Thursday, November 04, 2010

Curse the judge, shout fanatics

Having read the disgraceful behaviour of these Muslim fanatics in a newspaper I think the time has come for the normal Englishman to take a stand, after all our politicians will do nothing!

So why don't we identify these people, learn where they live, and invite them to leave our country.

This can be done peacefully by just knocking on their doors and telling them we do not appreciate their behaviour, and if they so despise Britain, its justice system, history, culture and way of life, then please feel free to leave as soon as possible.

If that doesn't work maybe a more radical approach should be taken, but again there should be no physical harm or threats of violence, after all we do not wish to stoop to their level.

So what about buying a pigs head and blood and leaving for them as a present on their door step, again with a note stating that if they do not like or appreciate Britain, its history, culture, justice system and benefits system, which I am sure many take advantage of then here is a present to help them make their minds up to leave.

Why should these people be able to incite hatred, curse our judges, threaten our politicians (although at times I can understand that!) and openly tell us how much they hate us, but still live in our country, enjoy the freedom that our country offers and of course milk the benefits system for all its worth including free medical.

We need to get tough, but our namby pamby politicians aren't going to do anything so lets identify who these scum are and take matters PEACEFULLY into our own hands, once they realise that their behaviour is unacceptable and will incur retribution, it will soon stop, as they have the bully mentality.

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