Thursday, November 15, 2007


What makes you what you are?

Are you really the person you'd like to think you are?

Who looks out at you from the mirror each morning?

Are you proud or comfortable with that person?

Reality check

I'd like to think I had the good looks that male (after all I am male) movie stars have (without all the surgery), but thats not who looks out of the mirror at me in the morning.

Yes I have a full head of hair, brown and now with some flecks of grey in, which are far more obvious once I've visited the hairdresser, thats when my kids and wife, bless them, take great pleasure in telling me I'm going grey....Thanks babes.

Where I used to have a nice flat tummy, I now have what I affectionately call my 'one pack', the only downfall about this is that my wife, when she sees it exposed, has to scrape herself up off the floor where she's collapsed with laughter and the kids will come up and pat it and ask me when its due. Its not through lack of trying to get rid of it, well at least cut it down to size. I walk to work everyday, about two - three miles, come rain or shine, but I think the real reason for it suddenly expanding is that I gave up smoking on 23 July this year.

Yes I can remember the date and the time, that my addiction had to stop, and with an embarassed admission, better than I can remember the wedding aniversary, (I've never been good with dates!) The trouble is that my appetite increased, and so did the tummy, but worst of all I really miss smoking, my stress reliever, my comforter, my friends.

OK, I drifted off the point a bit here. So going back to the main point,

Are you who you think you are?

Do people view you how you think you are?

The answer I think for everyone is no.

People always tell me that I'm kind and patient and have a knack of speaking my mind, but in a kind way trying not to demolish people and trying to help anyone who is in distress, or I feel has been unfairly treated. Except my wife who hears me swearing in the kitchen when something goes wrong, or I drop something (even though I say I love cooking), and there are other small pointers that all may not be well with this inside view. Intolerance of others in particular the hatred of abuse of others and as a trainer of what constitutes abuse I can look around me and see abuse everywhere I look.

From the person in street barging past an elderly person or a mother with a young child to 'clever' comments left in full view for others to see, either on desks or worse still on the internet. Snide remarks said just within earshot, and all this with an inability to see the damage that is being done to a fellow human being. These are just the 'light' side of abuse before it gets to the physical or mental or emtional side. On the net it is even worse as many will hide behind an alias, otherwise they would not be brave enough to be so cutting or nasty.

These are the masks we all wear, whether you be male or female, there are the feral amoung us, for whom to deliver abuse is normal and natural, but then ask the question, if I can see this, what may be going on behind closed doors?

So are you, who you would like to think you are?

And are you what you would like others to think you are, or are you wearing a mask for our benefit?


The Innkeeper said...

I wear one everyday. The hotel trade makes that a must. It is all an act, but I still enjoy 98% of it so the acting is easier then ...the rest I write about.

I started going grey at 24...but have most of my hair and a one pack. and still have two smokes a day.

Nastiness is everywhere, when you meet a nice person, it is a surprise these days.

As for politicians and where our country went wrong, I have no idea what comes next. How many generations have felt that yesterday was better than tomorrow might be, like many do now.

x said...

Attempting to create a revolution or coup then.

It is a damn shame you have lost your original razor blade mean behaviour. It was rather attractive I thought :)

Rita Pal

squarepeg said...

Antip -
I think we all wear a mask on occasion. I, for example, do not care for bad language, and stamp on it when I hear it from the pupils at school, but when a school computer program ate a report I was typing for someone, I had said two rather dubious words in the full hearing of a class before I could stop myself....
As for being cutting or nasty online, My Chap says that in writing, I am far more reasonable than in real life - he thinks there is some sort of filter going on between brain and fingers! Thus, I too am not really the kind, reasonable, benign, affable person that I might like to think!

Dave said...

I would love to remain in contact with squarepeg and chuckles, the Innkeeper and I already keep in contact, on my new blog I have mentioned a couple of other people who I came to like and trust.

But I encourage people to read My Telegraph, The Nature of the Feral Beast.

I shall also be posting a copy of Danders of blogging here. I think the sensitive and caring should be warned of what they are letting themselves in for if they choose to blog.

boadicea said...


I'm lost on this site - I spent ages replying to your previous post and watched it disappear - only to find that I've got an e-mail telling me that it was posted - I hope you got it!


Dave said...


Sorry, I wrote a long reply and gave you the option as to whether or not I pull the blog.

But to confirm I checked the blog again and I only stated that Bearsy stated that you could sign up to MyT with a false email address. I then got called out to the hospital to see one of my residents.

Because of that and not knowing how long I would be, I decided to pull the blog myself as I didn't want you to be unhappy or fretting, thinking that I had made a false accusation about Bearsy. I never have a problem in correcting or withdrawing any blog if it is at all hurtful and undeserved, and both you and Bearsy have been fine with me, you in particular.

