Monday, November 25, 2013

Sad, Sick Politics in the UK

In the news today is the fact MP's have granted themselves yet another holiday next year, so MP's in the House of Scam Artists will only sit for 145 days next year. Looking at the comments across several newspaper websites this obviously hasn't gone down too well with voters who see this as yet another abuse of power, by rich and privileged MP's who obviously are totally oblivious to how the voter views them or more realistically they don't care!

Even more of a joke is the fact that MP's demand transparency from everyone, i.e. NHS, Financial Services, CQC etc, but they hide behind a veil of deceit and self regulation themselves. MP's investigate MP's, MP's decide their holidays, MP's decide their pay, MP's decide their expenses and nothing is transparent! MP's should also be able to be sacked by the voters!

The hypocrisy in British politics abounds completely unabated, surely there should be a watchdog set up with members of the general public who can oversee these decisions they make for their own benefits, they should also outnumber MP's who sit on this watchdog so that MP's cannot bulldoze any changes through. MP's should be accountable in every aspect of what they claim in expenses, and there should be a clear limit and only certain items that can be claimed for and these should not include new kitchens and furniture for their private homes, utlity bills should also be struck off as a claimable item, but that is pie in the sky, because MP's do not listen, do not care, have no morals and are worse than benefit cheats.

MP's are the lowest of the low at the moment and until they clean up their act, there is no point in voting for any of them, that alone would cause a major problem, how can a so called democratic country be governed by unelected MP's, so lets give them a real shock at the next election and ask everyone to spoil their voting slip.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Don't Make Me Laugh

John Major ex UK Prime Minister has now been endorsed by the current Prime Minister David Cameron, that there are too many 'POSH' people in top jobs ha ha ha.

What makes this so ironic is that both are rich and 'POSH' and both are politicians, one of whom is the present Prime Minister who spends a lot of time in the mistitled 'HOUSE OF COMMONS' which should really be renamed, 'HOUSE OF POSH MILLIONAIRES WHO SPONGE OFF THE TAXPAYERS' not one of them is worth a penny, most are claiming expenses the poor can only dream of as an annual wage, they cannot admit to mistakes, they do not have humility, morals or a soul they only think of themselves.

Blair has recently been paid a fortune to speak for two half hour sessions, yet this man is hated by his own country for traitorous lies that led us into a war where thousands at the very least died, yet he still walks free and he and his wife call themselves Christians, good joke eh?

When is the world and in particular this country going to wake up and realise that this class of person should not be at the top of the heap. As normal people outnumber this class by millions, we have the power to make significant changes and put them where they belong on the dung heap below normal people.

So lets get rid of the Browns, Milibands, Balls, Coopers, Camerons and Bercows of this country, vote them out at every opportunity and get in people who will listen to the 'normal' person and place their best interests and the best interests of the country first.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Corrupt Politics Again

Politicians seem to think they are not accountable to anyone, even God!

The EU has, for the 19th year, been unable to get its accounts ratified, if a business ran like this there would be questions by the tax office, shareholders and could result in an investigation leading to criminal charges, but again this corrupt, deformed, maladministration, bureaucratic behemoth, who wastes money like a burst water main wastes water, is allowed to continue with its governing of independent countries and its peoples without a mandate. What makes it worse is corrupt politicians who are traitors to their own countries and people advocate this as the way forward and support it.

In the UK the taxpayers are having to pay utility bills for MP's, whilst the old and vulnerable have to choose between eating or heating. One MP has even had the tax payer funding electricity to his stables! How sick is that? As usual once caught out you get the usual denial, the political claptrap and hot air.

Quite frankly politics in the true sense is dead, democracy is dead. We are led by self serving bags of hot air who do not have a soul. They do not have remorse for their mistakes, do not know how to apologise, see themselves as blameless and really do not give a rats arse about honesty, morals, humility, the elderly, the poor, the sick and the dying as long as they get loads of money and a gold plated pension for themselves.

