Sunday, April 19, 2020

Corona Virus and China

In my humble opinion, China and mainly its leaders are responsible for the pandemic. They are an oppressive regime who have a very poor human rights record, a history of being secretive, a history of making whistle-blowers disappear ( I believe killed as locked away they might still be able to talk!) and there is strong evidence that the figures produced about the deaths in the epicentre may be totally false, after all in one day weeks after they claimed the city had recovered, they increased that figure by 50%..........................REALLY!!!!

Since China has started to lift their lock down they are producing faulty test kits, the British government got conned out of about £2,000,000, they have sent out faulty PPE and they are trying to make money out of the situation they caused!

The citizens of the world now need to fight back and show not just China, but every oppressive regime that we as citizens of the world will not tolerate this, so lets start by stopping buying useless Chinese made products, after all it won't be hard, most of what is produced is complete and utter rubbish with an obvious lack of quality control and they are just increasing the pollution in the world with useless plastic, other nations are trying to reduce!

Governments may struggle to bring China to heel, but the citizens of the free world can do it just by not buying anything made in China. So lets have a concerted effort to reduce plastic waste and at the same time let China know we hold them responsible.

Celebrities and Lockdown

I have seen so many self absorbed celebrities now claiming high anxiety about not being able to go out, one was even photographed sitting outside his £12,000,000 mansion in tears. Not one of these self obsessed people have recognised that many elderly, disabled or seriously ill/mentally ill have this every day of their lives, not one of them has reached out to say they now at least understand, none have offered any financial help from their vast fortunes...................Nice people eh!

Multi-millionaires and Billionaires

Many of these, lets name a few, Richard Branson, Phillip Green, Mike Ashley and now Victoria Beckham are all asking for a bailout from the already cash strapped British government to use tax payers money to pay furloughed staff, yet these same people have made fortunes off the hard work of others or by just being nasty and cut throat. Branson has his own island and is a billionaire, so why can't he put his hand in his own pocket? Phillip Green owns three yachts, why can't he sell two and pay his staff, Mike Ashley tried to claim Sports Direct was an essential service so putting his own staff at risk, yet doesn't he own a football club so he can also afford to dip into his own pocket, then of course we have the latest Victoria Beckham already a failing business if reports in the press are accurate, has a family fortune of over £300,000,000 wants us to stump up for her staff, yet she is always flaunting her wealth on social media, honestly $100,000 for a 21 year old birthday party what is that teaching him?

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