Friday, December 21, 2012

Health Warning

I read in the news that the wonderful EU now wants to make 75% of the cigarettes packets covered with warnings of the danger of smoking, but now they want to put warnings on electronic cigarettes because they contain nicotine.

I have several concerns here:

1. Elderly people who have been smoking all their lives are suddenly penalised and now cannot afford to indulge their right to smoke, which other governments benefited from by way of taxes.

2. Surely Human Rights are being infringed here, by a substantial amount as this is done without consultation and only takes one aspect of the habit into account.

3. I only smoke a ecig (electronic cigarette), I feel better, have more breath on exercise, it doesn't smell, it is safe, but now they want to put a warning on these that they contain nicotine in the liquid used. What else contains nicotine? Should that also have a warning placed on it which would include, eggplant, green tomatoes and potatoes.

4. Caffeine is very addictive, why is that not treated the same way?

To my way of thinking the only thing that should have a government health warning are .................................

POLITICIANS - Liars, bad for the finances of the taxpayer, cause high blood pressure, cause uncontrolled anger in huge groups of people, cause violence, cause wars and famine, LIVE OFF PEOPLE, SO ARE PARASITIC.

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