Thursday, November 14, 2013

Don't Make Me Laugh

John Major ex UK Prime Minister has now been endorsed by the current Prime Minister David Cameron, that there are too many 'POSH' people in top jobs ha ha ha.

What makes this so ironic is that both are rich and 'POSH' and both are politicians, one of whom is the present Prime Minister who spends a lot of time in the mistitled 'HOUSE OF COMMONS' which should really be renamed, 'HOUSE OF POSH MILLIONAIRES WHO SPONGE OFF THE TAXPAYERS' not one of them is worth a penny, most are claiming expenses the poor can only dream of as an annual wage, they cannot admit to mistakes, they do not have humility, morals or a soul they only think of themselves.

Blair has recently been paid a fortune to speak for two half hour sessions, yet this man is hated by his own country for traitorous lies that led us into a war where thousands at the very least died, yet he still walks free and he and his wife call themselves Christians, good joke eh?

When is the world and in particular this country going to wake up and realise that this class of person should not be at the top of the heap. As normal people outnumber this class by millions, we have the power to make significant changes and put them where they belong on the dung heap below normal people.

So lets get rid of the Browns, Milibands, Balls, Coopers, Camerons and Bercows of this country, vote them out at every opportunity and get in people who will listen to the 'normal' person and place their best interests and the best interests of the country first.

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