Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The New Mafia

OK then lets get down to the nitty gritty.

Bankers and politician, both are equally bad, both have questionable morals, both sets are liars, cheats and frauds and all are after one of two things money or power or in the case of some, BOTH.

I have banged on for what feels like a lifetime to try and change the system for the better, unfortunately the only way we can do this is with a full blown revolution, as the whole constitution would have to be re-written so that with politicians they cannot find a loophole, or change the law so that they can defraud the system.

Lets be frank here, after all the outcry over expenses they brought in tough measures which lasted less than a year and we are again back to square one with one MP even claiming paltry amounts such as 4p, 12p etc.

Bercow is a complete nob head, he has no morals and it seems is ruled by his wife who hasn't been voted into power, but appears to pull his strings so there is no chance of him stepping in, anyway he seems to think that he is royalty and has to answer to no one, so appealing to this little twerp would be a complete waste of time and effort.

Banker are just greedy bastards who will gamble with our money, expect us to bail them out when they make drastic mistakes, and then give themselves fat bonus payments or huge salaries. If they were forced to take out personal indemnity insurance or put their own personal assets on the line, like house, cars, furniture, jewellery etc. could you see them taking such chances as they have done in the past?

Both groups have low morals, both groups have little or no controls that mean anything, and both groups are greedy, ignorant and not worth the air they breathe. As I keep saying, change has to come, people need to get angry and really threaten a revolution for a complete change, no violence, just bring the country to a complete standstill, until we are free of the EU dickheads, have a complete change of rules for MP's and bankers and start with a fresh group of MP's who actually care about the country and its people, who will stop defrauding the system, who will stop immigration, who will find and kick out illegal immigrants, who will take a tough line on criminals, and who will curb bankers.

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