Sunday, December 04, 2011

Someone Please Organise the Quiet Revolution

Things are going from bad to worse. Merkel and Co are still trying to save the Euro and Delores has now finally admitted that the Euro was flawed from the beginning and that the British were right to view it with suspicion. Shame our politicians don't have this hindsight but carry on trying to support this idiotic concept that works in no ones favour, unless of course you are Merkel or German, and that in itself is a joke, an ex-communist now effectively running Europe!

Not one of the three main parties in British politics are suitable to be governing us, unfortunately there is little to choose between then as they are almost clones of each other, just the party name is the main difference, they are all failures and do not have the interest of our great country at heart.

Case in point, how much money goes in foreign aid? How much money are immigrants given weekly? How much are their expenses? Bercows used public money to have a tacky coat of arms it is reported? Why they are not royalty, and they do not have a glorious history, in the case of Bercow and his tacky wife, quite the reverse. Now consider a pensioner, often many have to choose between heating or eating, yet most have worked all their lives and have contributed into the system all their lives to be discarded on the scrap pile as not important, but their votes are when it comes to an election, when they get the moral less MP knocking on their door, listening to their woes about how hard it is to make ends meet, the lying promises made just to secure another vote.

I keep stating that revolution in this country is the only way forward, and I  haven't changed my mind, or my tune. It doesn't have to be violent like in the middle east, it can be quiet and non violent and it which case would possibly have more of an effect because of that. No strikes drummed up by corrupt unions and their overpaid minions, but something organised by the people for the people. Emails, texts can say a day of non production, no shops, no shoppers, no factory workers, no council workers, minimum staff on duty in hospitals, care homes, no schooling, no transport. Just to send a message to those who never listen to us the people of Britain, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH, the spin the politicians would give on this would make a good comedy show!

Cameron is a spineless, coward of a leader. If we took matters into our own hands he wouldn't know what to do. On the first time this happened I bet European voters would watch with interest to see what would happen, once they saw the dramatic effect this would have I could see this spreading right across Europe and the EU politicians would get their wish, a Europe joined, but not in the way they envisaged, because this would be against MP's who are the scourge of freedom and democracy.

We live in a dictatorship, don't be fooled by these smooth talking conmen and women, a three party whip on the referendum vote, was an order by Cameron to vote against this, in essence removing the choice of MP's from his own party to vote as their constituents would wish them to vote, that is not democracy under any circumstances.

You only have to scour the newspapers in this country to see comments by readers about political issues, and many comments are not published due to lack of space or because they could be deemed too aggresive, does our government take notice? Don't make me laugh!!!

Lets get moving before its too late, lets organise a day of reckoning, I shall now wait for the knock on the door because I dared express my disgust at the dictatorship running this country. This needs someone with greater skills than I have to make the uprising happen, remember though peaceful and quiet will bring a far greater impact, so please someone take up the challenge, the mantle and organise a complete day of protest early into the New Year so we can take back our country, I know other countries would follow suit, and soon we will have our countries back from the grasping hands of greedy feckless self serving globalists.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Adolf Merkel - Jackboots over Europe

Merkel the German leader is managing where Hitler failed, the jackboots are walking all over individual European countries, their leaders and their people.

Greece is a prime example where her influence backed up by the poison dwarf Sarkozy (now out of favour) forced the then Greek Prime Minister to stop his plans for a referendum and forced him out of power.

Britain too is being forced into a route that the majority of its people do not want. We have always been a sovereign, and independent people prepared to fight for what is right and for our country, but Cameron, who is so far out of touch with his own political party, and who cannot connect with the people of this country is letting this country down.

He is failing the British people in an almost traitorous way, with Clegg and Miliband also showing that they are also as traitorous as Cameron. In a democracy hard decisions should be taken by the people, not by millionaire politicians trying to  get a name for themselves in history.

If this continues, Germany and Merkel will rule Europe more completely than Hitler managed. OK so there won't be the death camps, but who is to say what will happen if one person and one country has so much influence over so many different countries, people, cultures and history. Will Great  Britain, for example be forced to re-write history so that the two great wars of the last century are seen in favour of Germany.

You may laugh, but anything is possible! I have said for a long time this country needs to completely change its politicians, and re-write the rules under which politicians can be voted in (employed by the people) any sign of fraud or rip off should result in instant dismissal and no return to any politics, even at a local level. Major decisions that can have a stunning effect on the whole country should be decided by the people in proper referendums, the democratic way.

