Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Make Me Prime Minister

Make me Prime Minister and I would:

1. Hold a referendum on the EU membership as soon as possible.

2. Get rid of, or amend the Human Rights Act within a year.

3. Stop all overseas aid until our own finances were healthy.

4. Make Quangos justify their existence and review staffing and costs.

5. Let freedom of speech be accepted, no matter how painful, unlike Cameron.

6. Sack and ban all corrupt MP's for life.

7. Put a cap on councils CEO's salary and make it performance related.

8. Reduce the paperwork for the police, so that they have more of a presence on the street where they are needed.

9. Submit an application to have Tony Blair tried for war crimes.

10. Stop banks paying bonus payments until all funds have been returned to the public purse, then limit the amount of bonus allowed.

11. Get rid of the top heavy management system rife in education, health etc and bring back the old style ward sisters.

12. Ban mixed wards giving 6 months for hospitals to comply.

13. Do not allow quangos like Care Quality Commission to keep changing name at a huge cost and to make sure inspectors are out there doing their job effectively.

14. Benefits system to be reviewed and for major changes to continual claimants.

15. Get tough on criminals, longer prison sentences, less comforts, and less remission time.

16. Make prisons self sufficient, so the cost to the public is reduced.

17. Make border control tougher.

18. Deport militants of any sort immediately or arrest those who are not welcome until arrangements can be made to deport them, also see 16 above as that will be enforced.

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