Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper is a very clever and funny writer you must check out. He runs a hotel in the west country and has many funny tales to tell of his experiences. I have read most of these and have been in stitches, I'm now waiting for his first book to come out, whereupon I shall part with some of my hard earned cash and buy a copy, unless that is I can grab a copy and flee the shop without getting caught, but that is unlikely as I'm now older, slower and fatter. Here is a link to his site on blogger, take a look you won't regret it.


Ming said...

There you are!

The Mem (goatherd) observed that yesterday must have been a significant day for you. She's very observant like that. I mentioned this on the MyT site and we are having a whip round to get you a cake. Has to be big, very, to make room for all the candles...
There has been some amusement over there on the 'Are We Alone' blog. No cattiness at all.
I put out a couple of silly stories on my home page earlier in the week.
I have been up since 5 a.m. and about to do battle with the supermercado. Oh joy...
I am on the Mem's computer and do not have email here.
A bientot

TerryD said...

Hi, AntiP
Comment has nothing to do with your blog, just to let you know I found you. I see ming is in touch, too.
Haven't figured out how to find bloggers once here, though.
My account on this is TerryDM, screen name TerryD