This is not just in this country, but the world over, and as people of the world we allow these moral less scum to lead us.................. WHY? Personally I think it is time that the people of planet earth rose up against these scum to take back our freedom.

Big corporations are the same, do we need the likes of big utility companies ripping us off at every opportunity, do we need corrupt banks and bankers abusing us and the rules and getting away with it? Do we need the likes of Murdoch who runs corrupt media, who leaves his underlings to answer for his crimes?

The one thing to remember is that there are more of us than there are of them, that gives us a massive edge and if this edge is used correctly we can make banks bankrupt, we can bring utility companies to their knees, and we can get rid of politicians all in a clean and legal way. I am not a leader worthy of trying to bring this about, but I bet there is someone out there who can unite us as a world population to fight these crimes against humanity. The Guy Fawkes mask movement has proved that there are people willing to fight and stand up, but we do not need prats like Russell Brand jumping on the band wagon, he has made a fortune whilst showing he too has a lack of morals and a lack of humility.

Rise up, not as a nation, but as a world who is sick of violence, sick of corruption, sick of politicians who do not care except for themselves, sick of the likes of the Murdochs of this world, of banks and bankers, lets plan a week of endless screwing these people and institutions up to show we do have power and are not cattle to be led to the slaughterhouse for their amusement and personal gain.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Made In Chelsea

I have only caught glimpses of this horrendous programme but my thoughts are clear on it, it is made up of posers, sluts and wannabe's. I don't think that ten of these idiots together could do my job, in fact I would love to see them try!

These are empty, soulless people, take away their fashion and money and there is nothing left, just an empty sack of skin. To be a real person you have to have a soul and a real purpose in life. This is not jealousy, just an observation, they only care about themselves.

Let me have 10 of these fools to work in my area of expertise and see how long they last, I would give them 24 hours!!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why Do Large Computer Manufacturers Make us Use Operating Systems We Don't Want

Well I have made it clear I hate Windows 8, to me the worst operating system ever produced by Microsoft. I gave my wife a nice Asus K55VD to replace her ageing Dell, she took one quick go of Windows 8 and demanded that I replace it with Windows 7. I can't blame her, I just paid £1,300 on a nice new Asus G750JX with very high specifications, which I immediately customised by adding another 8GB of ram and bigger and faster hard drives, (for a laptop its amazing it has room for 2!).

Unfortunately Asus insist that Windows 8 is the way forward so do not give me a choice of operating system its a take it or leave it attitude, which has spoilt my computing experience with their wonderful machine. They are not alone, it seems all the major computer makers have been instructed by Microsoft to use Windows 8, whether you have touch screen or not.

Windows 8 might have some good points, but for me the bad points far outweigh the good points. I hate all those screens that suddenly jump out at you, I hate all those tiles, and most of all I hate the lack of start button and the menu that came with it. As a result I had to purchase a small program called RetroUI to stop all those flying menus and to give me back my much loved start button with menu's I could customise.

If Microsoft had been run by sensible people, they might have made different flavours of Windows 8, one for tablets, one for touch screen computers and one for ordinary computer users, but they are brash and lazy and believe in the one size fits all approach.

My favourite operating system is Ubuntu, simple fast, effective, but I have to use Windows to be compatible with work computers and to be able to play Skyrim, but getting my new super duper laptop to accept dual boot with Ubuntu and Windows 8 was a nightmare, because Windows put in security checks to make this sort of thing difficult so that unless you are a bit of a computer nerd and willing to keep restoring from a backup, each time your attempt went pear shaped, it would defeat most would be Ubuntu or Linux people who want to learn and try this amazing free operating system.

It took me several attempts over two weeks to finally get both working perfectly. As usual for most of the things I do, I use Ubuntu, for work back to Windows 8, to play Skyrim, back to Windows 8. Don't get me wrong, Microsoft have produced some great operating systems, Windows XP was superb and still loved by many. Windows 7 was a worthy replacement and I came to love this just as much as XP, but in between what rubbish have we had to endure!

