Tuesday, October 05, 2010

They Understand?

Politicians are very good at stating that they understand the position, thoughts and feelings of the voter. I find that very hard to believe especially when so many, Cameron, Osbourne, Balls, Milibands etc have all had quite a privileged up bringing, where the family isn't short of a Bob or two, and many have several hundreds of thousands in the bank, and then send Cameron, Osbourne, milipedes junior to private schools, then go straight into politics without holding down a real job in the real world.

Don't tell me you understand what it means to struggle to make your wages stretch and make sure that your kids have clothes and food and that Christmas is special! You don't understand and never will, just like I will never understand what it feels like not to have to worry, to be able to go on nice holidays at the taxpayers expense, to have a nice state provided house, with a nice state provided salary and gold plated pension.

What do we get in return?

1. Scroungers who don't work demanding bigger houses and more benefits for their growing number of more scroungers.

2. Immigrants coming out of our ears taking from the money that we put in from our hard earned wages, in benefits and hospital treatments.

3. Immigrant scroungers some of whom live in million pound properties and can't see anything wrong in it.

4. Ken Clarke now saying that prisoners should earn £12,000 a year, - what planet is he from? They should be made to work for free to repay society.

5. Fat cat bankers who were bailed out with our money getting large bonus payments ..... for what exactly, helping bring the country to its knees?

6. We have the likes of Bob Crowe, scumbag, who earns loads of money and calls strikes, he isn't going to suffer, he will just get a nice fat lunch on expenses and have fun.

Things have gone too far, we have people on pensions that are a disgrace, some pensions are more than the total staff in a 24 bed care home earn in a year, doesn't that tell you something about our wonderful country when people like Adamm Crozier can earn a fortune from making huge mistakes (the FA and the Post Office) and they are protected by fat cat politicians who only care about themselves and how much they can get for themselves, another good example is the Bercows, what a disgrace these two are.

Out of the EU first, then get rid of all our useless money grabbing privately educated MP's, lets re-write the rules and sack the lot of them.

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