Monday, November 23, 2015

ISIS - Cowardly Swine

ISIS fighters have proved themselves over and over again to be cowardly swine, and I use my words well knowing what an insult this is.

Most Muslims are good people, I know I have worked with one as my boss for six years and we get on really well together. He cares about the quality of care we provide and doesn't stint at any cost to make sure his homes are well maintained.

Most Muslims shun ISIS it is only the young and most influenced who are attracted to this this abomination who claim that 'God is on their side', they haven't read the Quran properly or have decided to interpret it for their own ends, always with the result that death and destruction of innocents is foremost, that is what makes them cowardly swine.

The Quran preaches tolerance of other faiths and belief's and always looks towards peace, not ruthless killing. So they are not doing God's will, quite the opposite. Sharia law is another completely misunderstood area of the Quran, again it is not forced on you, it is to be considered, but again it has been taken out of context and used to enhance belief's that are not not common or widely accepted.

My view of ISIS is that we are not doing enough. Yes bombing is making life difficult for them and is killing the fighters, but a more fruitful way of sorting this lot out would be to hit the internet, take out power stations, cut off fuel and supplies and make it so hard for unscrupulous traders to supply them that it just isn't worth the risk.

Cut off the lifeline, with no power, no internet, no food, no oil, no ammunition they will be forced back into the dark ages, then lets see just how powerful and committed they are.

Friday, September 04, 2015

Conspiracy or Not What Have They Got to Hide?

The Bilderbergs, Skull and Bones, Freemasons etc are all made up of the rich, spoilt, egotistical of humanity. They have secret meetings and must have a hidden agenda, but for the rest of us mere mortals we are not allowed, nor trusted to know what they are thinking or planning.

Why do these people have so much power, and why are they allowed to continue to make plans for all of humanity? Who polices them? The answer to both questions is very simple, they put themselves above ordinary people, and they own the police and therefore see themselves as above the law.

I am fed up with the way these so called (by themselves) leaders, choose to select themselves as the answer to the worlds problems as long as there is something in it for them, be it power, money or both.

It is time we stood up to these people who I call the bottom feeders of humanity, they only care for themselves and how much they can make in terms of cash for themselves or in power. They are completely corrupt, both morally and financially and use people to further their own gains and needs.

A classic example of this is Tony Blair and George W Bush just to name two. Blair has made millions since leaving British politics, but has always tried to get others to endorse his claims to more power like being made the leader of the EU. Bush has also gained a lot from being a member of The New World Order, which only means more for him and his corrupt family.

This is only a personal opinion and not one I would want people to take literally, but the world might be a far better place without these bottom feeders, so surely if they were eradicated like the disease they are, the world might actually be a better place?

Monday, June 15, 2015

No Arrests?

I am going to exercise my freedom of speech to ask this question and raise at least one possible answer.

Why have none of the Banks CEO's who have been involved in rate fixing, PPI fraud, or any other wrong doing not been arrested and taken to court?

Look at Fred 'the shred' Goodwin £1,000,000 pension, living the high life, still hunting with his posh chums, still effectively sticking up two fingers to the law, those who suffered losses, and anyone else who gets in his way.

Bob Diamond is another who lavished a massive expensive wedding on his daughter, enjoying his ill-gotten gains, another one with excellent connections.

It makes me wonder just how deep this corruption goes, does it stretch as far as our politicians? What is Osbourne doing about it? What is Cameron doing about it? or Labour or any other politician? There is a strange silence coming from the politicians that can only lead me to suspect corruption has reached this high, the old chums act, you scratch my back etc, or maybe even back handers to unscrupulous politicians.

Until there is some serious action taken against this scum they will continue to lie, steal and cheat and pass themselves off as wholesome human beings dining on fine foods and wines whilst others suffer. We need action against these scum and we need it now before everyone gets so pissed off that they take the action into their own hands and it will happen, trample people enough and they fight back.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

When the Wars of Men Include Women and Children All Hope Has Gone

We are faced with the bleakest outlook in our history since the time we became men not apes, because we have become the worst of both, we have become violent apes.

You don't have to look far to see this in action. Just look at ISIS, made up of serial killers, rapists, paedophiles, religious nuts who think mutilation and torture is the way forward to win over hearts and minds, who find ever increasing ways to glorify perverse ways of killing, and in the name of God.

Humanity has lost its way. Love, peace, goodwill to ALL men has gone, to be replaced by greedy bankers and corrupt politicians who turn a blind eye to what is going on around them. Who ignore democracy and the right to choose, who do not not care as long as they can get the most for themselves.

It is no wonder that we have this terrible conflict going on, where the minds of innocents are turned by evil and those innocents are women and children who we should be protecting but are being used as terrorists or playthings of terrorists, to be enslaved, humiliated, subjected to rape or torture or to become 'martyrs' to the cause, so some ego maniac can get personal satisfaction that they have influenced others to do their bidding that they themselves are too cowardly or  afraid to do themselves.

In my job I care for people, and I really do, I teach others to care and to make sure that they do the best they can for those who are vulnerable, yet I am not a religious man, I am not driven by God, I do it because I can and because I really do care, who is the better person? A non religious person who cares for others, or a religious person who cares only about 'Killing in the Name Of?