Almost everyday I have to download new updates for Windows 8, it is slow, laborious and getting a tad tedious, then you often have to reboot, then wait again whilst Windows configures the updates, then finally you might be able to use the computer. Ubuntu boots in under 10seconds from choosing from the menu to being able to use the program. If there are updates it is swift and runs in the background, rarely do you have to reboot and wait for it to configure itself. When I finally got the dual boot working I chose Ubuntu 12.04 because this has Long Term Support - 5 years, and they produce a Long Term Support version every two years like clockwork with other releases to try every 6 months. I had initially 335 updates to do for Ubuntu, it took no longer than 6 minutes from start to finish, with only one reboot!

When I buy a computer I buy a computer, I want to have choice over what operating system I want ON MY COMPUTER,  my computer doesn't belong to Microsoft, it belongs to me, I paid my hard earned cash for it, so let me choose what operating system I want to use.

These computer companies have to stop Microsoft from telling them what to do and they should grow a pair of balls. Microsoft want to dominate the world of computers, but until they produce good, stable, reliable software, they can kiss my ass.


After writing this, I got home after work and decided to have a little play on Skyrim, yet another prolonged update, which meant yet another restart, then about half an hour into the game Windows reported a fault, closed down Skyrim loosing all gameplay and all the items I had acquired. Yet another restart and more time wasted waiting for Windows to configure itself, and they sell this rubbish?

People wonder why hackers target Microsoft products, maybe its due to frustration at the inept coding of their products and to show the numerous flaws in this so called 'ready to use out of the box' product that stinks.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Ubuntu - What a Gem

When I was off sick and lying on my back, I decided to really explore Ubuntu on my computer, I found myself falling more and more in love with it. When I was better and able to move around, as my favourite sport, field archery, had to be put on hold for the rest of the year, I decided to buy a new laptop, an Asus K55VD SX696H with 8GB of ram.

This is a very nice notebook and well within my budget, obviously I had no choice of Operating system thanks to the collusion between Microsoft and computer manufacturers, so I got my nice new laptop with one of the worst Operating Systems since Vista.

Because of the new EFI and GPT system I could not easily install Ubuntu alongside Windows 8, but after 5 days of trial and error I finally managed to load Ubuntu 13.04 alongside Windows 8.

Since then I have been playing and exploring Ubuntu and my verdict is this is a Gem of an Operating System, but it takes some effort and a willingness to learn, but once you get into the swing of it you realise just how flawed Windows really is.

The amount of software that is available is huge, from excellent smooth scrolling first person shooter games, platform games, to quality office programs and technical stuff. VLC movie player works well and my favourite programs are Krusader, a wonderful dual pane explorer similar to XYplorer, Deluge bittorrent works well with Tor and a simple sticky notes program called Xpad.

Libre office comes free and is simple and a joy to use, Live Mail for hotmail is available, and apart from Tom Tom everything seems to be supported, including my Ipod Classic. It seems to be blindingly fast and as stable as a rock, everything a good Operating System should be.

This does not take long to become intuitive, and if you get stuck just do a google search for what you want or are trying to do and there is usually an easy tutorial or help available. Ubuntu is improving at a fast rate, far faster than Windows, and the following of Ubuntu is growing is growing at the same pace.

I cannot recommend Ubuntu highly enough and recommend more people try it. If you have a new 64 bit computer and want to try Ubuntu and are prepared for a sharp learning curve the way I managed to install Ubuntu is here.

My scores are as follows:

Windows 8   3/10

Ubuntu13.04  10/10

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Windows 8 - Another Disaster from Microsoft

I purchased a new Asus K55VD SX696H - 8 GB, I selected this notebook because it had good reviews and I could select certain flavours. It is a very nice machine, in particular when I changed the small slow harddrive for a Seagate Momentous XL 750 GB hybrid harddrive.