I have grave concerns about MyT and some of the posts that have been allowed, and about safety, especilly when you think that at least one person is 15yrs. I think there have been some cruel and unnecessary personal attacks on people, again unnecessary.

If anyone disagrees with a blog, surely as adults, we should be able to question and ask for answers without getting personal and nasty, or is that too much to ask? Debate, discuss and argue is fine in my book, about the blog, but to attack a person without asking for the reason or to satisfy your own ego is unfair.

I hope that this clears things up. Please apologise to Bearsy, I made no disparaging remarks about either him or you, I only quoted what he said. I knew that he did not give out personal details.

Yes this site can be a nightmare at times, even I get lost and I've been here for almost two years, but is not my main site.

GillieB said...

Hello AP. I have been looking out for you on MyT and didn't realise that there had been some kind of a dust up. So sorry you have left, I hope you feel you can come back some time in the future. I hope you are more settled now.

Dave said...

Gillie B,

Sorry I had to delete a post as I thought you were ming. Thank you for your kind comment on Mings post. I'm fine, just very disappointed with some of the characters on MyT, and thats enough said about that.

Despite what some gossip mongers are trying to make out they know. I got the job I wanted after Christmas I will be manager of a 35 bedded home owned by a charity.

This is my blog site, but I spend a lot more time now on another site, which is geared up for creative writing, where feedback to blogs, is constructive, there are no egos and everyone gets on well together. You would be surprised at how many ex MyT people have gone there, I must admit I have invited a few to join, but we tend to be very careful because we don't want it to end up like MyT, in other words we do not want the nasties there.

If you would like my email to keep in touch, just say and we can agree a time where I can post it here for say 10 mins, then delete the post with it in.

AntiP (Dave)

Ming said...

Well. Here we are. I feel very new and esxposed... Is there anyone there?

Ming said...

See.... My tryping has gone to pot. I blame HWMNBN

Dave said...

Hiya Ming,

How are Mem and Minglet? Oh and the goats? I try to keep my eye on things, if you read my response to GillieB, the offer applies to you as well, (about the email address)I'm in contact with most of the really nice people from MyT, but I've demanded that my ID be deleted on MyT. I can still view what goes on and I can still comment, but if I show myself, I just come in for abuse, so best to keep the head down so the snipers can't get a head shot in.

Seriously if you want email, respond and I will put it up here in a post, but only for about 10 mins.

Best wishes to you all

Dave (AP)

Ming said...

There you are!

All is good at this end. I will save this address and try to catch up with you in relatively real time. Then I can follow you to your other link. Glad things are working out on the work front. I am hoping for some good news on this front as well. I will reveal all when I can be sure discretion will be observed. There is still fun to be had on My T...

sciencebod said...

Hello AP

So this is where you've been hiding. Sorry not to see your affable presence on MyT these days. The RCB thing was frankly ridiculous, and if some of us seemed to waver first one way then the other it was because things took a serious turn requiring a change of tack. Anyway, that's all in the past.

Personally, I think it's very difficult to be both a lively and long-term contributor to MyT. One tends to get targeted by the trolls, and Blog Central lets it happen.

What I do when I've had enough is close down one ID, and then return as another, because I do like the cut-and-thrust.

I've been ColinB/ The Truth Will Out/WestLondoner in the past, all now past their sell- by- date. I'm not telling you my current identity !

Dave said...

Double Post

Ming, when or if you would like regular contact, let me know we can arrange to exchange email addresses, I would love to know how the three of you are doing (and the goats). If you've read this blog and the comments I miss a few from MyT you and Mem are some. respond when you can and we'll agree to a time when I will post my email up for you.


TTWO one of my favourite bloggers, I was disappointed when you disappeared. This is not where I hang out, I keep it open all day in case someone seeks me out. Some may wish to abuse, but I think those that find me here have been very supportive.

I agree the RCB thing was the most stupid thing I ever got involved in. All I said was that I enjoyed her blogs. I have no problems with attacking a blog, debating, arguing , about style or content, but I will not tolerate attacking a person. For that opinion I received an unacceptable amount of abuse, hence what I think one of my best blogs, 'Masks', so some good came out of it. I now blog on a creative site for writers, poets, artists (visual and other)and musicians. Believe it or not my style is changing and there are no egos to contend with.

Thank both of you for your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Hi AP I found you at last! Glad you're enjoying your blogging.

I have registered here, but I am not quite sure how it works or if this comment will get posted. Anyway I'm glad all is well mate. Joe