Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Dawkins Failure

Once upon a time there was an up jumped little slime bag called Professor Dawkins, who wanted to take away any joy in the world for children and for those who believed in religion.

The children were kept away from the rantings of this nasty unwholesome man, who would ban anything that didn't fit into his ideal world of how things should be, and the huge amounts of money he was making by making children's lives a misery.

The people who wanted to believe in God were also affected as he wanted to prove that there was no God, but how? If he thought there was no God how could he prove it, he was in the same dilemma as those who wanted to prove there was a God, the evidence factor.

Dawkins the dork had a fight on his hands, after all why shouldn't children be allowed to have fantasy tales? Adults have them in the form of science fiction and also have books on wizards and demons, is denying a good read for children nothing more than child abuse?

As for religion surely as people we have the right to either believe or disbelieve, I disbelieve, but that is my right, I do not go out of my way to prove there is no God and I do not expect to be preached to that there is a God.

Why can't this man keep his big nose out and try to stop the endless self publicity? Oh I forgot his own personal God comes into this its called .............................MONEY.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Saviour or New World Order

Well its happening Gordon Brown will be nationalising some of the big banks. The Telegraph reports that the French see him as reborn as he seems comfortable dealing with and leading Europe through this crisis, I wonder, is it too comfortable?

I have always felt that Nu-Labour had a strange feel about them. They were almost falling over themselves to be seen as the good guys after the devastating 18 years of Tory control, yet within a very short time, we were plunged into a war on a web of deceit, given a Prime Minister we didn't vote for, and denied a vote on the Treaty of Lisbon, even though it was promised as part of an election campaign, because according to Nu-Labour spin it was essentially different even though many of the leaders of Europe were admitting that there was no change apart from thge name. Then we had Tony Blair being seen mixing it with the Bilderbergs, coincidence? You work it out.

I think that this is a bold and decisive move, but I also wonder yet again if the global crisis was engineered, its not beyond reasonable doubt and look what the prize was, almost total control of the countries banking system, how best to control the populous? They will have their own men on the boards, will there be a list that tells them not to lend to various people who do not toe the line? Again this is not beyond the realms of possibility, I for one have never trusted Gordon Brown or the Nu-Labour party as they are the masters of spin and deceit all I can say is beware.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Who is Running/Ruining the World?

Before anyone gets into attack mode this is a light hearted piece, that also might get you thinking, as I believe that nothing ever happens without someone being behind it, except for acts of nature, but even then these are called Acts of God, we just don't know which God!!!!

Anyone heard of the Bilderbergs? I found this very good piece about them in the Guardian and its worth having a look at as it brought a smile to my face especially the bit about Mandelson and Rumsfeld so take a look and have a giggle, God knows we need one at the moment.

So what about the Illunimati? I have followed documentaries about these and the New World Order (NWO) for years, fascinating fun and great to muse about, but when something like the credit crunch happens, you do begin to wonder. After all why have a group such as the Bilderbergs who really do exisit, then look at the Illuminati who no one for knows for sure doesn't exist. Look at Wiki.

Does this make you wonder if the Bilderbergs are just another name for the Illuminati? Why do the Bilderbergs have to operate so secretly if they are acting innocently? Surely they are just enhancing their own mystique by being so secretive, and how do we know that the hand or hands of a certain man or men are not behind the global extremes we are seeing at the moment to keep everyone under control.

After all lets look at things. Bush is purported to be part of a secret organisation, and his final term (thank God) is coming to an end. Britain has been unhappy with its government for a very long time, we had 18 years of awful conservative government then Labour who lasted as long as it took for the honeymoon period to end, then we saw the same old Labour party up to its usual tricks for which it has had a reputation over the past few decades. Was Brown 'ordered' to sell our gold reserves, after all its not the prudent thing to do, and what about our pensions again not prudent, but Brown again did something which no normal, intelligent Chancellor who has his finger on the pulse would do.

Great fun this isn't it? The conspiracy theories could go on forever, and we can expand, invent etc as much as we like as here we are in the middle of a crisis which has effectively spiralled out of control, and if there is someones hand behind it, I bet its gone further than they imagined it would ........................OR HAS IT?

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Slease Man and Brown Bottler

If you were on the edge of wondering if Gordon Brown had completely lost it or not, surely the news that he has:

a) Made Mandelson a knight
b) Re-employed him in the government

Should have helped you make up your mind.

Who in their right mind would knight someone with both feet firmly placed in Sleaze?

Who in their right mind would re-employ somebody who has TWICE been forced out of government office because of Sleaze allegations?

To me this shows how desperate Brown is, how out of touch Brown is, how stupid and insensitive Brown is.

I really hope that the British public really wake up and get rid of this party for good as the Canadians did with one of their political parties who were blantanly taking the piss.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Sarkozy - What a Horrible LITTLE Man

Sarkozy wants the Irish to vote again on the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009. When did this horrible interfering little Frenchman become Irish? Like some small people he seems to be making up for his lack of height by throwing his weight about, who was the last person of infamy who did that..... oh yes Adolf Hitler.

Why doesn't this French twat just go and deal with his country and leave other governments to govern their own countries? I'm sure that if other leaders tried to tell the french what to do he would at the forefront of saying that they have no right to do that, otherwise the french would get rid of him toot sweet. So my message to Sarkozy is clear and simple leave other countries to govern themselves and accept a no vote as NO.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Credit Cruch and Bail Out?

This is really the world going down the plughole and some deserve to loose everything they have, but the majority who don't deserve to loose big time, are eventually going to be the ones who suffer.

The bail out in the USA has stumbled, good or bad I'm not an expert, but in many ways I agree with the populous of the US (makes a change I know), why bail out rich b'stards who have consistently made millions from Wall Street at the little persons expense.

The same is starting to happen over here in good Ole UK. Gordon Brown wants to use our money to bail out Banks, why? If you run Banks badly, with people who are not real bankers in the old sense, if they over extend themselves through greed, if the once Chancellor saw fit to rob our pensions, sell off our gold reserves, why should we bail out these people including Gordon Brown from our taxes.

Let the people who have made millions at our expense, pay back everything they have taken in extortionate salary's and bonus's for the last 5 years before we the common tax payers are made to pay. What about MP's and their huge expense accounts, pay some back to help the country, why should it always be the small person who has to suffer?

Maybe this credit crunch will help fuel a much needed change in attitude from both government and greedy b'strads who have robbed us blind for years, maybe this is armageddon for them, I hope so.