The one disappointment is I had NO choice of operating system, I had to have Windows 8, as it came pre-installed, to me this was against my consumer rights,my human rights and my basic right to choose. After playing with Windows 8 for several hours, my conclusion is that this is as bad as Vista was, if not worse.

Don't get me wrong Microsoft have produced some gems, Windows 3.11 was excellent, I loved XP, and I grew to love Windows 7 thinking it was a worthy replacement of XP, but Windows 8 is horrible, no start button and these silly apps.

Here it is time for an admission, I like Ubuntu (Linux), but I always had a dual boot system, so I could go into Windows and do the couple of things I couldn't do in Ubuntu, like use Tom Tom Home, because irony of irony, the Tom Tom unit is run on a Linux system, but their software is only produced for a Windows or Mac system, of course I complained to Tom Tom, and got a very nice reply, that just gave the usual company bullshit.

Why do Microsoft produce something good then replace it soon after with a piece of crap? Why do Microsoft and the computer manufacturers collaborate to take away the basic right to choose? I could understand if Microsoft did what Apple does that is produce their own computers with their own operating system, but this world dominance thing is really against all the principles of freedom of choice, so I shall be writing to Human Rights, Consumer Rights and Trading Standards to lodge a complaint against Microsoft.

I also had one hell of a job installing Ubuntu in dual boot load, mainly thanks again to the way Microsoft insist on their software being almost hard wired into the firmware bios. I did get around this problem and the solution is here.

I know many people who love Windows 8, but I think I know more who hate it and wish they still had Windows 7. I wouldn't be surprised if Windows 8 goes the same way as Vista, already I hear that this month there will be Windows 8.1 to restore the start button, but with more limited functionality that people are used to.

I am not against change, I am almost 60 and I love technology, what I hate is badly written software, or bloated software, for instance from pressing the power button and selecting Ubuntu to load takes about 20 seconds, Windows is at least 8X slower, and that includes login time. Updates in Ubuntu come down in seconds and install seamlessly in the background without countless restarts, and most of the software is open source and free and comes with Office compatible, Libre Office which is a joy to use as its simple and just gets on with the job at hand.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Windows, Apple and Linux

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were genius's, but both had their flaws. Bill Gates made Windows, a wonderful graphical interface for computers, which opened the way for ordinary people to use computers without having to learn some basic commands to type in to get the computer running the programme they wanted to work. His flaw was that although the human race had gone from no flight to space flight in 60 years and from computers that took up a whole room, to one that could site on your desk, he did not have the foresight to realise that computer internal memory would not be restricted as he allowed for, which in later versions of Windows did cause some problems. Microsoft build some great interfaces for normal users, 3.11, XP, were two great examples of stable clear systems, then we had 95 and Vista, which to me were absolute crap. We now have Windows 7 a good replacement for XP, relatively stable, but then we now have Windows 8, to me this is what I call 'prettyware' no better than Windows 7, just made to appease. I have no intention of going touch screen as long as possible, the skin produces oil to protect itself, hence smudges on your screen, I do not want to have to clean my screen every few minutes because the light has caught fingerprints all over my screen.

Steve Jobs, the other genius made another glaring error which is being continued by his company. He could have made his Operating System available to ordinary PC users, instead it could only be supplied for those who had an Apple computer. When Apple changed to the Intel chipset this was the ideal opportunity to come into direct competition with Microsoft, but for some reason they have stuck with their policy. There was a second mistake, they have priced Apple computers beyond the reach of ordinary users. Yes they are pieces of art to look at, but I can get three laptops with high specifications for one Apple Airbook!

I used to use Windows as my main operating system, but over the past 6 weeks I have been using Ubuntu a Linux based Operating System almost exclusively. 12.04.02 has five year support and is extremely stable and extremely fast, loading in about 30 seconds compared to Windows taking up to two minutes. Almost all the software is free of charge and I have found only one thing I can do in Windows that I cannot do in Linux, and that is a real thought provoker. Tom Tom use Linux on their devices, but only provide Tom Tom Home for Windows or Mac's, how about that!

