Sunday, February 17, 2019

More Lack of Democracy

Brexit is really bringing out the truth, on the one hand you have the likes of Juncker, Tusk, Barnier and other non elected people telling this sovereign country what it can and cannot do, well my point is this.

Ted Heath got Britain into the then common market by decepetion and if you read the Magna Carter there are many who will say that this was in fact a traitorous act, which has continued by every Prime Minister since as the Magna Carter was possibly the first 'Human Rights Act' and clearly stated that the sovereignty of this country should not be given away, well guess what happened next!

The Magna Carter has never been rescinded I believe, which means that the EU should not have any right to control us in any way, and could even be seen as an act of war, as the EU in the guise of Juncker, Tusk etc. are actually working against the will of a vote taken democratically in a sovereign country, to which they are not citizens of.

For all you snowflakes out there, lets get a few facts laid down.

1. You have always been and always will be both a British National and a European, a name cannot change that.

2. Democracy means one vote, not we keep voting until we get the answer we want.

3. Ted Heath was a liar and a traitor.

4. Before joining the Common Market (EU) we had a long established fishing industry, which was doing well.

5. Before joining the Common Market (EU) we had a long established farming industry and were supporting ourselves in many areas.

6. Before joining the Common Market (EU) we had a long established steel industry.

7. Before joining the Common Market (EU) we had a long established car industry.

8. Now our steel industry has gone, we gave up our fishing rights and our fishing fleet was decimated, our farmers are paid a subsidiary not to farm, our car industry has almost completely gone.

9. Do you remember milk being poured down the drains in protest of the EU and its interference in this countries farming affairs, do you remember the butter mountains, do you remember our farmers ever being paid not to farm!!!!

We have given up a proud history so we can be called something we always have been, European!

Now we are being told what to do by some people who have not been voted into positions of power democratically, and these people are making un-democratic decisions about our country and what we should do.

Where has our pride gone!!!!

The whole thing has been flawed from the start and now we are being 'ruled' by people who do not have the best interests of the people of this country and some of these people have very dodgy pasts.

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