Monday, August 03, 2020

Time to be Revolting?

I have been joining the dots as David Icke would say to try and see the full picture and it isn’t hard to see what is really going on, and the picture that is emerging is scary, so read on and see what conclusion you come to. Experts – We have been told that SAGE is a group of ‘experts’ , there is no such thing in particular with this so called Covid19, and the PLP’s (Professional Lying Puppets, aka MP’s) have also told us that Covid19 is unique and had never been seen before, yet we have ‘experts’ advising the government of PLP’s how to control this pandemic, so straight away you can see the start of misdirection and confusion that has been the base of all the actions to create Project Fear. So lets look at just one ‘expert’ then I suggest you research the others. Professor Neil Ferguson (Prof Doom and Gloom) has a computer model that has been rejected by at least one other country as completely unreliable and gives false results. One private company even looked at his coding and stated that if one of their staff had produced this, they would have been sacked! He has made numerous predictions and to the best of my knowledge these have all been wildly inaccurate, yet here he is as part of the SAGE group of ‘experts’, pretty scary eh! Oh and later on in this you will see that he also broke his own advice to keep us all locked down just so he could have a shag, and then came up with a weak excuse to try and justify his actions. Programming – We are all programmed from an early age, schooling never gives us the true facts and even today there is denial of how long civilisations have been around, despite the evidence showing clearly the lies we are taught, now we have our wonderful PLP’s (remember Professional Lying Puppets aka MP’s) hijacked one person idea to thank the NHS by clapping every Thursday at 7pm so what we then saw is Boris the buffoon Clapping like Trained Sea lions and encouraging everyone else to do the same, that is programming, what pissed me off is that I worked for the NHS, Social Services and in the care sector all my life, I suffered low pay whilst trying to bring up a family, rarely got thanks, but all of a sudden, we are expected to clap like trained sea lions at a set time, on a set day and if you don’t you are thought of badly. What about all the other times!!! PLP’s – Professional Lying Puppets (or muppets) this is what I call all MP’s, there are mainly puppets, but there are also the muppets. Who are the puppet masters, it is so obvious they are there pulling the strings, but they are also cowards as they are the shadowy figures in the background, brave is something they are not, if they think they are so right why don’t they show who they are? How to control – Didn’t Hitler say the way to control a population is by starting with the water supply, this happened years ago in this country, they put Fluride in the water In Europe, only Ireland (73%), Poland (1%), Serbia (3%), Spain (11%), and the U.K. (11%) fluoridate any of their water. Most developed countries, including Japan and 97% of the western European population, do not consume fluoridated water.This is counted as a medicine in the USA so if you take this literally you are being fed a medicine without permission, so we are being fed a drug! During Covid scam we have had our food supply affected to the point even basics such flour and yeast became and still can be even now hard to get, I proved this today, I went shopping (02/08/2020) and I had to go to 2 supermarkets to be able to get one bag of brown flour, this is control at its worst and our PLP’s are responsible for this, another form of control and of course this is also a fear generator. Confusion and misdirection is rife and the present government has become very adept at this, because confusion and misdirection causes fear. Deceptions – The World Health Organisation or as I now call it World Health Oppressor should be totally independent, but they are not, when a country can buy a person into the top slot something very scary is happening. Then you have the so called Court of Human Rights they had the opportunity to investigate Blair and Bush for starting a war based on lies, what happened? Absolutely nothing!! Yet at the very least this was a crime against humanity, how many thousands died? How many thousands were maimed and how many were left homeless, men, women and children and Blair to this day still tries to act like an elder statesman when he is responsible for so many deaths. All pigs are equal – But some are more equal than others, for example Dom Cummings, Prof Shag a lot (Ferguson), the Labour MP who was shagging her married lover. Their morals are at gutter level, but they still think themselves above the law and their own advice to others this is what I know and I bet there are loads more who have broken the rules, but because they are PLP’s or one of their muppets they get away with it. Say no to Vaccine – Covid19; really a vaccine in such a short space of time, something is more than dodgy here and if Bill Gates is involved it becomes far more dodgy, after all who would trust a psychopath who wants everyone to have their poison pushed into our bodies, I would rather go to prison that have anything this lot say is safe, because they are all PLP’s and as such untrustworthy. Project Fear – The press are guilty of allowing themselves to be used as a vehicle to push Project Fear, Everyday there are numerous articles to make us fearful, the art of REAL investigative journalism now seems to be a dying skill as they all seem to just accept whatever rubbish is shoved their way. Face nappies what a joke, they are not worth it they dehumanise you, trust your immune system it has been around a lot longer than their bloody vaccines and Face Nappies, Doom and Gloom is another way to control. Jobs – Excuse to reduce, this is what is happening, this shitty government has ruined this country for not only all of us now but for generations to come, the debt will never be fully cleared and to me that was one of the plans all the time as now our struggling high streets are even more empty of lovely small businesses. People are losing their jobs left right and centre, except of course the fat PLP’s who really do not give a damn about anyone apart from themselves, they are still drawing their fat salaries getting their expenses all at our expense. Corruption – This is rife right across the world and it is mainly the politicians who are milking the system, remember the PLP who wanted us to fund his duck house refurbishment by several thousands of pounds, what about the PLP who claimed for a packet of chewing gum, that really helps the country or the PLP who claimed his bus fare to work when did you get your journey to your place of work paid for? Paedophiles Epstein and Maxwell they know a lot so I think Epstein was bumped off, Maxwell will possibly be next remember they were friends with Bill (I didn’t have sex with Monica) Clinton he and his wife are as corrupt as hell and that is just the tip of the iceberg so Prince Andrew should face the music instead of hiding away and only wanting to give a written statement, how come he is allowed to avoid awkward questions? Corporations the worst thing in this current world, also corrupt as hell, that could be a whole book just by itself!, How many UK MP’s have a criminal record during their term in the past 10 yrs as an example I checked I found a list and it missed many such as Jeffrey Archer, Jonathan Aitkin, Chris Hume to name a few, these are some of the moral less people who were PLP’s. Lack of a moral compass – I have mentioned the Duck house and expenses, Then you have PLP’s like Bercow who openly worked against a democratic vote taken by the people and this little egotistical shit still expected to get a peerage what a **%%$£” My Conclusion To me Covid has been used to rip our society apart, we as a nation are trillions in debt, we have been fed misinformation constantly and confusion as nothing has been clear from the start apart from the obvious incompetence and plan to destroy our way of life. How much blood does the Conservative party and Labour have on its hands? How many people died alone without the support and comfort of their family? How many have died because their treatment or operation was cancelled? They made a big thing about the Nightingale hospitals (Florence would be turning in her grave) yet they left all those in local hospitals to spread the virus, great plan Boris you plonker! We are now at a crossroads, the 1% are using this to push their agenda forward and the 99% are the ones who will suffer and pay. I know people like David Icke say we must meet this with love and have an open heart and mind, but my feeling is take out a few maybe Elon Musk for wanting to bathe us in 5G radiation from space and Bill Gates who wants to fill our bodies with poison, at the very least we need to rise up and say NO, I have a right to live my life free, I have the right to freedom of speech, I have a right to live without being poisoned.

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