Saturday, November 06, 2010

A Much Needed Revolution

Yet again our totally disgraceful MP's are in the press How long do we have to put up with lying, scheming, two faced, self serving, non effective MP's?

I have been saying we need a revolution for years and it still holds true. Cameron promised a clear up and no silly spending, then he employs a video maker and photographer to make him look good out of our money. He is a weak double standards, lying politician just like all the others.

Time for the revolution to start and when is does start we need to be very clear that no politician who is in office now should be spared and should be completely investigated, and new rules should state only a maximum of three terms as an MP, no second jobs even as 'advisor's', expenses only paid on certain items and again only on a receipt, no ex criminals, no one who has been charged should apply.

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