Saturday, November 19, 2011

Adolf Merkel - Jackboots over Europe

Merkel the German leader is managing where Hitler failed, the jackboots are walking all over individual European countries, their leaders and their people.

Greece is a prime example where her influence backed up by the poison dwarf Sarkozy (now out of favour) forced the then Greek Prime Minister to stop his plans for a referendum and forced him out of power.

Britain too is being forced into a route that the majority of its people do not want. We have always been a sovereign, and independent people prepared to fight for what is right and for our country, but Cameron, who is so far out of touch with his own political party, and who cannot connect with the people of this country is letting this country down.

He is failing the British people in an almost traitorous way, with Clegg and Miliband also showing that they are also as traitorous as Cameron. In a democracy hard decisions should be taken by the people, not by millionaire politicians trying to  get a name for themselves in history.

If this continues, Germany and Merkel will rule Europe more completely than Hitler managed. OK so there won't be the death camps, but who is to say what will happen if one person and one country has so much influence over so many different countries, people, cultures and history. Will Great  Britain, for example be forced to re-write history so that the two great wars of the last century are seen in favour of Germany.

You may laugh, but anything is possible! I have said for a long time this country needs to completely change its politicians, and re-write the rules under which politicians can be voted in (employed by the people) any sign of fraud or rip off should result in instant dismissal and no return to any politics, even at a local level. Major decisions that can have a stunning effect on the whole country should be decided by the people in proper referendums, the democratic way.

MP's, including the Prime Minister should be held accountable and if things are not going well or to the liking of the people, the employers, we should have the opportunity to sack them, obviously there should be due process, otherwise the country could fall into anarchy, but the ability to sack politicians by the voters should be there.

I still want to see a revolution, I want to see real change, where people like Cameron, Clegg, Miliband, Balls, Cooper, Osbourne Cable etc. can all be held accountable, after all if you had a poor employee who was lazy, ineffectual, took part in industrial espionage or had their hands in the till, would you keep them on?

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