Saturday, June 14, 2008

Give Up Gordon

Time for Gordon Brown to realise that with the Irish vote against the Treaty of Lisbon or as I prefer to call it the Treaty to Dispose of Democracy and now the Czechs saying it should not be ratified, this Treaty has lost its punch, its power and its way and its time to call a halt to this sad sordid affair.

The people of Europe and in particular in the UK do not have trust in this Treaty or in any leader who wants to so openly go against the wishes of the people they are supposed to serve, so my message to all these leaders is learn to lead by listening to the people, that is what Democracy is about, it not about selfish self styled dictators trying to get their own way then sulking when it goes against them.

These leaders are acting like schoolyard bullies if you won't play my way then I shall find another way of pushing this through, WE DON'T WANT YOUR TREATY OF LISBON - SO FUCK OFF

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