Monday, June 15, 2015

No Arrests?

I am going to exercise my freedom of speech to ask this question and raise at least one possible answer.

Why have none of the Banks CEO's who have been involved in rate fixing, PPI fraud, or any other wrong doing not been arrested and taken to court?

Look at Fred 'the shred' Goodwin £1,000,000 pension, living the high life, still hunting with his posh chums, still effectively sticking up two fingers to the law, those who suffered losses, and anyone else who gets in his way.

Bob Diamond is another who lavished a massive expensive wedding on his daughter, enjoying his ill-gotten gains, another one with excellent connections.

It makes me wonder just how deep this corruption goes, does it stretch as far as our politicians? What is Osbourne doing about it? What is Cameron doing about it? or Labour or any other politician? There is a strange silence coming from the politicians that can only lead me to suspect corruption has reached this high, the old chums act, you scratch my back etc, or maybe even back handers to unscrupulous politicians.

Until there is some serious action taken against this scum they will continue to lie, steal and cheat and pass themselves off as wholesome human beings dining on fine foods and wines whilst others suffer. We need action against these scum and we need it now before everyone gets so pissed off that they take the action into their own hands and it will happen, trample people enough and they fight back.

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