Sunday, March 15, 2020


As a kid I used to love a drink of Corona pop, now Corona is synonymous as a virus which has the ability to kill on a large scale, but there is more to this than meets the eye.

Man Made?

Is this another man made virus? After all there are secret labs all over the world that mess about with nature, for either the purpose of 'research' or as a possible weapon of mass destruction, it was reported that there just happened to be a lab within the vicinity of Wuhun market where the virus was claimed to have started, but you have to wonder especially when you have a bunch of people in charge who are dedicated to keeping their population under strict control to make sure they and their families can rule for as long as possible!


Aircraft are nothing more than flying bug buses, I have read that commercial aircraft are only deep cleaned once a month. If this is true then the airline companies have helped raised the risk of a pandemic. Billionaire Richard Branson has now stated the government, using tax payers money, should bail out the airline companies by £7.5 billion to me that is such a disgrace, he has made a fortune from the public and has tried to dominate each market he has entered (I can remember his first record store) even if he hasn't succeeded, he has made a shed load of money, so Mr Branson you bail out the airline companies with the other fat cats who have put travellers at risk.


The world has gone mad! We have people rushing and fighting to stockpile toilet paper................................ really you twats!! If everyone stockpiles there will never be enough to go around, so these greedy, stupid parasites are hurting everyone with their 'look after myself' approach, if people bought what they needed as normal, there would be more than enough to go around, but selfishness and stupidity are rife, maybe we deserve this pandemic, maybe it has come as a form of KARMA, my personal hope is it will take out certain members of 'humanity' who think it is right to rule, control, deceive, and steal from the others; a culling is needed, society around the world has changed from helping your neighbour to trying to get one over on them and I blame a big part of this on social media as if you isolate yourself from others, but have the power to make a cowardly attack via the computer keyboard, then you have become far less a person, and then the vanity of those who flaunt their wealth, it is all beyond comprehension and good taste.

The press in this country are the most stupid of all, they have helped to generate the shortages by displaying empty shelves with big headlines, which only increases the panic, so they need to act far more responsibly! As I said a cull may not be a bad thing, after all the world is going to shit with humanity leading the charge, we need to grow up and learn from our mistakes, and we don't need any Greta Thunbergs getting the message wrong and blaming the wrong generations, look at your parents generation first, my generation was taught to recycle as a natural thing, we had glass bottles, very little plastic, paper bags and we had a deposit on glass bottles which made finding one as a kid a great joy as it meant free sweets or saving for something special.

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