Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thank God for Wikileaks

All I can say is thank you Wikileaks, the world has a right to know what is going on and now they have just confirmed what many privately thought about the USA and its scumbag politicians.

Hilary Clinton is a mad cow and should in my opinion be dismissed as not fit to serve, Politics in the USA appears to be even more corrupt than anywhere else in the world and that says a lot as they are even beating our so called politicians.

It shows you have to be really sick to be a politician, many might start out with good intentions, but they are easily swayed and corrupted to the point where they are no longer serving the people they are supposed to be serving, but are more interested in themselves, and that covers all the politicians the world over.

We have this very small minority who have too much power and too much influence over the majority of the people who live on this planet and we the mugs let them rule our lives and make our lives a misery.

We have the Blairs, Browns, Clintons, Bushes, Putins, Berlisconi and Sarkozy running this world and lets be frank would we notice if they were no longer on this planet, they would be missed by exactly how long?

I am sick to death of these people who to me are lower than a slug and just as valuable.

Oh and just to top it all off Sarah Palin has now joined the crazy cow club, who would want this woman in charge of a huge Nuclear Arsenal?

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