MP's, including the Prime Minister should be held accountable and if things are not going well or to the liking of the people, the employers, we should have the opportunity to sack them, obviously there should be due process, otherwise the country could fall into anarchy, but the ability to sack politicians by the voters should be there.

I still want to see a revolution, I want to see real change, where people like Cameron, Clegg, Miliband, Balls, Cooper, Osbourne Cable etc. can all be held accountable, after all if you had a poor employee who was lazy, ineffectual, took part in industrial espionage or had their hands in the till, would you keep them on?

Friday, November 11, 2011

For The Times They Are A Changing

Well things are bad, and I believe are going to get a whole load worse, before there is even a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

To me the revolution has started. The strikes are growing and people are openly wearing the iconic mask from V for Vengeance. People the world over are waking up and realising that things left in the hands of politicians are now leading to disaster on a global scale. The revolution is coming from all walks of life and all ages and will continue to grow.

It amazes me that politicians really believe that Europe could become one superstate. Lets remember just in this country alone, we have the north - south divide, where oop north prices and jobs are vastly different from those in the soft south, in fact even in England some dialects are barely understandable to others from even the same country, so here we have self serving politicians from all over Europe who think that different countries, with old scores to settle, with vastly different cultures, language, tradition, history can all pull together in the same direction.

What a joke. Anyone with half a working braincell can work out that isn't going to happen, and at the forefront of this great state we have Germany, who started two major conflicts of the last century and France who was once under the jackboot of Germany, twice!

Call me Dave, who I now have renamed CAMERON THE CLOWN, has proved himself to be yet another lying, two faced, self serving politician. He made promises he either couldn't keep or had no intention of keeping just to get elected and have his five minutes of fame as a politician, he couldn't even win an election outright, he then had to go cap in hand to a political party who always came third in elections, had no experience and in many areas had totally conflicting views from the Clown and his party. What we have now is a farcical government.

I have had first hand experience of the Clown in action, he can't even keep confidentiality! So beware.

Looking at politicians the world over, what a deadbeat bunch they are, from megalomaniac dictators, to a 75 year old sex addict who holds bunga parties. Our MP's are no better, we have Bercow who will spend over £3,000 of the taxpayers money on suits for himself, who has a wife who seeks personal media attention constantly. Cameron the liar and most undemocratic Prime Minister I can remember having his strings pulled by a bunch of third rate politicians getting their first, and hopefully final, five minutes of glory.

Then we have the Labour fools, led by Miliband, who hasn't shown any guts at all. He has Balls sitting next to him making silly schoolboy hand gestures in Parliament to try and distract. That is the level that politics have sunk to. At least there aren't physical punch ups as in some other Parliaments,

So Merkel and Sarkozy want to rule Europe, two old foes, it reminds me of the Vichy Government from World War II, with Sarkozy taking the role of Marshall Petain and Merkel of leader of the Axis, and we all know what happened next, or if not look up the history.

The Euro will crash, to me there is no doubt, it is just a case of when, and when it goes there will be hardship for except the super rich and politicians, who will make sure that their nests are well feathered. Whoever thought up the idea of the EU was a woolly headed idealist, who managed to get the backing of easily led politicians who could not rationally think things through.

So although I look forward to the pending crash and inevitable break up of the EU with some trepidation, I also look forward to its closure, and will be very interested to see what history has to say about this most foolish part of our history.

Keep the revolution going and remember in the next election, if it gets that far, what our three main parties have done to this country and vote the b******s out. I shall vote UKIP only in the hope that they will live up to their promise and remove us from the EU and its mind boggling stupid policies.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Shame of Cameron, Clegg and Miliband

Our self serving leaders of the three main parties have yet again shown us they are not to be trusted and should never be voted for again. We have been cheated of the right to vote regarding the EU, yet each party in turn has promised us a vote, until they get into power that is then they conveniently forget the promise they made and forget that we the tax payers of this country and the voters elected them to work ON OUR BEHALF, NOT SERVE THEMSELVES.

Lets be honest our present government is made up of a party who couldn't win an election by themselves and the party they brought in to share power with them are totally unprepared for power having always come a poor third in every election, at the first taste of power they have shown us why they have always come third, they are useless led by a useless third rate party leader.