I am finding that more and more people are trying Linux and loving the experience. If you need help just type in your problem to your search engine and there are huge amounts of forums to help you out. It does take a bit of an effort to get used to certain things, like using the terminal, but you can get the help with the right syntax which you can copy and paste.

I predict that like the UKIP party in the UK people are fed up with bloatware in software, just as much as they are fed up with politicians who are full of bloatware, hence UKIP is growing in popularity at an extraordinary rate, so to is Linux. Itunes is a very good example of bloatware to me, I have an Ipod classic 160GB I just want to be able to drag and drop files onto the ipod, and I hate Itunes. I have found there are several lightweight programs such as Media Monkey or Winamp which are free, small and do what I want easily.

You do not have to load Ubuntu to try it, get a live cd from Ubuntu by downloading the Iso file, burn the cd then boot with the cd in the drive, you can use Ubuntu or many other Linux systems without making changes to your computer, just to get a feel of it. If you want both Linux and Windows it will also allow for a dual boot called a Grub loader to be installed which gives the option of which OS to boot into.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dell - Going Backwards?

I have, for years, been a happy customer at My wife has a Dell laptop I helped her to customise for her personal needs, I helped my daughter customise a powerful desktop to meet her needs as an illustrator, I have a now aging Inspiron 1525 which I am seriously thinking of upgrading, so my first port of call was the Dell website.

I was horrified, you are no longer able to customise laptops to your budget and needs and meet that happy medium of getting the best within your budget. Dell have fallen into the corporate trap! By this I mean I went onto their chat with an advisor, and was given what I can only conclude was the company line, helpful and polite but useless.

I then got a phone call from Dell, again a nice person with an Indian accent. Now I am far from racist, but I instantly thought of The Big Bang Theory where poor Raj, who tries his hardest and is nice a person as possible, makes so many mistakes because of the nuances native English speakers understand.

Again I appeared to be fed the company line. We have listened to our customers and we have speeded up our delivery time by ready made laptops. Not what I want I said politely, I want to be able to choose options, such as CPU, colour, storage, ram etc. We have lots of options was the reply, yes but I want to choose options for myself I said, well to cut a long story down, I ended up thanking the nice person on the phone and stated I would look elsewhere, as he had stated that everyone now does this.

Within 5 minutes of searching I found that Sony allow customisable laptops, Novatech in the UK also have a good reputation and will help you, and System 76 have some stunning laptops each one customisable as Dell used to be.

Dell have made a mistake only a novice marketing manager could make and will loose a small group of customers because of this. I do say small as geeky people like me are in the minority of wanting to customise their laptops, but any loss of custom should be avoided at all cost.

If Dell had kept a small section of the site for people like me (remember I am a returning customer) so I can play with various configurations to get the compromise to suit my budget. Another thing I noticed was that there is no complaint tab either at the top or the bottom of the screen, are they that good?

Did them no good though as Twitter and a quick search got me the email and Twitter address of Michael Bell (CEO and founder) so I hope he reads this blog. I am a manager, if I was to loose even one customer, I quite rightly get the third degree from my employer, why? How can this be avoided? What did I personally do to try and not loose this customer? As many who read my blogs (really not that many!) you know that I work in the service industry as a care home manager where income is extremely important, so is matching the care to each individual.

Mr Dell should seriously look at what has gone wrong and why customers like myself will now be looking elsewhere. My preference is System 76 as the way that you can make your laptop your own is very similar to the way Dell once were.

Friday, April 26, 2013

European Union - Greatest Historical Fraud Ever

The European Union was set up after World War 2 in the hopes that closer ties would stop another war of this magnitude, in that respect even the most sceptical has to agree that there has been no war in Europe of the magnitude of the 2nd World War since, but the price has been far too high.

