Friday, December 21, 2012

Health Warning

I read in the news that the wonderful EU now wants to make 75% of the cigarettes packets covered with warnings of the danger of smoking, but now they want to put warnings on electronic cigarettes because they contain nicotine.

I have several concerns here:

1. Elderly people who have been smoking all their lives are suddenly penalised and now cannot afford to indulge their right to smoke, which other governments benefited from by way of taxes.

2. Surely Human Rights are being infringed here, by a substantial amount as this is done without consultation and only takes one aspect of the habit into account.

3. I only smoke a ecig (electronic cigarette), I feel better, have more breath on exercise, it doesn't smell, it is safe, but now they want to put a warning on these that they contain nicotine in the liquid used. What else contains nicotine? Should that also have a warning placed on it which would include, eggplant, green tomatoes and potatoes.

4. Caffeine is very addictive, why is that not treated the same way?

To my way of thinking the only thing that should have a government health warning are .................................

POLITICIANS - Liars, bad for the finances of the taxpayer, cause high blood pressure, cause uncontrolled anger in huge groups of people, cause violence, cause wars and famine, LIVE OFF PEOPLE, SO ARE PARASITIC.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Such a Disappointment!!!! - UPDATED

On Friday 23rd November 2012 I placed an order with Amazon UK. I paid the extra £7.99 for next day delivery, and looked forward to the next day.

The next day dawned and I waited for my package. I had already been online and used the tracking service to find out that HDNL or Yodel were delivering my package. I had already heard of Yodel and the complaints others had made about them so I was a bit worried, and how right I was to be worried.

I waited in almost all day, in fact there was never less than two family members in the house all day, usually my wife and my 20 year old son were in and of course me, oh and lets not forget our four legged doorbell Poppy, a slightly overweight  Lab mix dog.

My house is a semi detached house, a real family home. It has a double glazed front door and a doorbell on the right set in the frame, which by the way works. We have also had delivery men, visitors just knock on the door and we normally hear them, if not Poppy alerts us that there is someone at the door.

Everytime I heard a van pull up I looked through the window, there were several deliveries that day, but mine never materialised. At approximately 7 pm I phoned Amazon to ask where my package was, I spoke to a very nice advisor who had to suffer my anger and disappointment, and she told me that the driver had attempted to deliver my package at 9.38 am but there was no reply so had left a card.

LIAR is the only word I can use for this driver. My wife was in the shower having got up at 9.30 am, and I was upstairs in the bedroom. My 20 year old son was in his room just about waking up, and Poppy the four legged doorbell was asleep on the sofa waiting patiently for someone to take her for a walk. The door was not knocked or the doorbell rang otherwise I would have been down like a shot, and Poppy would have been barking, neither of which happened.

After speaking to the nice Amazon advisor I tried to contact Yodel, but having no card with a reference the phone call was abruptly terminated by the automated answering service (if service is the right word!!!). So then I wrote a strong email to Amazon, another to the CEO of Amazon uk and wrote a stinging complaint to Yodel on their useless web site, which by the way at 7.30 pm was still stating my package was in transit (what they probably meant was in transit van over weekend!).

It is now Sunday 25th November 2012 and I am still fuming at the non event and the disappointment suffered as my package was a birthday gift. I have no hesitation in stating clearly that Yodel should not be trusted and the complaints I have heard are well justified. I have attempted to ask Amazon not to use Yodel for any of my deliveries all I got was a refund of the extra delivery charge I paid and a £3 voucher to use when I next purchase something that qualifies from Amazon.

This lack of compensation and understanding from both Amazon and Yodel is stunning. I was about to purchase a Humax box from Amazon, but instead went directly to Humax and purchased from them. I have made a Christmas list for my family and I am now looking to purchase from elsewhere, such is my disappointment.

My advice to anyone is check with Amazon, if they are using Yodel I would cancel your order and look somewhere else, anyway I have found you can often get a better service and price elsewhere as Amazon are not always as cheap as other online shops.

Here is a question for both Amazon and Yodel. Why would anyone make the effort to purchase next day delivery if they know the delivery address will be empty? Doesn't make sense does it?

Finally got my parcel almost three days late. Had an apology from Amazon, and nothing from YODEL. About a week later my brother emailed me to say he had just been YODELLED in other words, had been all day waiting for a package to be told there had been an attempted delivery, but no one was in. My brother is also a professional and as honest as the day is long. He also complained and got nothing from YODEL.

