Saturday, January 19, 2013

EU and Obama can Drop Dead

There is so much going on at the moment, and most of it is negative. Just recently David Cameron (Flashman) was going to deliver a ‘KEY SPEECH’ on Britains continued inclusion in the EU, but conveniently got side tracked by events in Algeria. To say he is ignoring the British peoples wishes is an understatement. The last poll I saw stood at over 58% of the British people wanting a referendum of IN or OUT.

Cameron is running scared, he is finally realising that UKIP will not go away, and its support is growing at a rapid rate, enough to put the Lib Dems at risk of no longer being a political party, and the Tories loosing a lot of seats.

David Miliband has also shown himself to be out of touch and nothing less than a bumbling fool on radio. He has no answers, showed himself as a hypocrite, is using a chauffeur driven car costing huge amounts of money after attacking the Tories for their personal transport use.

Obama has interfered with British democracy by stating that Britain should stay in the EU. His own country is in a mess, but he has time to direct Britain. This man is undemocratic, he is a tyrant, he must be part of the New World Order. What right does he have to direct Britain, he supports Argentina over Britain regarding the Falklands, despite the wishes of the people of the Falklands wishing to remain British. This man is a sham, and has no right to offer advice or his opinion to Britain, he has done his image over here massive damage and has shown himself to be more a fraud than ever for the right of democracy.

Finally we get to the clown of British politics, Nick Clegg, there is not much one can say about Clegg except go away little boy. Everyone knows when he looses his seat he will run back to the EU gravy train which is why he is so pro EU and cannot see the damage it is doing not just in this country but throughout Europe.

The latest poll shows that Britain has the highest claimants on benefits in Europe leading the Daily Mail to say or suggest we are the most workshy. What has not been broken down are the percentages.

British born claimants
Asian immigrant claimants
EU immigrant claimants

If this were conducted I think we would see a far more scary picture, that would be blocked by the EU as it would show that the greatest number of claimants would not be British born, in my opinion, and in December the EU will free another bunch of claimants from Romania and Bulgaria onto our shores so our wonderful country will scream under the weight and pressure. Our once wonderful NHS is already at breaking point, the tax payers of this country are already supporting more than their fair share of immigrant claimants, and EU politicians claim huge salaries and expenses and live like pigs at everyone’s expense.

Revolution has to come in this country, and UKIP are the only way forward to make the changes needed. Whatever happens the whole political face of Britain is going to have a complete facelift in the next few years and many current MP’s will be on their last session in the House of Commons. Change is coming, it has been slow and painful, but finally it is coming I just hope it is not too late.

Britain is able to foster good relations around the globe without the EU, we will survive because we are strong and determined, not the slaves of Europe or the USA.

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