Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Greedy Scumbag Politicians

It is now reported that our greedy scumbag politicians want to avoid the embarrassment of making expenses claims and it becoming public so now they want a block £23,000 in expenses that they do not want to account for. Is it me being cynical or are the wastes of good oxygen now taking the right royal piss out of this country and the tax payer, this is clearly a case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

We also have the conservative MP Tim Yeo who wants a carbon ration card, I bet you that this crackpot idea, will, if the conservatives come to power, be adopted by Crackpot Cameron, but I also bet you that our carbon guzzling MP's with their 2nd homes, new bathrooms and kitchens, window cleaners, gardeners, Sky TV's, Water Bills (paid late), etc etc etc all at the taxpayers expense will be exempt from this.

Save the planet, get rid of greedy tax guzzling MP's.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How Long Before Our MP's Try This

To show just how rotten MP's are the world over is the Case Silvio Berlusconi, you know the guy Italian PM, who is supposed to have bribed David Mills, Fowl Jowells ex husband who she ditched (we are led to believe) when it became clear it could effect her standing as an MP (a bit late really, Fowl Jowell's standing was already ruined), anyway here is the link, make your own mind up, me, ............................ I'm just not surprised.

As soon as I put up this link, the link disappeared off the front page of the Telegraph, is that coincidence?

Sunday, May 18, 2008


POI was down for maintenance this morning so I took the opportunity to do my normal browse around. Read the Telegraph on line liked the article PM on the Psychologists Couch, although I disagreed with much of it, as sometimes people are just not up to the job or position they crave or they take on e.g. Gordon Brown (Twatman) or one of my new line managers, who hasn't got a clue of how to manage people, if anyone has seen the John Cleese Management videos, you will swiftly get the picture.

I then checked out www.order-order.com Guido Fawkes site to see that I had beaten him to writing about Gordon Brown sending his cabinet to Crewe (I had hoped on a one way ticket), but as usual he was more eloquent than I was. Having exhausted my normal reading areas, it was time to take a peek at My Telegraph, shock, horror, but I still do, especially if I feel a bit down, it always makes me feel better, seeing the petty squabbles that break out, uninformed and useless comments that are made by some of the 'broadsheet' readers, I can't say too much here as some of the readers and bloggers on My Telegraph also frequent POI and are excellent contributors.

As usual there is a mixture of well written, articulate blogs, with a mixture of well written responses, which lead to informed debate. Then there is the dross, the dross in this case coming from someone called Katz. Why this cannot be contained is beyond me, why My Telegraph states that it cannot control those who use their site is beyond me. Squarepeg a lady I respect from the site, was driven to comment how the postings of this person were bringing the site into disrepute.

Sorry squarepeg, I think that this happened ages ago. One constant poster on My Telegraph stated that POI bloggers were sycophants, and suggested another poster join POI, yet this poster, 'a lady' has never visited POI and would never be invited to, but obviously had 'first hand' information of the site. It still gives me a sad feeling that such an excellent concept as My Telegraph has in many instances degenerated into a morass of ugliness, except when Ralph posted his 'We're Alive' blog about his experiences during the China earthquake. For the first time in a long while the site became what it should be and the dross mongers had the good grace to exert some self control so if they had nothing nice to say, they stayed away.

People decided to leave My Telegraph, because of the dross, one poster who it was claimed posted dross, joined POI and has on the whole made some excellent observations and some excellent posts and what he was called when he decided to leave by some of the 'serious' bloggers was far from friendly, but this poster Katz is far worse.

So life goes on and nothing seems to change, POI is still castigated for having invitation only policy, My Telegraph still has a huge amount of dross being posted, and Gordon Brown Twatman) is still the worst and most unpopular PM we have had, ho hum, oh and I read that Oliver Stone has made a film about George W Bush and has reasoned why Tony Blair liked him so much, so expect more crap at the cinema either later on this year or early next year, as I for one will not sit through a film about that man.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Twatman at it Again

It has been reported that Gordon Brown has sent the whole cabinet to Crewe as a surge to get the votes back for labour. How desperate is that? Finally it may be dawning on the man that there is just a teeny weeny possibility that he might not be very popular, and that he is going to get another drubbing. Has someone let the cat out of the bag? because I'm sure he couldn't work this out for himself.

Will this work? sending the cabinet I mean? Don't be daft, its more likely to convince people to vote the other way, after all who wants Harriet Harlot, Tessa Scowel, Ed Ballcocks, Hazel Fears and Company camping on their doorstep, it would be like a '30's horror movie all they are missing is an appearance by Boris Karloff, and I'm sure that if Brown had thought that might have helped he would have got the shovel out himself to dig up the poor old geezer.

My hopes are two fold:

1. This completely backfires for Brown

2. He gave them all one way tickets.

By the way, if the other lot finally get into power, don't think I will stop being scathing about politicians, they are all a bunch of lying two faced crap artists, who will bleed this country dry given half the chance. I shall just have fun watching as the sycophants have a good year or two (after all they couldn't make it much worse immediately!), then start again as they get comfortable and start the whole ball rolling again. Remember the song by the WHO, Won't Get Fooled Again? Pete Townsend had it completely to rights.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

You Have Got to Be Kidding and Oink Oink

You Have Got To Be Kidding

Well although I mainly blog elsewhere I have decided that time has come to return, especially as the one eyed one has had such a drubbing in the local elections and by losing control of London, (but was he ever in control of London?).

I'm afraid I lost it again with Gordon, I still have that song running around in my head, 'Gordon is a moron' and it seems more apt than ever now. Gordon says he will listen to the people. A bit late for that one pal, if you'd listened before you went into these elections and acted on what you heard you quite possibly wouldn't be in this position where you may well be fighting for your political career. Its a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Gordon blames himself - yup I go along with that, it is his fault, just because he has a public school and university education doesn't make you intelligent, and in Gordon's case this much is blatantly obvious as he is blithely unaware of what the British public and some Americans think of him (for clarification on this click this link).

Oink Oink

Now for the grand finale. I have constantly complained about MP's and their expenses and about the fact that they appear to be totally out of touch with reality, after all look at their expenses, don't have to submit a receipt for anything under £250. Blair claimed for his TV lisense, Prescott and Campbell claimed almost £4,000 for groceries, Cameron claimed £23,000 for his mortgage (that is more than I earn after tax in one year) and the list goes on. To me this is abuse of the system, after all this is our money they are spending, and I don't know of any business that is that generous with its money especially on what would be deeemed as normal day to day living expenses.

Now it appears they are not happy with snouts in the trough, they want to get their whole heads in. It appears that we are being held to ransom, there is no other word for it. If we let them (well not us, tax payers do not get a look in) have a £15,000 rise they will relinquish the right to set their own salaries, Aaaaw isn't that big of them? The fact that this rise alone possibly is what most of the country struggle to live on is beside the point. It looks like they have all had a case of Greedy Twat Attack.