cooked and excuses invented and of course the 'I repent' speach to be written by some spin doctor.

It is now everyday that these so called politicians are reported, as something crooked going on, still they steal and cheat, give us tales of woe as to why they should spend our money on themselves. These politicians are telling us through expensive adverts that we must reduce our 'Carbon Footprint', but these are the same people with second homes, who refuse to use public transport, drive large cars and don't share, and you could really go on and on.

Snouts in the trough is too mild a word for them.

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