Thursday, July 01, 2021

My Best Friend

 My best friend is the most wonderful person you could ever hope to meet, her qualities are amazing, for example, she makes friends with the homeless and supports them, she gives generously to the homeless she sees without a second thought not just money for food, but will even go and buy them a hot drink when she sees they may be cold.

She doesn't judge, in fact she sounds too good to be true, but she is real and a beacon for anyone who has any form of empathy. She is incredibly moral, never boasts about what she does, who she helps, nor does she put anyone down or tells lies about them for her own ends. She is generous to a fault and my heroine, but she has been so badly hurt by someone she loved with all her heart, despite that person continually lying and letting her down at almost every turn, in particular over the past 10 years.

The person who is so cruel to her is none other than her ex-husband! He takes every opportunity to put her down even at a zoom meeting organised by Rachael Elnaugh - Clan of the Trumpet Angels where this man was allowed to boast of his being an ex-police officer and then openly put his ex-wife down to his adoring audience without one person challenging him, believing every word he spoke, even though this man rarely gives anyone the whole truth, only his version. 

The thing that strikes me the most is that this man who I think has both Narcissist and some psychopathic tendencies, mirrors what she is, onto himself, when in reality he is the complete opposite. Oh he has the gift of the gab, after all you do not get to be the top salesman in the country for a well established double glazing company unless you had the ability to persuade people that your companies products are the best and you should buy from him! So the ability to persuade people that what you say is true and saying almost exactly what you want to hear are second nature, and people fall for this, even intelligent people who do not consider themselves gullible, even businessmen are getting conned by this gift of the gab. The motives may sound wonderful, but look deeper, as some are now doing, let the veil that has been created fall from your eyes and listen not to what you want to hear, but what is really being said, is it almost too good to be true, if it sounds that way, then at the very least have enough doubt to check things out for yourself.

This is the age of Aquarius and anyone who has some knowledge knows what this really means, the truth and light will shine forth, and for this man it has started to happen, but not before he continues to mislead people and hurt those who have loved him, supported him, in fact everything opposite to what he claims, so check out his claims! Ask the awkward questions and talk to others who have claim to part of what he is offering. Here is something everyone should know. In a divorce case unless directed otherwise by a judge, we should all assume that everything is split 50/50 which makes his claims of owning land extremely contentious, the land in question has notices placed on them and they cannot be removed by anyone other than the person who put them on and that is not him !

More and more people are starting to find out the truth by following those precise suggestions, not by coming via my blog or contacting me or anyone else I may know, but the universe seems to be stepping in and people are starting to talk to others who have a share in the land he claims he is principle owner of, and they have been shocked at how deep the deception goes, I believe at least two have removed themselves from one the groups he is involved in, because of what they discovered.

So my best friend you will always have my support and a shoulder to help carry the burden. You maintain a dignified silence on the matter, never discussing it in public, never running down the person who now by habit, continually blames you for everything, when in reality all the mistakes they have made, have caused his problems and his treatment of you again is a mirror of what he states, the opposite. Your courage and composure are an inspiration to me, as I am human and despite being spiritual I would want to strike out with revenge, but not you, you even still hope their is some good left in him and say that publicly, why I don't know except to say you are an exceptional person.

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