Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Here we go Again

Brown has decided he won't step down if Labour loses the election. Good maybe that will give the kiss of death to a political party that lost its way over 30 years ago and still remains lost.

Labour now seems to be made up of liars, cheats, egotists and morons, who cannot see what the voting public want, who have worked hard to disassemble Britain and have certainly taken the Great out of Britain. They have tried to water down our history and culture and their weapon of choice in this is to open the flood gates to anybody who wants to live here, usually at the paying taxpayers expense. The latest is that Polish women who want an abortion are being encouraged to come here for an abortion by their pro-abortion group.

We will also be paying money towards saving Greece and the Euro all because Brown and Mandelson want us to remain in the EU, when the majority (that is the most, the people who matter Gordon and Peter) want to be well out of the EU and for this country to become great again. This cannot happen under Brussels or Labour so both have to go.

At one point I was wondering who to vote for, but now I think that the three main parties have all lost their way, and all the leaders seem to have latched on to the Tony Blair way of presenting themselves, which for me doesn't bode well, so my choice is now that I will vote UKIP if there is a candidate locally if not it might even then be BNP.

A bloody nose has to be given to these corrupt and now defunct and useless political parties that are so far away from the voters that they cannot see the wood for the trees. The expenses battle still rages and now these dysfunctional MP's want to have a pay-rise, whilst the few that have finally been charged are trying to use a law meant to protect to help them scam the country, and they can see nothing wrong in what they have done.

What is even more scary is that many MP's from all parties have managed to get away with many expenses, it is only the few unfortunate souls who have been offered up for the sacrificial slaughter (obviously deemed as useless, therefore can be safely got rid of) who have to face the wrath of the country.

As antipolitician I call on everyone to start giving their local MP some real grief, if you see him in the flesh give him some verbal stick, I never see Nigel Waterson he seems to hide away unless there is a camera present from the local rag, but he has had many letters.

It is time to stand up and fight, I have never heard so many people openly state that they feel a revolution is coming, it may not happen soon, but there is definitely a change in the air, but being British this may take another 50 years to happen, I hope not, because the sooner we change things the swifter we will get this country back to where it should be belonging to Britain's who are proud of their history, not the dumbed down history Labour want to feed us for fear of upsetting other cultures and religions. If immigrants come to Britain they adapt to us, not us to them.

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