I liken the European Union to a Ponzi Scheme of epic proportions, it does involve moving money around, it does involve certain people getting huge salaries, it does involve banks and it does involve ignoring the rights of ordinary people, who are cheated and scammed at every oportunity.

The saddest fact of all is that every political leader wants this to perpetuate, yet the financial world is in a complete shambles, whilst some countries are almost bankrupt and some countries are experiencing unemployment of epic proportions.

There are many well documented facts that back all this up. Greece forced to have food lines and unemployment so high that many are close to starving. Spain has one of the highest unemployment in Europe. Italy is in a complete mess and close to being bankrupt. Portugal is also close to being bankrupt. Eire had to suffer from draconian measures as did Greece  and finally the worst thing that could happen, came from the small island country called Cyprus, where the government stole the savings of people who placed their trust in banks and saved their hard earned cash, only to have a penalty placed on it to get it out of being made bankrupt by two corrupt organisations, the IMF and the EU.

In the UK we have FAT CAT leaders who are wimps and are completely out of touch with public opinion. Cameron has played a seemingly crafty game of offering a referendum, but only if he gets re-elected, if he had any morals and was as in touch with public opinion as he claims, he would not offer a carrot if he got re-elected.

European countries as a whole need to organise combined action against the EU, many of whom work for this organisation without the mandate of the people, so in effect there is no democracy and the ordinary people are not dunces who cannot be trusted.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Camoron at it Again

I have just watched a wonderful item on You Tube about the rise of UKIP. Camoron is still missing the point and is again letting this country down and democracy.

He is far behind what he needs to be, to win another term in power and frankly I hope he ends up on the scrapheap of has beens'. This could be considered inflammatory as Cameron and Co (Miliband, Clegg and Co) want to stop freedom of speech.

I am one of the fruit cakes, loonies and closet racists Camoron, yet here I am, a care manager running a care home for the elderly with mental health problems, because I really do care, I don't make speeches or look good for the press, I do something real. I also work for a Pakistani Muslim who owns the home and we have the greatest of respect for each other.

The EU cannot be more corrupt than it is. Its accounts have been signed off for what? 12 - 14 years? It is undemocratic, it is stifling growth, it is robbing ordinary people in Cyprus, yet it is allowed to continue to ruin lives with impunity.

What will it take to finally get out of the EU? Full revolution?

Friday, January 25, 2013


We have some very strange people on this planet of ours, we have politicians who have the morals of dictators who think that democracy is only a word and when voted into their position it can be discarded as they please. The EU is very like this, the rules come from people not even voted into power, but they are dictating to countries and taking away democracy at an alarming rate. Cameron has made a stand, or has he? What he has done is try to secure a second term for himself by stating a referendum to remain in the EU will be held in 2017. What he fails to realise is that the British people who make the votes count are not fooled, I will still be voting UKIP as I want a referendum now, not in four years, if he gets voted back in, and I am not alone.

The Taliban, moralist bastards, who think they have the right to kill and maim all in the name of God. These are the faceless, Godless, pig shit, scum of the world. Anyone who condones the shooting of a defenceless schoolgirl because she wants to learn isn't fit to walk this earth. They also condone acid attacks on women, scaring women, is this macho, is it brave? No it is the work of cowards and pig shit. Why pick on Christians? Jesus is viewed as prophet in Islam, surely who you decide to pray to is your right and shouldn't be decided by scum at the end of a gun.

