Thursday, November 20, 2008

BNP List

Sorry folks not 'The List' just my thoughts on the whole affair, but feel free to read on, these are only thoughts, I'm not a member of BNP nor do I advocate any of its policies, but.......................

It is a legal Political Party; therefore as such, no one should be penalised for being a member, after all you are not penalised for being a member of the Labour Party, Conservative Party UKIP, Liberal Democrats etc so is this not being 'undemocratic?'

I see that a police officer is under investigation for being a member, isn't this double standards? are police officers being investigated for being members of other political parties? Are members of the Black police Officers Association being investigated as you have to be black to join? Is this not a form of racism?

Are our human rights being impinged on?

The indigenous people of England have seen their rights, customs, and culture eroded over the years. Just this year alone we have had more immigrants and that is according to government figures. If you are indigenous it appears you have less rights than an immigrant, you could be bumped off a council house list, because someone has moved to the country and needs a house more than you do because they have claimed 'political asylum'.

How many countries would put up with us as Christians becoming immigrants and demanding, free housing? freedom to build a Church, ring Church bells on a Sunday to call the faithful, allow communion because the symbolic blood of Christ is wine? How many of these countries would allow you to have your own organisation such as the Muslim Council of Britain, or the Black Police Officers Association? Could you imagine Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran or countries like this allowing this to happen, I can't.

This has shown up more flaws in our 'fair' system than anything else that could have been done. How many employers e.g. police, social services or ordinary employers are scouring the list to see if any of their employees are members, this has become a witch hunt for their beliefs, but try to do the same for a Muslim, or someone who is coloured and watch the backlash.


Anonymous said...

"The indigenous people of England have seen their rights" - Who are the indigenous people?

Dave said...

Nicely put Jane, would you consider that anyone who has been born in England as indigenous? After all they haven't lived in any other country.

I am concerned that our fair country is fair game, after all there are people / illegal immigrants queuing up in France to get over here, why don't they want to stay in France? is it because we are seen as a soft touch.