What these three parties and their leaders have shown us is that they are morally and ethically corrupt with liars as leaders. They should be ashamed of themselves as they haven't allowed the MP's we voted for do the job they promised to do. It also makes a complete joke of Call Me Dave's idea of democracy.

Democracy don't make me laugh, we live in a Dictatorship run by Cameron, Clegg and Miliband. It is time for us all to stand up and show these mini Hitlers that we demand a referendum, so DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY OF THESE PARTIES AT THE NEXT ELECTION, VOTE UKIP!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Look After Number One

I help a lot of people, its in my nature, and it is a big part of my job.

I have now realised, a bit late in life, that when the cards are down, friends or people you think you can rely on will leave you in the lurch.

They will always have a good excuse for it, 'thought you had moved on' is a good response, but no effort made to support, but always willing to take whatever you have on offer.

From now on its me and my family, sorry to my 'friends' but you can go **** yourselves.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bloody Apple

I love my Android phone, I love the Android system, I hate ITunes and most things Apple, but I do love my IPod Classic.

Apple now want to do a Microsoft and rule the world, they want to stop me using my Android phone, because they feel that a couple of patents may have been breached.

Can I sue Apple if they win?

I want to and I would recommend that every Android user should queue up to sue Apple, that will wipe the smug smile off their faces.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Murdoch - The Scourge of the free press and Coward

Rupert Murdoch has taught his evil family well. He himself is a heartless man with no morals and a need for control and power, it seems his children are following in his footsteps.

Murdoch senior has always had a ruthless streak, look at what he did to Fleet Street, the strikes outside Wapping, the massive police presence, did he pay for any of those police or contribute in any way I doubt it. When the strike was over he then started to get rid of those workers who had helped him, by offering redundancies, or by making inexperienced managers hold supervisions sessions with staff to weed out as many as possible so that he could bring in more cheaper labour, usually from abroad.

Now he has taken on another person as ruthless and as scheming as himself, in the CEO of News International Rebekah Brooks and his son James at the helm. How pleased he must be with himself another nasty, ruthless, power mad, lying cheating, lacking in morals Murdoch to take his place and Brooks a handy sidekick who can do the dirty work.

Rot in hell Murdoch, and take your nasty scheming family with you, the world will be better without you and your kind, hopefully this is the beginning of the end for you and your business, why not take a leaf out of Robert Maxwells book and do the world a favour.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Make Me Prime Minister

Make me Prime Minister and I would:

1. Hold a referendum on the EU membership as soon as possible.

2. Get rid of, or amend the Human Rights Act within a year.

3. Stop all overseas aid until our own finances were healthy.

4. Make Quangos justify their existence and review staffing and costs.

5. Let freedom of speech be accepted, no matter how painful, unlike Cameron.

6. Sack and ban all corrupt MP's for life.

7. Put a cap on councils CEO's salary and make it performance related.

8. Reduce the paperwork for the police, so that they have more of a presence on the street where they are needed.

9. Submit an application to have Tony Blair tried for war crimes.

10. Stop banks paying bonus payments until all funds have been returned to the public purse, then limit the amount of bonus allowed.

11. Get rid of the top heavy management system rife in education, health etc and bring back the old style ward sisters.

12. Ban mixed wards giving 6 months for hospitals to comply.

13. Do not allow quangos like Care Quality Commission to keep changing name at a huge cost and to make sure inspectors are out there doing their job effectively.

14. Benefits system to be reviewed and for major changes to continual claimants.

15. Get tough on criminals, longer prison sentences, less comforts, and less remission time.

16. Make prisons self sufficient, so the cost to the public is reduced.

17. Make border control tougher.

18. Deport militants of any sort immediately or arrest those who are not welcome until arrangements can be made to deport them, also see 16 above as that will be enforced.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The New Mafia

OK then lets get down to the nitty gritty.

Bankers and politician, both are equally bad, both have questionable morals, both sets are liars, cheats and frauds and all are after one of two things money or power or in the case of some, BOTH.

I have banged on for what feels like a lifetime to try and change the system for the better, unfortunately the only way we can do this is with a full blown revolution, as the whole constitution would have to be re-written so that with politicians they cannot find a loophole, or change the law so that they can defraud the system.

Lets be frank here, after all the outcry over expenses they brought in tough measures which lasted less than a year and we are again back to square one with one MP even claiming paltry amounts such as 4p, 12p etc.

