Friday, April 26, 2013

European Union - Greatest Historical Fraud Ever

The European Union was set up after World War 2 in the hopes that closer ties would stop another war of this magnitude, in that respect even the most sceptical has to agree that there has been no war in Europe of the magnitude of the 2nd World War since, but the price has been far too high.

I liken the European Union to a Ponzi Scheme of epic proportions, it does involve moving money around, it does involve certain people getting huge salaries, it does involve banks and it does involve ignoring the rights of ordinary people, who are cheated and scammed at every oportunity.

The saddest fact of all is that every political leader wants this to perpetuate, yet the financial world is in a complete shambles, whilst some countries are almost bankrupt and some countries are experiencing unemployment of epic proportions.

There are many well documented facts that back all this up. Greece forced to have food lines and unemployment so high that many are close to starving. Spain has one of the highest unemployment in Europe. Italy is in a complete mess and close to being bankrupt. Portugal is also close to being bankrupt. Eire had to suffer from draconian measures as did Greece  and finally the worst thing that could happen, came from the small island country called Cyprus, where the government stole the savings of people who placed their trust in banks and saved their hard earned cash, only to have a penalty placed on it to get it out of being made bankrupt by two corrupt organisations, the IMF and the EU.

In the UK we have FAT CAT leaders who are wimps and are completely out of touch with public opinion. Cameron has played a seemingly crafty game of offering a referendum, but only if he gets re-elected, if he had any morals and was as in touch with public opinion as he claims, he would not offer a carrot if he got re-elected.

European countries as a whole need to organise combined action against the EU, many of whom work for this organisation without the mandate of the people, so in effect there is no democracy and the ordinary people are not dunces who cannot be trusted.

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