Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lord Mandelson - SCUMBAG SUPREME

Lord Mandelson what a joke, what an affront this man is. Twice forced to resign from government, always at the forefront of having 'businessmen friends' who will offer freebies or loans with no questions asked.

Then Brown lets this man back in, and it was an obvious nose thumbing to the British voter. Lets make no bones about it, Mandelson has been set up for life. He will get more that a pensioner gets in a week on a daily basis just for signing in to the Lords. This man is the puppet master of Labour and the government, therefore he is the most dangerous man in Britain.

I personally see Mandelson as a criminal who has managed to avoid prison, how I don't know, but I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and as he makes sure no one can get close to him there is no chance of that ever happening.

Oh I'm sure he can be suave and charming, but then I'm sure a funnel web spider, a pit viper or a dung beetle could be just as charming and suave given the chance. If the country votes to keep Labour in then this puppet master will continue to manipulate lie and cheat.

The day Mandelson was made a Lord was the day that, common sense, morality and honesty were shut out when the doors to the Lords were shut, letting him in. All I can hope is that this nasty, devious, odorous, piece of high class rubbish experiences something extremely painful in his life, like a long lingering death in severe pain.

He is the worst thing this country has produced, worse than Bliar, worse than a paedophile, he is so low he takes tea with Lucifer himself.

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