Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Elitist Clowns

Well we all wanted a change from the lying dirty tricks of Liebore who showed us what contempt they really have for this country and the people of this country, with lies about the invasion, the lack of a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon, the head in the sand approach to the financial crisis, after all who spends more when they are deeply in debt and that was Brown the Clown and he used to be Chancellor.

Well we got our change

Change of name that is, because lets be honest nothing has really changed.

We still have elitist, remote public schoolboy clowns who have never done an honest days work in their lives, telling us that they know what is best for the country. They continue to ignore what people of this country want, we are still being refused a referendum on the EU, we still have Human Rights protecting criminals and benefit fraud immigrants, one who recently killed a young girl with his car when he was uninsured and banned from driving.

We still have immigrants in million pound properties claiming they are entitled to it, having never contributed to the country and have only ever taken from us. Then of course there is that horrible little hate 'Preacher' and I use the term Preacher very loosely Hamsa.

He has been disowned by his own country Egypt, but Cameron and his wonderful government worry about him so much that they will not withdraw his citizenship because he will be stateless, WHO CARES? MAKE HIM STATELESS THEN KICK HIM OUT HE HASN'T WORKED SINCE HE GOT HERE!!!!!

The most sickening thing for me was the Islamic thugs who burnt the poppy on 11th November what a tasteless stupid act. They should be hunted down and tried for treason if not treason then they should be jailed for a very long time, what would happen if we burnt the Koran, I'll tell you what we would be threatened with death from all over the world.

This is our fair and just society that our politicians are making safe for us by reducing the police and ignoring what the voters want, these elitist, remote stupid self serving politicians need to be removed from ever governing this country and there should be rules such as:

1. You cannot be considered to be a politician until you are 35 years old, that would stop these clowns coming straight from university and would mean they would have to work first.

2. You must have been in paid work unrelated to politics for at least 10 years.

3. No politician can serve for more than 14 years or two full terms of government

4. No serving politician can be on boards of companies, act as consultants or hold any form of second job/position whilst a serving politician.

5. Each politician must undergo a quality assurance assessment every two years as a minimum.

That would be my view for the safe future of government, we do not need career politicians straight from university without any worldly knowledge telling us how to run the country. Prime examples of this type of politician is Miliband, and what a twat he is.

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