Thursday, September 30, 2010

Care? Why Should They

The whole of Europe seems to be saying the same thing, we have had enough!

Politicians in Europe also seem to be saying the same thing:


The EU has been a burden and a price too much to pay, lets be honest, there is very little unity, except in politicians minds, immigration in this country under Labour spiralled out of control, our taxes are being used to pay for people who haven't put into our system and now the EU are saying that it could be illegal not to make payments to foreign people who come over here to basically scrounge off hard working Britain's, and now of course these fat cats from Brussels (where their weekend starts on Monday and ends on Sunday)want to sue France for getting rid of gypsies.

The EU should be disbanded, our own politicians should step down, after all we have the likes of the Milibands who haven't even worked in the real world before going into politics and they are telling us how to live and run the country.

We have put up with Blair, Mandelson, Brown, Balls Cooper Blears, Harman, Darling, Thatcher over and over again, we have been fed lies, false promises, and still the saps of this country believe in the great British institution of the mother of Parliaments.

It is a lie, politicians lie, it is what they do. They can't run a country, in fact I doubt if one of them could run the care home I manage. They are all abject failures in at least one area, yet they make money from us for failing, that is why voters are saps, they never learn.

My next vote will be to destroy the ballot paper, I want nothing to do with what is currently happening, I voted UKIP last time as I strongly believe that the EU is as useful as a chocolate teapot and our politicians are no better.

I keep saying this, maybe one day someone will find my written thoughts and realise that maybe its right. WE NEED A REVOLUTION, WE NEED TO KICK OUT ALL POLITICIANS AND JAIL THOSE WHO HAVE ABUSED THE SYSTEM SUCH AS BLAIR AND BROWN.

We need to start again with people who have a real experience of life, having worked, hopefully from the ground up, prior to wanting to become a politician, and who really want to serve the country and not themselves or their so called party. We get one life and one chance and the fools we have in power now are screwing this up for us, and until we kick them out and start again it will never change, it will always be the same old, same old, just swapping one bunch of liars for another.

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