I am sick of criminals getting soft options and complaining about their human rights. Criminals should loose every perk they have, no computers, basic healthy food, they should work hard 12 hours a day, preferably making big rocks into small rocks. Leisure should be a football or board games, nothing else, no computers, no TV, no radio, play classical music only. This is supposed to be a punishment, a debt repaid to society, so make it a punishment, no harsh treatment, but the withdrawal of all comforts, after all a lot of pensioners who have worked all their lives cannot afford half of what these pigs get, so make it uncomfortable, make it so they don't want to return, and rip up the Human Rights Act for those convicted of a crime, at least whilst they are serving a prison term.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

EU and Obama can Drop Dead

There is so much going on at the moment, and most of it is negative. Just recently David Cameron (Flashman) was going to deliver a ‘KEY SPEECH’ on Britains continued inclusion in the EU, but conveniently got side tracked by events in Algeria. To say he is ignoring the British peoples wishes is an understatement. The last poll I saw stood at over 58% of the British people wanting a referendum of IN or OUT.

Cameron is running scared, he is finally realising that UKIP will not go away, and its support is growing at a rapid rate, enough to put the Lib Dems at risk of no longer being a political party, and the Tories loosing a lot of seats.

David Miliband has also shown himself to be out of touch and nothing less than a bumbling fool on radio. He has no answers, showed himself as a hypocrite, is using a chauffeur driven car costing huge amounts of money after attacking the Tories for their personal transport use.

Obama has interfered with British democracy by stating that Britain should stay in the EU. His own country is in a mess, but he has time to direct Britain. This man is undemocratic, he is a tyrant, he must be part of the New World Order. What right does he have to direct Britain, he supports Argentina over Britain regarding the Falklands, despite the wishes of the people of the Falklands wishing to remain British. This man is a sham, and has no right to offer advice or his opinion to Britain, he has done his image over here massive damage and has shown himself to be more a fraud than ever for the right of democracy.

Finally we get to the clown of British politics, Nick Clegg, there is not much one can say about Clegg except go away little boy. Everyone knows when he looses his seat he will run back to the EU gravy train which is why he is so pro EU and cannot see the damage it is doing not just in this country but throughout Europe.

The latest poll shows that Britain has the highest claimants on benefits in Europe leading the Daily Mail to say or suggest we are the most workshy. What has not been broken down are the percentages.

British born claimants
Asian immigrant claimants
EU immigrant claimants

If this were conducted I think we would see a far more scary picture, that would be blocked by the EU as it would show that the greatest number of claimants would not be British born, in my opinion, and in December the EU will free another bunch of claimants from Romania and Bulgaria onto our shores so our wonderful country will scream under the weight and pressure. Our once wonderful NHS is already at breaking point, the tax payers of this country are already supporting more than their fair share of immigrant claimants, and EU politicians claim huge salaries and expenses and live like pigs at everyone’s expense.

Revolution has to come in this country, and UKIP are the only way forward to make the changes needed. Whatever happens the whole political face of Britain is going to have a complete facelift in the next few years and many current MP’s will be on their last session in the House of Commons. Change is coming, it has been slow and painful, but finally it is coming I just hope it is not too late.

Britain is able to foster good relations around the globe without the EU, we will survive because we are strong and determined, not the slaves of Europe or the USA.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Who Invents the Silly Sayings?

The latest silly saying is the Fiscal Cliff!

What a load of bollocks, these politicians and their bunch of expensive hangers on seem to love coming up with new statements and sayings that no one understands, but the dramatic sound is supposed to send a message about the importance or dread of what is in store.

What about using good old straight forward English. If I get this right Fiscal Cliff could be better explained by this term. 'If we are unable to come to an agreement then the country could suffer financial damage which will affect everyone.' Not as catchy, but it explains things better.

I don't like these so called catchy phrases, invented by morons who want to appear to be clever, tell it as it is. Another one is from England, by Cameron, 'Global Crackdown'. Like thats likely to happen with the likes of Google and Amazon rushing to avoid paying tax. They are powerful enough to put two fingers up to the normal taxpayer and strike a deal on the side with politicians, what these sort of companies don't realise is if you have a poorer customer, they are likely to buy less, therefore their profits will not be as high, and all because we the taxpayer have to make up the difference, so in the end it is a no win situation for both sides, sad but true, but companies like Google and Amazon, to name but a few, are led and run by short sighted individuals where money is God.