Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Karl Lagerfield - Pompous Old Fart

Karl Lagerfield is a pompous old fart full of his own self importance who thinks he can let rip at someone with real talent.

When you look at Lagerfield all you see is a man (dare I use that term) who looks like a stupid old man, after all he is in his 80's, wearing sun glasses when there is no sun, wearing a black suit (is he from Men in Black?), fingerless gloves (give me a break) and long white hair. I have seen better looking zombies in films than this old git.

To me he is a talentless man who found a niche for himself, designing for fawning celebrities, but I wouldn't want either myself or my family to dress in anything he 'designs', I have more self respect than that.

Adele is a beautiful full figured young lady with a voice that can bring tears to your eyes from the she expression in it. A full figure is far more sexy than any of the anorexic models that he uses. Time for this pompous old fart to leave the planet, I for one will certainly not miss him, he has given nothing to this world as far as I can see except pander to the rich and famous and make shed loads of money at the same time.

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