Friday, September 04, 2015

Conspiracy or Not What Have They Got to Hide?

The Bilderbergs, Skull and Bones, Freemasons etc are all made up of the rich, spoilt, egotistical of humanity. They have secret meetings and must have a hidden agenda, but for the rest of us mere mortals we are not allowed, nor trusted to know what they are thinking or planning.

Why do these people have so much power, and why are they allowed to continue to make plans for all of humanity? Who polices them? The answer to both questions is very simple, they put themselves above ordinary people, and they own the police and therefore see themselves as above the law.

I am fed up with the way these so called (by themselves) leaders, choose to select themselves as the answer to the worlds problems as long as there is something in it for them, be it power, money or both.

It is time we stood up to these people who I call the bottom feeders of humanity, they only care for themselves and how much they can make in terms of cash for themselves or in power. They are completely corrupt, both morally and financially and use people to further their own gains and needs.

A classic example of this is Tony Blair and George W Bush just to name two. Blair has made millions since leaving British politics, but has always tried to get others to endorse his claims to more power like being made the leader of the EU. Bush has also gained a lot from being a member of The New World Order, which only means more for him and his corrupt family.

This is only a personal opinion and not one I would want people to take literally, but the world might be a far better place without these bottom feeders, so surely if they were eradicated like the disease they are, the world might actually be a better place?

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