Friday, January 25, 2013


We have some very strange people on this planet of ours, we have politicians who have the morals of dictators who think that democracy is only a word and when voted into their position it can be discarded as they please. The EU is very like this, the rules come from people not even voted into power, but they are dictating to countries and taking away democracy at an alarming rate. Cameron has made a stand, or has he? What he has done is try to secure a second term for himself by stating a referendum to remain in the EU will be held in 2017. What he fails to realise is that the British people who make the votes count are not fooled, I will still be voting UKIP as I want a referendum now, not in four years, if he gets voted back in, and I am not alone.

The Taliban, moralist bastards, who think they have the right to kill and maim all in the name of God. These are the faceless, Godless, pig shit, scum of the world. Anyone who condones the shooting of a defenceless schoolgirl because she wants to learn isn't fit to walk this earth. They also condone acid attacks on women, scaring women, is this macho, is it brave? No it is the work of cowards and pig shit. Why pick on Christians? Jesus is viewed as prophet in Islam, surely who you decide to pray to is your right and shouldn't be decided by scum at the end of a gun.

I am sick of criminals getting soft options and complaining about their human rights. Criminals should loose every perk they have, no computers, basic healthy food, they should work hard 12 hours a day, preferably making big rocks into small rocks. Leisure should be a football or board games, nothing else, no computers, no TV, no radio, play classical music only. This is supposed to be a punishment, a debt repaid to society, so make it a punishment, no harsh treatment, but the withdrawal of all comforts, after all a lot of pensioners who have worked all their lives cannot afford half of what these pigs get, so make it uncomfortable, make it so they don't want to return, and rip up the Human Rights Act for those convicted of a crime, at least whilst they are serving a prison term.

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