Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Slow Death of Humanity or a Solution?

There is so much going on in the world, but as usual the press only want to tell you the bad news, and if you read the daily papers either hard copy or online, the impression you get is that the world is going to end any second ....................................................... NOW.

Yes there is a lot wrong with the world, and most times, in my humble opinion, people who demonstrate get it so badly wrong that they are actually playing into the hands of that/those which they are protesting about. Here is a classic example:

Extinction Demonstrations - These had an enormous effect on the country, but for the wrong reasons. It isn't the governments who are the cause of pollution, it is many of the corporations that you buy products from. It was a company who came up with the idea of plastic bags and everyone jumped on the bandwagon.  So disrupting the lives of ordinary people, climbing on the roof of a plane or underground train, becomes a very selfish act and hurts those you really want on your side, Oh and dressing up like a clown or a bunch of Broccoli ....................... really case in point of humanity being in it's infancy.

The reason is simple, humanity has never reasoned things through, it is always in retrospect that we learn. To me this is a sign of humanity still being in it's infancy, as an older human I can look back at myself as a microcosm and realise the huge differences. Before I would do without a second thought and sometimes it would work and sometimes it would be a complete disaster. Now I take as much time as I need to try and find all the flaws in most things I do, now my success rate is 99%, included in plans are, 'what will the long term results be'? and of course the pro's and cons including cost. This all takes time and research and more importantly asking the right questions and no this is done mentally not on paper, unless I am recording for comparison, I am not that anal and yes I do make mistakes but they are usually more minor these days.

When your goal is only money, at first, as with money comes power and influence, then you tend to miss steps in the name of keeping the cost down, another good example are the pharmaceutical companies, finally they are starting to admit that some of their products are actually harmful to us, mental health medication has now got side effects and medication has been released which has caused serious harm.

Unfortunately it also seems to be that one very small portion of humanity have all the power, money and influence, but remember what I said about humanity being in it's infancy? Well these people are the spoilt children of humanity, they want everything their own way, sod the cost or the pain it causes to others, in other words these are the bullies. They are also the people who we trust to look after us as nations, but again we are ripped off by for example corrupt bankers who never seem to be brought to justice, it does make you wonder about those conspiracy theories of secret societies and the evidence is there, they look after themselves only.

So OK a lot of problems but for every problem there is a solution. Instead of fighting the demonstrators, why not get the governments to offer these people the chance to channel their energies to provide a working solution that could be taken seriously? Quite a revolutionary thought I think, but here is the reasoning. People can work together and come up with solutions. War in fact sees the most inventive come out of people, so make regional groups and design a format of how any possible solutions are formulated and tested, this should show the research etc needed to make it a valuable contribution, to the whole world and every creature.

Prisoners are essentially living in hotels on an extended holiday, so make use of them. There is so much rubbish and fly tipping going on, make them pick litter and clear up land that has been used to fly tip. Rivers need to be cleared to help reduce flooding, public footpaths are getting overgrown, all things that help the repay the debt to society. Not every prisoner is suitable for this, but maybe they could earn points or a small amount of cash to spend in the shop or even earn the right to a mobile phone provided by the prison so therefore controlled and restricted.

If you think outside of the box the solutions are there to be found. Here is another question for anyone. I look at the packaging to see if it is recycled, why are we still using packaging that says, 'Not currently recycled' ?

Back to the press - the press do their utmost to constantly drip feed bad news, this is very controlling as it keeps people gloomy/depressed/insecure in a time when the promotion of 'Well-being' is the latest trend, or is it? There is light out there, that is why there is so much turmoil in the world. We are moving from an age of war to an age of enlightenment, the battle between light and dark has already started, darkness is fighting back with every dirty trick in the book to stop the light, but truth is starting to prevail, so do not give up hope, fight in the name of light against oppression and darkness, but do it only to allow the light in and watch the old ways of darkness run away and hide.

Saturday, May 04, 2019

The Non violent way to Revolution

Are you like me? Fed up with banks, corporations, big companies, self serving egotistical politicians who look down on you as if you are a piece of dog crap on their shoe, unless of course they want something from you?

The ordinary people are THE MANY,  the politicians, corporations, big companies are THE FEW, but the few have the most riches and the most power, and they all abuse it.

There is a simple way to bring all this down, all in a day and bring them all to their knees, it is not violent, and it should be done quietly and with dignity.

Co-ordinate a single day when every ordinary person walks into their bank and asks to withdraw all of their money in cash immediately. No bank or government can stop this simple request, oh they can close the banks, but by then the damage is done, not only that but government and their MP's will show themselves up for what they really are, the lackey's of corporations and big business.

There is no gold to back up money in this country anymore, Gordon Brown made sure of that! In fact that might be the same the world over, after all we only have the words of THE FEW to back this up, and we all know how much they lie and cheat!

So think about it, I have done my bit by posting this, but at my age it needs a younger person with fire to get the ball rolling.

Lets take positive action to change our world and make it better for everyone, not just THE FEW.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Power to the People


Friday, March 22, 2019

Help Frank and Harry Savage

I would like as many people as possible to help these two great young men, their story is a very sad one, but because of circumstances I cannot go into details, as whatever I say will be used against people I know and care about.

Their story is one of loss, loss of both parents and a few months after the death of their mother, they appeared on Hunted. Harry got caught, but Frank did make it to the end only to be caught at the last moment.

They are using the money to try and save their inheritance, which could be sold from under their feet, again I cannot say who by, but let us just say that this is devastating for them, but they are still holding their heads up high.

There is a Go Fund me page at so if anyone reads this please donate something.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

More Lack of Democracy

Brexit is really bringing out the truth, on the one hand you have the likes of Juncker, Tusk, Barnier and other non elected people telling this sovereign country what it can and cannot do, well my point is this.

Ted Heath got Britain into the then common market by decepetion and if you read the Magna Carter there are many who will say that this was in fact a traitorous act, which has continued by every Prime Minister since as the Magna Carter was possibly the first 'Human Rights Act' and clearly stated that the sovereignty of this country should not be given away, well guess what happened next!

The Magna Carter has never been rescinded I believe, which means that the EU should not have any right to control us in any way, and could even be seen as an act of war, as the EU in the guise of Juncker, Tusk etc. are actually working against the will of a vote taken democratically in a sovereign country, to which they are not citizens of.

For all you snowflakes out there, lets get a few facts laid down.

1. You have always been and always will be both a British National and a European, a name cannot change that.

2. Democracy means one vote, not we keep voting until we get the answer we want.

3. Ted Heath was a liar and a traitor.

4. Before joining the Common Market (EU) we had a long established fishing industry, which was doing well.

5. Before joining the Common Market (EU) we had a long established farming industry and were supporting ourselves in many areas.

6. Before joining the Common Market (EU) we had a long established steel industry.

7. Before joining the Common Market (EU) we had a long established car industry.

8. Now our steel industry has gone, we gave up our fishing rights and our fishing fleet was decimated, our farmers are paid a subsidiary not to farm, our car industry has almost completely gone.

9. Do you remember milk being poured down the drains in protest of the EU and its interference in this countries farming affairs, do you remember the butter mountains, do you remember our farmers ever being paid not to farm!!!!

We have given up a proud history so we can be called something we always have been, European!

Now we are being told what to do by some people who have not been voted into positions of power democratically, and these people are making un-democratic decisions about our country and what we should do.

Where has our pride gone!!!!

The whole thing has been flawed from the start and now we are being 'ruled' by people who do not have the best interests of the people of this country and some of these people have very dodgy pasts.