Saturday, May 17, 2008

Twatman at it Again

It has been reported that Gordon Brown has sent the whole cabinet to Crewe as a surge to get the votes back for labour. How desperate is that? Finally it may be dawning on the man that there is just a teeny weeny possibility that he might not be very popular, and that he is going to get another drubbing. Has someone let the cat out of the bag? because I'm sure he couldn't work this out for himself.

Will this work? sending the cabinet I mean? Don't be daft, its more likely to convince people to vote the other way, after all who wants Harriet Harlot, Tessa Scowel, Ed Ballcocks, Hazel Fears and Company camping on their doorstep, it would be like a '30's horror movie all they are missing is an appearance by Boris Karloff, and I'm sure that if Brown had thought that might have helped he would have got the shovel out himself to dig up the poor old geezer.

My hopes are two fold:

1. This completely backfires for Brown

2. He gave them all one way tickets.

By the way, if the other lot finally get into power, don't think I will stop being scathing about politicians, they are all a bunch of lying two faced crap artists, who will bleed this country dry given half the chance. I shall just have fun watching as the sycophants have a good year or two (after all they couldn't make it much worse immediately!), then start again as they get comfortable and start the whole ball rolling again. Remember the song by the WHO, Won't Get Fooled Again? Pete Townsend had it completely to rights.

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