Bercow is a complete nob head, he has no morals and it seems is ruled by his wife who hasn't been voted into power, but appears to pull his strings so there is no chance of him stepping in, anyway he seems to think that he is royalty and has to answer to no one, so appealing to this little twerp would be a complete waste of time and effort.

Banker are just greedy bastards who will gamble with our money, expect us to bail them out when they make drastic mistakes, and then give themselves fat bonus payments or huge salaries. If they were forced to take out personal indemnity insurance or put their own personal assets on the line, like house, cars, furniture, jewellery etc. could you see them taking such chances as they have done in the past?

Both groups have low morals, both groups have little or no controls that mean anything, and both groups are greedy, ignorant and not worth the air they breathe. As I keep saying, change has to come, people need to get angry and really threaten a revolution for a complete change, no violence, just bring the country to a complete standstill, until we are free of the EU dickheads, have a complete change of rules for MP's and bankers and start with a fresh group of MP's who actually care about the country and its people, who will stop defrauding the system, who will stop immigration, who will find and kick out illegal immigrants, who will take a tough line on criminals, and who will curb bankers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why I Hate Katie Price

Lets be frank, it isn't hard to dislike this woman, and to me it is easier to hate her than ever before.

This woman isn't real so lets list her falsehood:

False boobs
False hair colour and extensions
False lips
Botox enhanced features (ha ha)
False Tan
False intelligence
False use of feelings

Then we have the other problems this false thing has; false emotions, a liar, a fraud, fame hungry, attention seeking, a maneater, self delusional, in fact everything foul in human nature.

Unfortunately there will always be men out there who think that they can:

1. Tame the beast

2. Make her really fall head over heals in love with them.

Unfortunately she will suck them in, chew them up and spit them out.

This woman only needs a mirror to know and feel love, just like the wicked queen in snow white.

One question still haunts me, she calls herself a good mother, but how much quality time does she spend with her children, without a nanny or relative being around to help in each and every 24 hour period?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Time For Some Financial Terrorism

Here we go again, the banks are, according to the Daily Mail, are effectively holding the country to ransom with their attitude of, “You leave our bonus payments alone, we will lend to small business”.

My attitude to that would be very simple and basic, F*** Off and reduce your bonus payments now. If these banks had been lent money out of the public purse I would demand immediate repayment of all funds within 30 days unless bonus payments were controlled to an acceptable level.

Banks are effectively running this country, not the so called government, otherwise the banks bonus payments would be under control. I think it is time for some financial terrorism.

My idea is very simple, it involves no violence, nothing unlawful, just ordinary people exercising their rights and free will. It is simple, but hard to organise and I do not have the time to really set this in motion, but anyone can freely take my idea and use it.

Organise nationally as many people who bank with one specific bank, for example Barclay’s get them to change their accounts to another bank at a designated time on a designated day, claim the incentive payment from the new bank for changing their account.

Get everyone to do the same as often as possible all at the same time of day. The idea would be to throw the banks into total chaos at one point on one day and to hit all the banks at the same time, best time would be I think straight after the weekend, or just before the weekend for maximum effect.

On the same day all small shareholders in the banks should be willing to put their shares on the market, again to be effective lets pick on Barclays as their CEO is responsible in part for the meltdown and has had about £75 million in pay and bonus payments. On a set day at a set time swamp the market to try and give an impression of no confidence in the bank, then systematically do the same to every bank in the country.

This would put control back in the hands of the people, it costs nothing, it hurts no one, only the banks and their fat cat bankers. Simples.


I have been contacted before and asked to contact people, I cannot do this without an email address, this is simple to keep private. All comments are moderated before publishing, so you could put your request for contact in a comment and once I have your address I will delete the comment so it is not displayed.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Happy New Year, Same as The Old Year

Happy New Year, but what have we got to look forward to?

Well I think all we have to look forward to is that Politicians will continue to lie and cheat on their expenses. Those who pay their taxes will be worse off whilst those who claim illegally or just because they are plain lazy shits will gain, and all the time the fat BASTARD BANKS will screw us for every penny and feed their fat shithead selves money that they claim they have earned when it is mainly the tax payer who has bailed out many of these shitty banks and have allowed them to keep on bankers and give themselves fat bonus payments.

So welcome to the New Year, same as the old year, there will be nothing to look forward to except for more hardship, more deaths, more lies, in fact more of everything negative about living with so called celebrities inflicting us with every banal thought that enters their moronic brains.