Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Who Invents the Silly Sayings?

The latest silly saying is the Fiscal Cliff!

What a load of bollocks, these politicians and their bunch of expensive hangers on seem to love coming up with new statements and sayings that no one understands, but the dramatic sound is supposed to send a message about the importance or dread of what is in store.

What about using good old straight forward English. If I get this right Fiscal Cliff could be better explained by this term. 'If we are unable to come to an agreement then the country could suffer financial damage which will affect everyone.' Not as catchy, but it explains things better.

I don't like these so called catchy phrases, invented by morons who want to appear to be clever, tell it as it is. Another one is from England, by Cameron, 'Global Crackdown'. Like thats likely to happen with the likes of Google and Amazon rushing to avoid paying tax. They are powerful enough to put two fingers up to the normal taxpayer and strike a deal on the side with politicians, what these sort of companies don't realise is if you have a poorer customer, they are likely to buy less, therefore their profits will not be as high, and all because we the taxpayer have to make up the difference, so in the end it is a no win situation for both sides, sad but true, but companies like Google and Amazon, to name but a few, are led and run by short sighted individuals where money is God.

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