Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Greedy Scumbag Politicians

It is now reported that our greedy scumbag politicians want to avoid the embarrassment of making expenses claims and it becoming public so now they want a block £23,000 in expenses that they do not want to account for. Is it me being cynical or are the wastes of good oxygen now taking the right royal piss out of this country and the tax payer, this is clearly a case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

We also have the conservative MP Tim Yeo who wants a carbon ration card, I bet you that this crackpot idea, will, if the conservatives come to power, be adopted by Crackpot Cameron, but I also bet you that our carbon guzzling MP's with their 2nd homes, new bathrooms and kitchens, window cleaners, gardeners, Sky TV's, Water Bills (paid late), etc etc etc all at the taxpayers expense will be exempt from this.

Save the planet, get rid of greedy tax guzzling MP's.

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