Saturday, June 14, 2008

Give Up Gordon

Time for Gordon Brown to realise that with the Irish vote against the Treaty of Lisbon or as I prefer to call it the Treaty to Dispose of Democracy and now the Czechs saying it should not be ratified, this Treaty has lost its punch, its power and its way and its time to call a halt to this sad sordid affair.

The people of Europe and in particular in the UK do not have trust in this Treaty or in any leader who wants to so openly go against the wishes of the people they are supposed to serve, so my message to all these leaders is learn to lead by listening to the people, that is what Democracy is about, it not about selfish self styled dictators trying to get their own way then sulking when it goes against them.

These leaders are acting like schoolyard bullies if you won't play my way then I shall find another way of pushing this through, WE DON'T WANT YOUR TREATY OF LISBON - SO FUCK OFF

Friday, June 13, 2008

Thank you to the Irish

I think we owe a big vote of thanks to the Irish who have proved that democracy can work, even in these times where politicians are trying to take away our democratic rights and turn this country and all of Europe into a Dictatorship, and these lying two faced bastards who are trying deprive us of democracy have the nerve to call Mugabe a dictator, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Hopefully our lying two faced, most unpopular Prime Minister ever, will listen to the people he is supposed to serve, but rarely listens to, and will now declare this Treaty of Lisbon (or if you prefer, Treaty to Dispose of Democracy) dead and gone and will not join in the attempts to revive it as no doubt those pig headed ignorant people will obviously want to do as it will deny them the power of a Soviet Stalinist type state they so desperately want to achieve.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is The EU The First Stage of Dictatorship?

Reading the Telegraph again I find that the EU is looking at finding a way around a NO vote from the Irish, so that no matter what happens they will forge forward with their plans for a president, new laws and a dismantling of each sovereign state.

Is this the start of Universal Dictatorship? Are our children going to be bound in almost slavery by a few bent MEP's who have proved themselves to be fraudsters and wasters of the highest order? And what in this new European Order will happen to our Royal Family, will they be pensioned off, or killed off, after all I now think anything is possible by the EU.

Here is the story.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Philosophers on Ice

POI has managed to last 6 months even though some people thought that we wouldn't last that long. Well one blog alone today received over 40 comments, far more than the site we left. Many of the blogs on POI easily achieve a higher hit rate than the site we left with far fewer registered users, (although I don't believe the figures given as they may have 20,000 registered users, but only about 40 active users).

So cheers to POI, it has been a great experiment that has won through, with good blogs, great people and fun to be a member of.

Monday, June 02, 2008

More Corruption

Well reading the Daily Telegraph this morning and yet again it reeks of political corruption, and not just from Twatman and his friends, but lets not leave dear old twatman until last, after all he is the leader. It appears that the one eyed twat has been caught diverting funds to the Labour Heartland to try and boost votes. Does he really think that will help or is this a last ditch attempt to hold onto power like that other aging despot Mugabe who has now taken to arresting his opposition, so that when the next stage of the elections come around who will be left to fight him? Watch out Cameron knowing Brown and Labour and the way they don't seem to have a single idea of their own they might adopt this tactic and arrest your party so that the one eyed monster can carry on his daemonic rule in making this the most oppressive country in Europe.

Then of course we have dear old David Camerons bunch of high rollers, well what can one say, if there was ever a good reason for the treaty of Lisbon to be dropped, this must be it. Yet another case of where a politician is getting away with blue murder and no one seems to care, Oh the calls are out for an investigation, will it happen? maybe, but by the time there is an investigation enough time will have been allowed for books to cooked and excuses invented and of course the 'I repent' speach to be written by some spin doctor.

It is now everyday that these so called politicians are reported, as something crooked going on, still they steal and cheat, give us tales of woe as to why they should spend our money on themselves. These politicians are telling us through expensive adverts that we must reduce our 'Carbon Footprint', but these are the same people with second homes, who refuse to use public transport, drive large cars and don't share, and you could really go on and on.

Snouts in the trough is too mild a word for them.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Lame Duck or Wanna Be Stalinist?

To me this country has become one of the most oppressive in the western world. In place of policemen we have either CCTV or plastic police (PCSO's), we are the most taxed, the most over worked, and I think the most stressed out nation around, and this is all down to our politicians, in particular those who are part of the labour party, who to my mind are Stallinist in their approach, OK they haven't killed vast amounts of people, but the tactics are almost identical oppression and keep the population under control, but this time by severe taxation, whilst our politicians live the life of Rilley on our hard earned cash so a message for all the MP's out there, I hate what you are doing to our country and

A lot of people either think or call dear Gordon Brown a lame duck, me I prefer TWATMAN, but thats beside the point, we know he's a lame duck as a leader, his own party know he's a lame duck as a leader, he must know he's a lame duck as a leader, (unless he believes the sycophants such as Ed Bollocks & Co) and we have another hugely unpopular leader coming to visit who is also seen as a lame duck in his own country, surely having one of our own is enough, without having to import one from the USA and how much is this going to cost the tax payer? Two lame ducks=loads of posh nosh ups, loads of booze available, rich twats wanting to rub shoulders with two of the most unpopular on the planet purely for their own ego's and all at our expense. GREAT!!!!

Have you heard the case about the two Christian preachers quietly distributing Christian leaflets in a mainly Muslim area of Birmingham, no then look at this last time I looked this was essentially a Christian country, and if Jehovahs Witness or Mormons come to my door, I'm either very polite and say no thank or let my wicked sense of humour get the better of me and start a conversation off in a direction that makes them uncomfortable. I do not call the police.