YODEL should be avoided at all costs, they lie, they do not care and their customer service manager is a crap artist just like the whole company.

My Humax box came the day stated from Humax, delivered by Royal Mail without any problems, well done to Royal Mail.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Cameron Failing Badly

Our 'beloved' leader is failing even more. He has shown he hasn't got the balls he was born with, and Merkel is more a man than he is. You would think that the riots in Europe would be the final proof that it is time for Britain to distance itself completely from the EU, but Cameron and that idiot Clegg just keep it going.

On top of all of that Bercow is running the Houses of Parliament, or should that be ruining the Houses of Parliament. Now four members of the expenses watchdog are stepping down citing Bercow as the reason why, yet this ego maniac has a wife who thinks she is bulletproof and can make wild claims in Twitter without any proof, and doesn't have the guts or morals to even apologise publically, I hope they both get taken to the cleaners.

Cameron, when he was first elected had the chance to remove Bercow, but being the balless wonder he is, he let this psychopath and ego maniac continue in his role, which was set up by Labour, who are just as bad, if not worse than the Torries.

Now there is a spate of expenses scandals, with Moran, that Labour bloke (forgot his name) Dorries still claiming her salary whilst on reality TV, Osbourne got caught out in a minor fraud attempt, but was let off and still this balless wonder lets the gravy train keep rolling along. Bercow must have something on Cameron! Cameron himself is not free from making a fool of himself, how many text messages to Rebecca Brooks? Could it be that she is not just part of the Chipping Norton set, but a woman, I wonder what Samantha is saying to him in private, if she had any sense, it would be 'sod off'.

Almost this whole House of Immoral's needs to be brought under control, but no one has the balls let alone the ability to put this house of ill-repute in order, Cameron certainly doesn't have the guts, balls or know-how.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Long Overdue Rant

Prince Harry

What is all the fuss about? This is a normal red-blooded young man having fun and making a fool of himself at times, it part of the learning curve of growing up and reaching maturity. I wouldn't like pictures of my son being nude printed, and he should learn to pick 'friends' and minders more for their discreteness than their fun loving ways, but leave this young man alone.

The Sun

What a really scum-bag rag this is and the editor is the top of the scum-bag pile. The excuse for publishing the nude pictures of Prince Harry are completely false and without merit, lets be honest it wasn't 'in the public's best interest', it was to make money. The Murdoch empire will go to any depths to make money, and Rupert himself hasn't got a decent bone in his whole body.

The EU

This is an organisation run by tin-pot dictators who have no intention of allowing democracy rule. They are mainly unelected creeps who are milking the economies of the member states to feather their own nests. They bring out crass laws and rules without any understanding of the world today or what is in the best interest of normal people who have to live under their stupid rules and regulations. How a revolution has not been run against this pit of demons is beyond me, maybe we are all masochists who enjoy being abused by this body of non-entities. A bloody revolution is long overdue.

The Euro

Like the EU a waste of space. This is essentially run by Germany and France, neither who whom have the greatest track records and the cruelty of both is there for everyone to see, as it consists of their constant mishandling and intervention into member countries democracy. When Ireland voted against the EU and the Euro they were told to go back and vote again. Now Greece is being put to the sword, Spain and Italy along with Portugal could soon follow and still they follow blindly and doggedly along this ideal of a community of countries, even though they all have old wounds, griefs and cultures that wildly vary, it was seen by most ordinary people as doomed to failure, but Governments insisted that this went ahead against the wishes of many of its voters. Still it carries on despite being top heavy, expensive, undemocratic and not in the best interests of the people it is supposed to serve. Again a revolution is needed to get out of the Euro by member states, it is far better to allow countries to find their own balance on the world currency market, and deal with their own problems.

Cameron, Clegg, Osbourne, Miliband (to name a few)

This country is run by elitists who have very little idea of how ordinary folk live and struggle on a day to day basis. Taxes have gone through the roof, normally on items that are seen as a luxury, like fuel to get to work, VAT, clothes (would they like to see us walk around naked?) yet they cannot stop immigration, allow people from other countries to abuse our benefits, NHS and people by committing crimes without any comeback. Most of this can directly be put down to the wonderful 'Human Rights Act' which is constantly abused.

Now they want to sell of our green belt land, our legacy to our children so that they can build more social housing, as long as its not next door to any of them. What will be left for our children once these scum have finished?

