Saturday, March 20, 2010


We all know what Liebour are like, now we have Brown almost sanctioning the voting rights of our brave troops by making them apply once a year to be on the forces voting register, so not only has this moronic man lied about the funding for our troops equipment to the Chilcot enquiry, which has a court of law status, he is now guilty of restricting their voting rights.

Blair yet again is in the news, he really is the most loathsome man on the planet. To me it is evident that he spent time whilst in power making links and preparing for the day he would either be ousted or forced to step down as each one was inevitable, it just wasn't certain which one would come first and back stabber Brown got in first. He has made dubious deals and relationships throughout the world with dubious countries and dubious men and women.

He is feted as a celebrity, but still he is despised in his own country, purely for the simple fact that he is seen as a LIAR, a man who is only really interested in his own personal power and wealth, and despite making approximately £20,000,000 since he left power, and that can only be an approximate figure as he is very adept at hiding and moving money around, the tax payer still had to fork out a further £270,000 for his protection when attending the Chilcot enquiry.

Why should we pay? If I had my way it would be a case of pay for your own protection or have none, it would not be any great loss to this country if someone had been able to get to him, and a funeral would have been a lot cheaper and more fun to watch with the likes of Gordon Brown doing his mock crying, and telling one and all what a wonderful man this war criminal was.

Things get worse, we now have that vile woman Nadine Dorries seemingly backing some abrasive ex-broadcaster to stand as an independent against Esther Rantzen. Remember Nadine Dorries, she was the one who couldn't understand why the British public were so angry about the expenses scandal and thought it was her right to claim what she wanted with no comeback, it seems she might be 'friendly' with this broadcaster.

The world has gone mad, and we have the opportunity to change things soon, if you have an independent maybe you should consider voting for them, they are free from any party, therefore they are free from any party diktats. If not consider going for some other party such as UKIP or even BNP, we have to break the endless cycle of these corrupt politicians.

Each of the three main parties these days are the same, there is very little to choose, and they are too close to each other. Liebour are no longer the party of the people, this has been proven first by BLIAR and then by BROWN who promptly decided that the election promise on the Treaty of Lisbon was his to renege on. Rock on Brown,that is just one of his many mistakes, he hasn't controlled the banks or giving outrageous bonus payments to bankers, but our hard earned money has gone to bail them out, in effect helping to fund these bonus payments whilst others are loosing their jobs thanks to Brown and the banks, there is no loyalty to the voters of this country by the politicians, they now only look after number one or the party, but number one always comes first.

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