Monday, July 11, 2022

The Ego Must be suffering

 Great news that lying, unspiritual adulterous walking ego has had his second come uppance! He lost the case against his nephew and today he was hoping that the mortgage company would foreclose on the farm so that the consortium he is part of could buy it cheap, but it seems the judge could see what was going on and told the mortgage company they had to wait until after the appeal has been heard, the funniest thing is this man is not smart or even savvy in any way, for instance if he hadn't started the appeal process against the court decision going in favour of his nephew he may well have succeeded, Karma and the universe have a way of rebalancing!

I was also told today that many people in the village where the farm is situated dislike him intensely and because of his own underhanded treatment of his ex wife and they way he has tried to walk over many in the village he is now seen as someone that few want to be involved with, there will be the usual mob, the ones he promised affordable housing to, but their eyes will be opened soon as I cannot see the consortium he is part of allowing this to happen should they get their hands on the farm and his ex wife is extremely popular as she actually helps others in the village and does so without expecting anything in return, the complete opposite to Ray, thank goodness for common sense and may Ray keep on screwing up and misjudging people.

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