I have been saying for a long time a revolution in this country is long overdue, I would rather have Prince Harry or Prince William run they country, I think they have more about them than any of our politicians and I am not a Royalist, but they seem to have more understanding and compassion than our current crop of selfish fools who now want the taxpayer to pay for accountants for them!

Tony Blair

Now we hear that annually we are paying this war criminal almost £500,000 for his pension, protection and expenses. He is the most hated man in this country and has a smug look that says 'I might have lied to Parliament and the country to start a war that killed tens of thousands, but you can't touch me'. Why is he looked up to my money men and politicians?

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Karl Lagerfield - Pompous Old Fart

Karl Lagerfield is a pompous old fart full of his own self importance who thinks he can let rip at someone with real talent.

When you look at Lagerfield all you see is a man (dare I use that term) who looks like a stupid old man, after all he is in his 80's, wearing sun glasses when there is no sun, wearing a black suit (is he from Men in Black?), fingerless gloves (give me a break) and long white hair. I have seen better looking zombies in films than this old git.

To me he is a talentless man who found a niche for himself, designing for fawning celebrities, but I wouldn't want either myself or my family to dress in anything he 'designs', I have more self respect than that.

Adele is a beautiful full figured young lady with a voice that can bring tears to your eyes from the she expression in it. A full figure is far more sexy than any of the anorexic models that he uses. Time for this pompous old fart to leave the planet, I for one will certainly not miss him, he has given nothing to this world as far as I can see except pander to the rich and famous and make shed loads of money at the same time.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Assad the Hitler of Syria

President Assad, aren't Presidents supposed to nurture and look after their people, not this man, a disgrace to the Arab world and to the world in general. He is a coward, a mass murderer, a killer of women and children and destroyer of his own country.

How can any civilised country support this killer, but Russia and China are in effect backing him, but neither country has a good record on human rights.

Assad has proved himself to be nothing less than a mass murderer, a coward as such the United Nations should step in and charge him with crimes against humanity, but they do not have the balls. He is scum and should be treated like a rabid dog and shot on sight.


Some bugger has twice managed to access my credit card and now my current account card, the silly bugger has topped up their vodafone credit with it. I have asked for their phone number as if I find out who it is, I am going to literally tear their balls or tits off.

So a warning to anyone who wants to mess with my hard earned cash, mess with me and I will pay to have you dealt with, sod the law they are too soft, I want blood.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Think Outside of The Box

I am thoroughly fed up with the same old, same old. New politicians come into power, the old party denies all their own failures and blames the new party in power. Fat Cat Corporations, Oil Companies and Banks are running, or more accurately RUINING the world, not just for us, but for our children, their children and their children's children, yet blind greed and a passion for power keeps these selfish people going and not caring about who they hurt, not even their own children or grand children.

Many people write and complain, and I am one of these, but this time I offer a solution, not possibly the most well thought out, but if I can plant a seed, then maybe it will be worth it. Governments the world over look towards the 'intelligent', well educated for answers, and this in turn can lead to jobs for the boys. They also look towards people like Branson who have made a remarkable mark on the world, but who to me have lost their way, I can remember sitting in one of his first record shops in Brighton and admiring him, no longer, he is just another man who has become greedy and forgotten what he set out to do, oh the words are still there, but now they are hollow.

There are many smaller people out there, who may not have made millions or billions from their efforts, but without them the country would suffer. I class myself as one of these, so now I will blow my own trumpet to emphasise a point. In the past 12 - 14 years I have turned around failing care home and made them both profitable and a good place to live for the elderly vulnerable people they cater for. I rarely go off sick, in the past 2+ years I haven't had a full day off sick. I rarely go on holiday, I work an average of 45 - 50 hours per week and I am on call 24/7/365 days of the year. I am 59 this year and still going strong. I do not boast a great or privileged education with a university degree, I do not have any old boys I can call on, but locally I have a reputation of getting things done, and if there is a difficult elderly person who needs care, I am usually called on to see if I can help that person by offering them a place in my care home.

I am not the captain of a large industry, I do not get huge bonus payments, I do not have a large expense account, what I do have is drive and a need to provide the best I can at all times. I am not alone, there are many like me out there. Here is a thought for those in power, why are these people who always make a success of things, without the overinflated salaries and ego's not being utilised. Why go to people who own big companies, their first priority is not helping the country, but making sure their business continues to run and make profit, so their whole attention will not be on the job that governments give, despite what they might say publicly, that is basic human nature.