Ray Savage lost the case against his nephews and niece, but instead of accepting the courts decision as his ex wife did, he has decided that he will appeal!
Despite his claims of being spiritual and on a spiritual journey he has shown yet more lies, as he told the court from the witness box and under oath, that he wanted to move on and that this was affecting his health, then when the decision is not to his liking, even though the Judge gave him closure he stated he wanted, Ray Savage has shown the depth to which he is prepared to plummet to get what he feels he is entitled to, despite the fact that the court found in favour of the 5 people who this affected as well.
His paymaster Fiona MacMahon was overheard telling Ray Savages Barrister that, she had 'plenty of money' what a twit I bet his barrister was rubbing his hands in glee as he has just been given a blank cheque!
Fiona MacMahon also claims to be spiritual and on her own spiritual journey and as incredulous as it seems she owns a spiritual retreat in Southern Ireland, she is so spiritual that she is seen playing gongs, only these gongs have been listed as a marital asset and have been removed to her retreat at Cabragh Lodge Retreat Centre, Coolaney. I would suggest that anyone who has booked in here to re-examine their reasons for going and the spirituality of both Fiona MacMahon and Ray Savage.
This is also the same woman who verbally attacked Frank Savage on his own land. Neither of these two people have endeared themselves in the small village where the farm is, in fact when the news broke, it appears that the majority of people were happy with the courts decision and support Frank Savage.
My other advice is directed to the niece, nephews and his ex-wife, if he loses the appeal, then you should claim for all your expenses, after all she has stated she has 'plenty of money'
Ray Savage is not a nice man, in fact he is downright nasty, he always claims to be an ex-police officer at every opportunity, yet he breaks the law as and when it suits him. He broke full covid lockdown by travelling from Southern Ireland, right across Wales and although not verified, I believe that as he has family in the west country, stopped there as well.
On Clan of The Trumpet Angels (another place he used the police officer card to gain trust and status) he invited up to 1,000 people to camp on land his nephew uses to run his camping business, again during full lockdown and without consulting any of the other co-owners of the land, mind you he always tells people HE owns the farm.
He has told court appointed bailiffs that they had no right to take his property, even though he has racked up huge bills in congestion charges which he hasn't paid so has also incurred fines, very spiritual!
The one thing he does try to avoid talking about is Hopegirl, I will let you make you own decisions so here is a link to get you started down this rabbit hole; HoaxGirl and ‘Randy’: Caught in a bad romance | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH (wordpress.com).
The list of the harm he has caused others, he turns around and makes himself out to be the victim, it is actually quite the reverse. He ended his marriage in the most callous cowardly and despicable way. Even his paymaster Fiona MacMahon has been dumped at least once, the time I remember was a rather stunning lady from the USA, but when he went over to the states for a month, he was back in about 8 days, I think she may well have done some research about him and refused to cough up cash for him.
I could keep adding to this, but this is a blog not a book! Needless to say that finally the universe is using Karma to rebalance what harm he has done to so many, the first in my opinion was him being forced to step down from the Parish Council because of his behaviour, the second is the court case that went against him, how this finally pans out is anybody's guess, but in my humble opinion he has already committed perjury by claiming he wants to move on whilst under oath and I hope if he does appeal this will be brought up as the court gave him exactly what he claimed he wanted!
If these two want to come after me I will play the disability card, as I am now disabled and at times in immense pain and can be housebound, I have no money, but if they come for me I will ask the court to verify everything I have stated as fact, besides I have no money as I live on three small pensions a month and live pretty much hand to mouth, but I hate injustice and liars.
Redone after many views as the formatting wasn't right I also found out that only about 19% of appeals are successful in the UK, funnily enough that is almost the same ratio of Ray Savage against his own family in this instance!
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